#1 Eingetragen von Itzy vor 12 Monaten
I like to see the sys info window while I am playing, so I split it off and position it like this by right clicking on the sys info tab
If you havent already, do the first crafting mission and start the second. To save some of the dappers (11,000) Sterga gives you try to buy the items you need from the resale tab rather than the merchant tab, they will be a lot cheaper.
Click the resale tab, then at the bottom click on th RM ITEM PART button and select the Clothes Icon (bottom row, first on the left) and look for any Buo fibre and buy 2 at least quality 10, if none available buy them from the Merchant TAB, buy the cheapest.
Then go back to the RESALE TAB and select RM ITEM, bottom row 3rd from left, the Lining Icon and look for the Basic Glue Resin, buy 2 at least quality 10, if none available buy them from the MERCHANT tab
Then go back to the RESALE TAB and select RM ITEM, bottom row 4th from left, the Stuffing Icon and look for the Basic Irin Oil, buy 1 at least quality 10, if none available buy it from the MERCHANT tab
Then go back to the RESALE TAB and select RM ITEM, bottom row 5th from left, the Armour Clip Icon and look for the Basic Redhot Sap, buy 1 at least quality 10, if none available buy it from the MERCHANT tab
Craft the boots and hand them in to Sterga Hamla. In the worst case you had to spend 3,000 dappers if you had to buy all the materials from the MERCHANT tab, if you could get them all from the resale tab you probably only had to spend about 150 dappers
After handing the boots in, you need to talk to Millie Dodoine the foraging trainer to complete the mission you will also be rewarded with 2500 dappers and your skill level in craft should now be 6. You should now have between 10500 and 13,000+ dappers
Last thing before you head for the mainland to buy your mount and go through the rest of this guide is to check the one hand weapon merchant just in case someone is selling a Duelist Blade. The one hand weapons merchant is behind the Fight Master Guilan Guiter on the right of the 2 weapons merchants. Select the resale tab and filter for sword and look for a Q20 sword, make sure its called the Duelist Blade. Dont worry about it if there are none and dont spend a lot if there is, you will need about 6,000 dappers for your mount and 1,000 dappers for a spare teleport pact on the mainland when you get there.
Talk to Chiang the Strong and select his Mission list, take the last mission: "Go to the capital city" and follow Chiangs instructions and the mission in you Journal, he will direct you to the Karavan Embassy or the Kami Enclave for your trip to the capital.
Click on the high
Once you arrive, complete the Arrival mission, you will get a reward of a teleport for the Silan Ranger camp and one for the City you have just arrived in, it will also direct you to the stables.
At the stables (during the Arrival Mission) you can purchase your mount. Right click on the Stable Boy and select trade, then the merchant tab and scroll down the list to very very last item which is the mount it should be 5900 dappers for your race if that is your races native city. It will appear next to you. Important note here, do not leave your mount standing around the stable, players often forage the popped up resources and the poison gas and explosions can kill your mount, either stable it or move it clear of that area. Stable it for now by right clicking on it and selecting Enter stable. Open your inventory, you will now see a new tab called MOUNT 1, right click on this tab and a window will open seperate from your inventory and you can move items from you bag by dragging it from you bag into the Mounts inventory
You can only acce
To bring your mount out of the stable if you wish to ride it, press shift p to open your animals window. you can the right click on your mount and select leave stable and your mount will now appear at the back of the stable, your mount will have the words Mektoub Mount in yellow above it, mounts and packers that are not yours are in orange. You can then right click on your mount to see your options, you can also do this in the animals window. Please note that you cannot take your mount back to Silan with you, so leave it Stabled.
At the end of the arrival mission you now know where the merchants and trainers are as well as the stables. Collect your rewards from the City welcomer. Don't forget to click FINISHED on the mission to clear it from your Journal.
You should now locate the New Horizons agency for your city to activate it.
Fairhaven (Tryker
Yrkanis (Matis)
To activate it right click on the NPC at the New Horizons and select Hello. The first time you may get just the title bar of the window, there is a small white triangle at the left of the title bar that you may have to click on to open the options which activate that agency. You will see that there is a destination for Silan that cost 1 dapper to use, this is cheaper than a Teleport pact at 1000 dappers, but not all New Horizons are conveniently located near the entrance to the City or the City Teleport.
Before you return to Silan you need to get 30 Elypses from the Encyclopedea as not all of the encyclopedea can be accessed in Silan.
Open the encyclodedia by pressing e or shift e ( for some reason this has varied for some of my characters)
Under Chest of Wisdom on the left, select Academic Skills, under Gameplay select Atys Life. The Rywards Supply Box should now be shown in the right hand panel, click on this. A window will open with 6 panels, read each panel with the "?" and then get the reward of 10 elypse. Open your bag and select the "Special" button under the tab. At the bottom will be your current total of Elypses which are a special currency
You will need 20 more Elypse, to get these click on the Storyline under the Chest of Wisdom, this will open the "Season In Black against white" Click on Episode 1 "The one where the Nexus is rediscovered" click on the "The 2608 Atysquake" and read through the "?"panels and collect the 10 elypse reward in the window that appears.
There will be a delay in the Elypse showing in your bag, you can refresh by clicking on "Bag" and then "Special"in your inventory and it should now show 20 elypse in total.
You should now have 30 elypse in total in your bag.
Return to Silan.
Use either the New Horizons to return to Silan or a Teleport Pact (dont forget to buy a replacement teleport pact from either the teleporter for Karavan in Silan or the spining Totem for Kami), its also a good idea to buy at least 1 extra Teleport pact, just in case.
Sometimes the New Horizons is bugged for some players and you may need to ask in Uni channel for advice if this happens or speak with a GM or make a ticket via the Help button.
You now need a ring to have the Allegory "Profitable Loot" engraved on it and you need to be wearing that ring in the left hand ring slot. check the jewelery vendor behind the Forage Master Chief Explorer Milles Dodoine. You can wear a ring that is 25 levels above your highest skill level, check the resale tab first as a player crafted ring will possibly have hit points on it, or ask in Uni if someone would craft you one which you can wear or buy a ring from the Merchant tab, the ones from the merchant tab will have no bonuses and are of low value for a relatively high price.
Once you have a ring and have equiped it in the left hand ring slot, go and speak to Sterga Hamla the Matis Master Crafter and select Rewards and Services
Select the "Profitable Loot" Allegory
Just close this window as it does not reward in Silan
You can see the little allegory icon on the top right hand corner of the ring
Now when you kill a basic or fine loot drop mob it will convert that loot into generic loot that can be used in any crafting slot. The generic mats that come from this source are also tradable with other players and saleable via the vendors.
Make sure to remove this ring when doing any missions or quests that require you to kill and collect specific loot for quests or missions that require you to hand in the specific loot.
2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Itzy (vor 12 Monaten)
#2 Eingetragen von Itzy vor 12 Monaten
Zuletzt geändert von Itzy (vor 12 Monaten)
#3 Eingetragen von Toshiho vor 12 Monaten
#4 Eingetragen von Ogmios vor 12 Monaten
#5 Eingetragen von Kyrean vor 11 Monaten
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