
#17 [en] 

The question is, do we want Ryzom to be a simulator?
I think some people actually do. The real question is whether "we" includes a fair percentage of what's left of our player base.
The question is, where it starts to being a simulator...
- When time degrades the toon the same way it degrades the player
- When you have to spend more time balancing your fames (work) than doing missions that may affect them (fun)
- When it includes elements of RL that those who play games as a way to step away from their troubles are trying to take a vacation from
- When a toon has to grind as hard for meager rewards as the player has to grind for a meager paycheck

In short, it becomes a simulator when it gets just a little too real.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#18 [en] 

I like to think the more older you are, the more powerfull you can be and with almost no limit until some point (like a burning star consuming itself).

This is not real life, but a world where magic do exist.

We could see old Homin like Sage with real power, guidance and wisdom.
Or dangerous Homin turned crazy from war and disillusion.
With numerous resurrection forced on their body, devouring their spirit a bit more each time.

I think it more interesting to roleplay than a simple old geezer who cannot anymore walk and soon gonna die at the Fairhaven bar.

Game play wise, we could add an option to die and give a legacy to the next character created.
Could even be with the same looking (we have the stats of our character when we create it, right in the client.log).

After a decided time (long enough), a player with roleplay tag could have an option to be forgotten at choice.
Technically it could be a selective fame reset based on the non-interaction since x given time.

In any case it is good to simulate death, old age and stats increase/decrease out of game time, and without the consent of the player.
But i would support 100% to give it as an option, and sneakly introduce RP tag in same time :P

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Revvy (vor 5 Jahren)


#19 [en] 

Interesting Revvy.

But the initial proposal was to be forgotten by group of (npc) homins if we don't maintain relationship with them.

The question of getting old and sick came after.

Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 5 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#20 [en] 

Interesting Revvy.

But the initial proposal was to be forgotten by group of (npc) homins if we don't maintain relationship with them.

The question of getting old and sick came after.

I covered this too :)


#21 [fr] 

(I am the author, I used the wrong account to post).

I liked many of the above proposals, my initial idea being simplistic.

I am fully aware that this idea is far from being important, and would only add a small detail of little useful realism ^^.

In concrete terms, it's a purely selfish idea: I have a huge laziness about increasing my reputations, and I've often wondered how, after years of disappearance, everyone could still remember so accurately the appearance and actions of my avatar, even after a look change.

My conclusion is: Ki'gan is an evil celebrity, haunted by the ghost of Ki'yumé, and all the guards from all over the world talk about him after the evening service in the barracks ;-).Finally, i like it.

Zuletzt geändert von Kigan (vor 5 Jahren)


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#22 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Oh yes! Ki'gan is an evil celebrity. Jazzy's reaction was so strong that it contaminate the thinking of all Bai Nhori Drakani.
So some events will not easily disappear because they will be propagated from words of mouth (to trykeri zears).


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
Last visit Montag 3 Juni 09:51:36 UTC

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