
#1 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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JJ 2603 Fix-Patch

Liebe Spieler,

wir aktualisieren die Server und den Client als Ergebnis eures Feedbacks zum JJ2603-Patch. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Liste der Änderungen, die durch diesen Patch vorgenommen wurden:

  • Änderung der Farbsättigung von Symbolen, um sie leichter zu erkennen und weniger auffällig zu machen.

  • Veränderung der Menge an Dappers und Ruhm, die die NSCs bei den verschiedenen Missionen als Belohnung vergeben; hier die wichtigsten:

    • Handwerks-Missionen geben die gleiche Menge an Dappers als Belohnung, wie vor dem letzten Patch, geben aber viel weniger Ruhm als vorher.
    • Rohstoffgewinnungs-Missionen wurden geändert, um viele Dappers und viel Ruhm zu geben.
    • Kampf-Missionen geben eine durchschnittliche Menge an Dappers und eine durchschnittliche Menge an Ruhm.
    • Erkundungs- und Reise-Missionen geben viel Ruhm, aber nur sehr wenige Dappers.
    • Die Abklingzeiten zum Wiederholen von Missionen wurden erheblich erhöht. Das Ziel ist es, weniger Missionen durchzuführen, da sie mehr Einnahmen bringen und gleichzeitig mehr variieren sollen. So ist es notwendig, mehrere verschiedene Missionen zu absolvieren und nicht immer wieder die gleichen Missionen zu wiederholen.
      Natürlich sind diese Änderungen nicht endgültig und wir werden euer Feedback berücksichtigen, das ihr uns geben werdet.

  • Missionen, die von einigen Stämmen vergeben werden (eine Liste mit diesen wird später veröffentlicht), geben Kamis oder Karavans keinen Ruhm mehr. Deshalb können sie jetzt von den Marodeuren erfüllt werden, um Dappers zu erhalten oder den Ruhm ihrer Nationen und Fraktionen zu reduzieren.

  • Behebung eines Fehlers, der den Austausch von Zig zwischen Spielercharakteren betrifft.

  • Behebung eines Fehlers, der dazu führte, dass ein Zig in einer Paralleldimension verloren ging, wenn er aus der Tasche eines Spielers geholt wurde, während sich dieser in einer Wohnung, einer Gildenhalle oder einer Gildeninsel befand.

  • Die Boni für Werkzeuge und Schilde werden nun korrekt angezeigt.
  • Im Falle einer Auferstehung durch die Benutzung des letzten Kami- oder Karavan-Pakts einer Region, funktioniert nun der automatische Rückkauf des Paktes!

  • Makros zeigen nun einen Tooltip an, der ihren Inhalt anzeigt.

Das Ryzom-Team steht euch für weitere Informationen zur Verfügung und wünscht euch alles Gute!

--Ryzom Team

9 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 6 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

1.  When we talking about crafting, exploration, harvesting, fighting, exploration and tracking missions ... just to clarify, are we talking about:

a)  Nation Missions - Corporals, Sargeants, Captains usually done to chase nation fame.
b)  Faction Missions - Kami, Kara, Mara, Ranger done to chase faction fame.
c)  Tribe Fame
d)  All of the above
e)  All of the above + ones i didn't think off :)

2.  Semantic clarification - With regard to tribe fame.... if they no longer give Kami / Kara fame how can they reduce fame ?   Should we interpret this is "will only give 0 or negative fame" ?


#3 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

1 d !
2 yes

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von ERR: Author Not Set (vor 6 Jahren)

#4 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | [Deutsch] | Español
Hier ist die Liste der Stämme, deren Missionen weder der Nation noch der Fraktion Ruhm einbringen (aber sie verlieren lassen)

Alte Dryaden
Erste Deserteure
Erleuchtete des Goo
Matis-Amazonen Hamazans
Meister des Goo
Matisianische Grenzwächter
Scharlachrote Söldner

Zuletzt geändert von ERR: Author Not Set (vor 6 Jahren)

#5 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

My Fyros and Trykers fame are showing the opposite too but someone mentioned in Universe chat it's cosmetic only.

Not sure if the Tribe error is cosmetic or really lowering your fame.


#6 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

I can't tell if mine are switched 50-50-50-50  .... Mine are switched too !

Guild Fame looks like Fyros and Matis Switched.


#7 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Hello, I have done some missions and can see how this can greatly increase interest in otherwise ignored NPCs. (And it sort of relates to some of my comments in the ideas forums) It can also encourage exploration more than the former OCC->NH payments.

I do have two major thoughts- both related to the cooldowns:

First, many cooldowns are much longer than anything we have ever seen ingame before, which may work out fine in the long run- there are a lot of NPCs that can be visited. But, is it easier if all the mission given by one specific NPC have the same/similar cooldown times? That way you know if you cycle back to that region in two or three days all the missions will be available again- instead of some being back in 20h, more in 2d10h, 4d, etc...

Second, the crafting missions did not receive a boost, they actually have lower fame rewards, yet they also have some of the new extremely long cooldowns. I'm not sure that makes as much sense- particularlly the Overseer missions which can require a lot of materials and we are giving away the crafts with no other compensation. I don't have the greedy crafter app up currently, but i think even the best paying overseer mission was only about 1500 dappers per material in the craft. That is not much compensation compared to some of our hunter mission that now offer 200,000 for just pointing at two types of animal. Anyways, I think the crafting. especially the overseers, could have a cooldown that is capped at 1 day max.

#8 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

What Placio said.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

I have a few technical difficulties with this patch, namely that some fames are not displaying in the fame window. I thought maybe they were the tribes that aren not afffiliated with Kami/Kara, but this seems not to be the case. I can still access them through API just fine. All my apartment items seem to have vanished, as have all the underwear items I had won from the wheel. I have no idea who panty raided my apartment but please, give me my clothes back.

That being said, I love the adjusted icons and am very grateful for durability now being displayed on mouseover. Great quality of life change.

As for the missions, I think it would be nice if there was a system for how much missions pay and how long their cooldown is based on how difficult to perform they are, on top of the already implemented changes. I am aware that more difficult missions already tend to pay better when it comes to crafting, but it could use some fine tuning. It would be great if easier missions also had slightly shorter cooldowns. So we could choose if we want to do easier missions for less money more often, or more difficult, better paying missions, less often.

I think a couple of the mission cooldowns are also a little excessive now, especially when it comes to crafting ones. They have not been buffed in terms of rewards but the time in which they can be repeated has been increased massively, punishing crafters a little bit. Right now there is not much reason to do them because you need to dig a bunch of mats AND craft items. At that point, the better option is just to take a digging mission, that will likely be quicker and easier for comparable rewards.

Overall, happy with the changes to missions, they could just use a couple adjustments.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#10 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I have a few technical difficulties with this patch, namely that some fames are not displaying in the fame window. I thought maybe they were the tribes that aren not afffiliated with Kami/Kara, but this seems not to be the case. I can still access them through API just fine.

This bug report is not helping.



#11 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I have a few technical difficulties with this patch, namely that some fames are not displaying in the fame window. I thought maybe they were the tribes that aren not afffiliated with Kami/Kara, but this seems not to be the case. I can still access them through API just fine.

This bug report is not helping.

Okay? Not like it was meant as one, just commenting on the patch in general and pointing out it has issues.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#12 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Okay? Not like it was meant as one, just commenting on the patch in general and pointing out it has issues.
How are the issues being resolved if you provide no other info than 'there is an issue'. That kind of feedback is not helping.



#13 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

...namely that some fames are not displaying in the fame window. I thought maybe they were the tribes that aren not afffiliated with Kami/Kara, but this seems not to be the case. I can still access them through API just fine.


As for the missions, I think it would be nice if there was a system for how much missions pay and how long their cooldown is based on how difficult to perform they are, on top of the already implemented changes. I am aware that more difficult missions already tend to pay better when it comes to crafting, but it could use some fine tuning. It would be great if easier missions also had slightly shorter cooldowns. So we could choose if we want to do easier missions for less money more often, or more difficult, better paying missions, less often. .

Hi, I think the missing fame bars is now an indicator that you have not done any missions that changed that tribes fame.

I think most CD are being based on the reward given, not ease or difficulty.

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Placio (vor 6 Jahren)

#14 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

How are the issues being resolved if you provide no other info than 'there is an issue'. That kind of feedback is not helping.
I believe their report was partial, not lackluster. If we want to encourage people to continue reporting bugs, we should help them by telling them how to do more complete reports, not just chastise them for reporting...


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#15 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

So, I think when the craft mission fame reward was nerfed, it was applied to craft missions that only rewarded fame as well, so basically no reward now for crafting for a karavan welcomer :(
Last visit Donnerstag 12 Dezember 20:10:06 UTC

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