
#1 [en] 


I have some idea to make silan a bit easier. As there arent too much players nowadays harder find teammates, sometimes beginers shame to ask help or juat simply wanna do solo, but finally the end they feel too hard too early and leave the game.

For start the rendor mission alredy pretty hard if someone doesnt know got to merchant to buy nem amps, That q15 could be given before the mission.

Also 99,99% of beginers dont use enchantment if someone doesnt teach them, could be a description about it as about the diferent skills with big red letters: its important!

And the mission amplifiers could be enchable too.

Finally if someone doesnt fill up jewel merchant, beginers dont have jewels what is also very important for HP, basicly all stuf what is not resale useless and very very expensive. Generally missions could give more gear.

I think its all right now. Hope it will help get more players :P

#2 [en] 

Although have been in the mainland for 3_1/2 years, the ONLY critter I couldn't do solo was that damnable kirosta.

If THAT is your only mission you cannot complete.... just come to the mainland, we are much nicer in the mainland, we are friendly, personable, and generally realy Really, REALLY nice!!!


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#3 [de] 

mir ist schon oft aufgefallen, das viele neue Spieler direkt nach ein paar stunden / Tagen auf das festland reisen, wo es für sie sehr schwer ist weiter zu kommen, ohne den Content zu wissen, der ihnen auf Silan vermittelt werden soll.

es ist nicht wirklich leicht mit zb nur lvl 10 in Nahkampf zb in matis weiterzukommen. das demotiviert viele neue Spieler.

und ihr wissen ist nahezu null. das demotiviert noch mehr.

wir sind zwar dort und können ihnen bei fragen und Problemen helfen, aber es ist wenig erfüllend ständig sein nicht vorhandenes Grundwissen vor die Nase gehalten zu bekommen. (Auch wenn es indirekt passiert)

ich wäre dafür das mindestens 2 der 4 Äste der quest-Reihen abgeschlossen sein müssten um überhaupt die möglichkeit zu bekommen die quest reihe zu beginnen, um den Kitin boss und erst nach erfüllen dieser questreihe es möglich ist silan zu verlassen.

dieser Content den Silan den neuen speilern vermittelt sollte ihnen echt aufgezwungen werden. nicht um sie zu quälen, sondern ehr das sie wesentlich besser vorbereitet auf das festland reisen können :)

natürlich bedeutet das mehr arbeit für lager-twinks um sie aufs festland zu bringen, aber Silan sollte für die Bedürfnisse der neuen Spieler ausgelegt sein und nicht für die Bequemlichkeiten der alten Spieler ;)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#4 [en] 

I found the instructions on Silan a little lacking at times. For instance, how many new players unwittingly get introduced to malus crafting? Or even know what Malus is? I've all seen new players wondering why they keep crafting q9 gear for a mission that needs q10+.

Over the years, I've also seen a lot of folks not know what amps are. Of course, you still see many of them casting with a sword... and often HA as well since Malus is never explained very well, leading many to just slap on the heaviest armor they can find. Enchants are never really explained at all, making people wonder what the Sap Recharge spell is for.

Not every new player is willing to ask in Uni for help, largely because many are not used to a helpful community like Ryzom's, and there aren't always people paying attention when they do. (Hard to believe, but most of us have lives away from Atys!) That makes the missing instructions on Silan even more problematic.

I agree that giving the q15 amps and Duellist Blade a bit sooner would help a lot. But I think Silan has other issues.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#5 [de] 

gut das sollte alles wirklich besser erklärt werden. doch sehe ich auch die Problematik das die meisten einfach nicht lesen. und wenn doch ist es zu kompliziert ausgedrückt oftmals.
die Beschreibungen müssten so gestaltet werden, als ob man versucht jemanden es zu erklären, der wirklich 0 Ahnung besitzt, oftmals wirken die Beschreibungen für uns die schon lange spielen etwas zu simpel, doch für Anfänger sind sie wirklich sehr fremd, unverständlich und nicht logisch.


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#6 [en] 

First of all thanks to Gidget and Remigra for their reply, which aim to start a good speach about the theme.

Gid i even met player onsilan who belived i offer help becouse i have back intent. So i think in the welcome messeage could be included feel free ask in uni, and some words about ryzom community.
Remi i dont understand german, but im sure u gave some good point.

i answer u from this toon becouse its name shows my personality.
Thats obvio u nor even read what i wrote, so ill give u as much respect as u gave me.
I know u belive urself strong when u attack 10ppl with 50 others and even pull the agros. But i started this topic for helping ppl who never ever played ryzom. U better go back to cry forbid a weapon becouse u lost ageinst half as many as u were, and leave this topic for those ones who whould like give smart suggetions how to make silan more playable for newbies to keep them playing ryzom.

I play for my faction to keep players here not to push them away. I made this topic to bring more players to ryzom. I dont know what was ur intention with ur comment, u simply belive u are the man becouse after 3 years u can run across silan (i tell u 1 month more then enough for that), or just simply u want less ppl play ryzom??? Dont aswer pls!!!

#7 [en] 


My point is that almost all missions are doable without a team. In general, if a player are looking for an MMORPG that is certainly NOT "World of W{badword}craft" that game is Ryzom.

The problem is that some new players are expecting something like WOW, which Ryzom certainly is not. Ryzom is not kind, although the Ryzom community IS kind. Ryzom will not hold you by the hand, but the Ryzom community will hold your hand. Ryzom itself is "The Enemy", but the Ryzom community is your friend.

That being said, when I first started playing, I ignored all of the advice given to me by the game in Silan.... that was a mistake, of course. I did learn all that crap I had ignored by looking on-line, since the game will only give you the necessary information ONCE. (like I said, Ryzom is not kind).

Now, as I have played for a while, I do know how to not get my @$$ kicked all the time. I do not recall what was available at first on Silan, but I imagine that all that information, which (I guess) 90% of people ignore, is/was available in/on Silan.



I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#8 [en] 

Now, as I have played for a while, I do know how to not get my @$$ kicked all the time. I do not recall what was available at first on Silan, but I imagine that all that information, which (I guess) 90% of people ignore, is/was available in/on Silan.


The education system in Silan didn't improve in the years between Gidget's reign of chaos starting and my arrival to the adventuring world. Most of what I learned is what my big sister taught me outside the classroom. Thankfully, she taught me enough of the things that the Silan trainers never mentioned to avoid making the mistakes she made when she first left the safety of NPC-hood.

Many new arrivals to Silan do not have the benefit of a big sister or the willingness to seek the wisdom of their elders though. They must make do with only the speeches of the Silan trainers... without the benefit of taking notes! I have an encyclopedia, but that is the only real reference material available unless one is willing to expend the effort you did.

I would love to see a book full of what experienced Atysians would consider "refresher notes" given to new arrivals. It would greatly benefit those who may not have been paying attention the first (and only!) time the information is presented, are not motivated to do the research you did, and are not comfortable asking the community for their wisdom.

#9 [en] 

Monyok -- Silan is already easier than it was, by a lot. You can now see restatements of some of the pages of text from the NPCs if you look at the signs nearby. The missions have more explanation than they used to. I do not think that Silan needs to be any easier. If it were any easier, then the transition from Silan to the Mainland, already harsh, would be even harsher. It does us no good to keep people in Silan if we lose them when they come to the ML.

That being said, I think that Widget's idea of a book of "Things I Wish I Had Paid Attention To When The NPCs Told me." is a good one. All we need is a long-time player (not me!) who would be willing to do it.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [de] 


wenn du das Forum in einem normalen browser öffnest, dann sollte das Übersetzung Tool oben rechts funktionieren ;)

leider funktioniert es nicht ingame


If you open the forum in a normal browser, then the translation tool should work in the upper right;)

Unfortunately it does not work ingame


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#11 [en] 

That being said, I think that Widget's idea of a book of "Things I Wish I Had Paid Attention To When The NPCs Told me." is a good one. All we need is a long-time player (not me!) who would be willing to do it.

That sounds like a job for Arcueid! :D

Zuletzt geändert von Gidget (vor 8 Jahren)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#12 [en] 

I would also note that bmsite already has some Silan Guides. They don't cover quite the same ground as T I W I H P A T W T N T M, but they are helpful.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

Here is another guide, although it doesn't have the dialog:

Zuletzt geändert von Naema (vor 8 Jahren)

#14 [en] 

My main problem with Silan is that it takes too long. I keep coming to Ryzom every now and then and for few times i had to create new account (forgot passwords etc) and going again and again through Silan was pain. Specially that you know what is waiting for you in the Atys.

This time thankfully I knew my password so coming back to the game after three years of absence was awesome. If i would have to go through Silan again, I dont know if I would come back.

#15 [en] 

@Trahtar - That really depends on how much of Silan's teachings you remember. Given that most gear from Silan is vastly inferior to the stuff you find on the shelves for cheap at Mainland merchants, I didn't even do a single mission on Silan; I told Chiang that I didn't want to stay in Silan, and he agreed to let me go.... after spending a few minutes running around the camp listening to trainers who couldn't teach me anything I didn't already know.

Now, if Chiang were not willing to let little homins go to Mainland without doing any of the Silan missions, then I would agree that Silan takes too long. But given that I was in Fairhaven in mere minutes, I think that anyone who thinks running a lap around the Ranger Camp is "too long" probably lacks the patience to succeed on Atys in the first place. While I would love to see more homins running around on the Mainland, I don't want to see anyone not enjoy themselves.

Let us not forget that people come to Atys with varying levels of adventuring experience and learning aptitude, and Silan must be able to accomodate those who are not veteran adventurers as well as those who already have at least some idea how we do things here. Between your previous incarnations and my big sister, you and I had more Atysian knowledge than the target audience for Silan's trainers. Silan simply wasn't made for us.

@Bittty - I'm not sure that I would consider the transition from Silan to Mainland to be harsh. Sure, there is a little bit of a learning curve. Leaving Zora by any gate other than the South gate can be a rude awakening for the uninitiated, and some care must be taken if you plan to leave Yrkanis along the road, but overall I wouldn't consider it "harsh".

Then again, my perceptions may be a bit skewed. After all, look who my sister is. Compared to spending my childhood under the same roof as her, Kinchers are pretty tame.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Widget (vor 8 Jahren)

Last visit Montag 17 Februar 03:57:09 UTC

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