
#1 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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1 Ark group

1.1 Access for players to the first component of the Ryzom Arkitect (Ark) tool: the scenographic editor

Unless unexpected events, the scenographic editor should be open for players before Christmas, which will allow them to participate if they wish to the collective construction of the village of Atysmas this year. An announcement will be made to explain this scenographic editor, which allows to set a scenery.
The next step will be the access for players to the second (and last) component of Ark: the scenario editor which, as the name suggests, will allow to create scenarios.

Q: Is the scenographic editor a new feature?
A: It's mainly additions to the client.

1.2 50 Matis rite "Geography": "A view of the Kingdom" (Daemonixus)
The arrival of Ryzom on Steam, the upgrade to the V3, the mishaps but, also and above all, the lack of Arkitects have much delayed the project of the 50 Matis rite.
Luckily, the Ark group widened with the arrival of Daemonixus a few months ago. After a learning time, Daemonixus has just taken over the script of the rite in Ark. It is his sole task, so that this rite will be finally implemented.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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2 Communication and marketing group

2.1 Change of the tools used by the Ryzom teams
As said during last meeting, we are working on a redesign of the tools, in order to no longer depend on external tools and their limitations in free version: we are currently studying and testing their open source replacements, which will be hosted on a Ryzom server.

The tools that will be replaced are:
- The internal chat (currently Slack)
- The task management software (currently Asana)
- The file sharing tool (currently Dropbox)
- The Collaborative Publishing Tool (currently Paper)

It will lead to a greater visibility, since the members or Ryzom, Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Core will share these tools and will be able to follow the whole of the ongoing projects. There will only be a restriction regarding the access to some documents related to these projects.

I will tell you more soon, as soon as this project is more advanced.

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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3 Dev group

3.1 Documents about datasheets
"I have finished listing all the definition datasheets on our wiki, with one page for each and every single parameter mentionned. This should make it possible to better understand and document each of them. 
 I also described the settings of all the .sitem and some of the .creature. See : eet:start
I did not go further, I reached saturation point after that. The introductory pages remain to be put on our wiki, it is in my todo list, but otherwise one can search in the search bar with one of the terms of the datasheets that one wants to create.
I think that in the end, when the documentation has been written and tested enough, all this can be put directly in the DFN files, to be seen. Thus, there are 700 DFN files waiting for you!

3.2 Update of clients from V2 to V3
"- The packaging for the Ubuntu Library has changed and it is impossible to use the old system (the admin page is read-only).
- The new packaging system for the Ubuntu repository is using Snapcraft and is still under development.
- This system is using a sandbox system, meaning that one cannot use the system theme, cannot write in the directory we want and all the files needed to launch the installer are included within a disk image. The whole weights 74 MB compressed and more than 400 MB decompressed ... for a 5 MB installer ...
- I sent a message to a developer at Canonical to ask if there is another way to update Ryzom, but I got no answer yet.
- I upgraded the ryzom-isv PPA with the latest versions of Ryzom Installer. The ones who are using Ubuntu or Debian (or any other Debian-based distribution) can use it because I compiled it under Debian Squeeze and everything is static.
- As long as Canonical's guys have not finalized their docs and as long as their system is so limited, it is not good to use it to package Ryzom; there are more disadvantages than advantages. So, as for me, I won't publish any Snapcraft package on the Ubuntu repository.

Q: I don't know if this is the right place, but I have a question related to the code/development part for the project.
We have already discussed the difficulty of gathering the doc in one place (too much work, not enough people), and I am considering a solution, but I need a web developer. It is simply to build a search bot that scans and indexes the various sites of the constellation, and collects everything on a search engine. Maybe it already exists, where there would only need to fill the sites to be indexed from, I don't know. In any case, I know it's doable.
I'm asking now because I know that there are many coders who are following the meeting, so some may know how to do it.
A Zerotacg: actually there are some predefined components to do that, feed elasticsearch from some indexer and make a simple page to make search queries and present the results for example. Not sure what the actual data you want to index is though
Zatalyz : Data is information on the technical wikis of Khaganat, Ryzom, Ryzom Core & Ryzom Forge.
Zerotacg: Actually crawling the sites like google does might be a bit toi much but you kind of admin access and can export a dump of the data, can you?
Zatalyz: No, crawling is better. But we can speak about that in an other channel, I don't want to stop the meeting :)

3.3 Reversibility of subscriptions
Once implemented, this project will allow the unsubscribed accounts to play with "free to play" rights. There will therefore be two types of accounts: "Free to play" (ie non-subscribers and unsubscribed) and "Premiums" (ie subscribers).
It is important to note that the "free to play" accounts will have rights slightly different from their current rights, but that these will not be diminished. An announcement will be made to detail the changes made.
Final adjustments are in progress following feedback from the testers.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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4 Graphics group

4.1 Creation of the defensive Fyros tower (Aileya)
The initial scaffolding is done, there only remains to add collisions and to patch it. It is in the hands of the Dev team.
The tower itself is also done. As soon as some minor bugs are fixed, it can also be passed on to the Dev team.

Q: The tower and the scaffolding? What's the difference?
A: The tower will not come out of the ground directly finished, its construction will be shown in two stages: the scaffolding, then the completed tower. (preview)

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 8 Jahren)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

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5 Test group

To better meet the expectations of the players, the creation of a group of testers is in progress. This group, ideally composed of members of Ryzom, Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Core, aims to test on the Yubo server the corrections, improvements and innovations proposed, from their very first testable stages. We also want to allow Forge and Core members, who could be seen as representatives for the players, to provide feedbacks and proposals regarding the projects being tested.
If you are interested and would like to join the Test group, please contact Tamarea at


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Sonntag 2 März 19:32:04 UTC

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