
#1 [en] 

A dark plague cast its shadow over Atys as the night fell, but now the light of the Hearts of Thunder has banished it. Truth and justice shall once again be found in the lands of Atys...

If you wish to join a Kami guild with a unique blend of crazy fun, maturity, and integrity, HoT might be the guild for you! We are guided by our set of core values which can be seen in the Prospective & New Member Info section of our website at…

Visit us there! And as stated right in our Code of Conduct… be good but not too good.

#2 [en] 

Well this past weekend has been a blast of outpost war fun. We attended 6 wars over 3 days and really enjoyed it. I was too focused on spanking Karas to remember to get good action shot pictures, but I did manage to grab and post 2 pictures.

You can see them HERE.

Next time someone make a movie!

#3 [en] 

Community Service Reminder: Be good but not too good
Last visit Samstag 28 September 22:16:20 UTC

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