

#87 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

Meeting of May 20th 2019

Do’ro Thée gathers her sheets and the notes that CraftJenn kindly gave her. She carefully stores the pictures for the Great Library. Thanks to the Great Glouglou , the report will be complete, she thinks. A light but still fresh breeze reminds her that winter is not that far away, as she looks at the blossoming buds. Emotion invaded her as she thought of Wuaoi's unexpected retirement and Teeneemai's disappearance... she too was a real Ranger. A tear blurs her make-up and falls on the page.... She will really have to go to Silan more often....

She starts writing:

Minutes of the Nivia Rangers Assembly 28, 2nd AC of the year of Jena 2603

Were present (in alphabetical order):

Achnar, Apocamus Dradius, Ashgan, Atysa, Azazor, Bitttymacod, Byiet, Craftjenn, Djiper, Do’ro Thee, Eleanide, Eolinius, Jyrvie, Kaissia, Karagoz, Kiwalie, Krill, Krinseus, Kyriann, Laisuki, Meggy, Meubli, Moniq, Nilstilar, Ornella, Sich, Tryroamer, Ubhal, Wixarika, Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, Yaandor, Yki, Zorroargh.

She wonders why there is no Avian in Almati, she should have stayed in Crystabell and written on the beach... In the distance a Kincher roars...

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio announces: To all Rangers, aspiring Rangers and interested homins. Our meeting at Ranger Circle in Almati Wood begins immediately.

Meggy (in the distance): I'm comiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Bitttymacod: To all Rangers, aspiring Rangers and interested homins. Our meeting at Ranger Circle in Almati Wood begins immediately.

Sorry Wuaoi I was relaying your message... ( he blushed) I meant: I was trying

Crafjenn : The report will be available in a few days....

*Apocamus Dradius comes out of the tower, walks forward and greets respectfully.*

*The Rangers present responded to his greeting warmly.*

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: Come and sit by the fire by my side.

Apocamus Dradius : Thank you Wuaoi

Tryroamer calls: I'm at Almati Wood now, no one at camp?

Meggy: We're at the Ranger circle, not far from the Kami transporter.

Tryroamer: strange

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: Welcome Rangers, and to our visitors too!

*Azazor nods his head*

*Craftjenn winks at Azazor.*

Byiet: hello! How are you? (she greets all those present, who answer her)

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: I asked you to come because I have an important announcement to make.

*Kiwalie swallows her cookie quickly and opens her ears wide*

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: My mind has been troubled for some time, and I asked to withdraw for a moment, so I could meditate on this.

Jyrvie: Oh!

*Meggy and Kiwalie are worried about Wuaoi....*

Wuaoi: Let me reassure you, my physical health is good, but I have seen omens as I meditated on the Precepts

*Wuaoi rolls his amber cube. This one stops on the Diligence side*

Wuaoi: Diligence. Ensure that the work is done

Wuaoi: My job was to train you and make you Rangers.

That's what I did, as best I could.

*Yki is looking for her ranger badge*

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: Veteran Ranger Apocamus Dradius will supervise your actions from now on

*Eolinius arrives (exchange of greetings)*

*Wuaoi Yai-Zhio bows to the assembled Rangers and sits down.*

Wuaoi: Apocamus, please stand up and greet your Rangers

Apocamus: Greetings, Rangers. I am Apocamus Dradius. Grandson of Orphie Dradiu

* Apocamus Dradius bows respectfully*

* (Greetings from the meeting)*

* Kyriann sits quietly*

Apocamus: Thank you Wuaoi. I was called back to take Wuaoi's place. I can never replace him, but I'll do my best.

*Azazor whispers to wixarika: it grows your hair fast

Apocamus: As a veteran ranger, my task is to observe and supervise the new Rangers

Zo'Ro Argh (sitting down): Woren Siloy (Hi, Rangers) :)

* Kiwalie smiles as she thinks of Orphie and the TENANT treaty*

Apocamus (grateful to Wuaoi): I will preside over the Rangers assemblies from now on. Thanks again to Wuaoi, for his long work and the passion he has put at the service of the Rangers

*Meggy smiles at Nilstilar*

Kiwalie approaches Wauoi, fills her bag with cookies and makes her a big kisu: thank you for all Wuaoi

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio (whispers to Apocamus in a low voice): begins with the Oservators' reports.

Apocamus: We will start with the observers

*Do'ro Thee thinks that the Rangers are quite dissipated tonight and should listen better.*

Apocamus: We will start with the Forest. Zorroargh, is there anything to report?

*Kiwalie shakes Zo', Craftjenn elbows him.*

Azazor screams: CAL I SELAK!!!!!

Nilstilar: Hello! How are you doing? How are you?

Azazor: if he's not awake with this....

* Eolinius laughs*

Kiwalie screams: Kwkkwww Azazor!

* Achnar gives a big sledgehammer blow on Zo'Ro's foot

*Wuaoi is surprised and looks for the source of this disorder

Byiet: There's slow, and then there's slower, and now there's

Apocamus: Does anyone else have anything to report?

Kiwalie: Sorry but Zo' seems to be sleeping....as far as the forest is concerned, they are victims of Kitins invasions too

Byiet: I think that means no… Can we continue, please?

Kiwalie: We destroyed a mound at the hidden source and I found another one at the psykopla mound

*Nilstilar nods*

Kiwalie: Nilstilar who is here could give us more news I think

Nilstilar: ... and another near the Fugitive Garden?

* Azazor raises his hand

* Nilstilar smiles

* Eolinius raises his hand

(Arrival of Laisuki, exchange of greetings)*

Azazor: I found one near Pyr, a little to the west.

Kiwalie smiles at Azazor: I'm going to come to that

* Krill wonders if Pyr is in the Forest, and since when*

Apocamus: Anything to report, Nilstilar?

Azazor (obviously upset): Yeah, the forest first, huh? Pffffffff

*Do'ro Thée stops writing and smiles as he thinks of Djiper and his awesome "pfffffffffff"s.*

*Nilstilar (responding to Krill): Not yet, but soon perhaps, An-Nair

I'm kidding, of course.

Byiet: There were 4 Kitin invasions, one in each nation. They were very short and each was eliminated in a single evening

Apocamus: Anything to report in the Lakes?

Jyrvie: Lordoy, there was an assembly in the lakes, there was an assembly in the lakes. They want to organize a kind of market to provide equipment for new recruits from Silan

* Eolinius thinks that the speech is a little bit disjointed*

* Wuaoi takes a deep and noisy breath, head bent over*

Byiet: That's not necessary. Silan's missions provide everything that is necessary

Jyrvie looks at Byiet: I'm just reporting it

Nislitar: What is necessary is not what is asked

Jyrvie: And they have a new leader for their Federal Army, Lunakan

Apocamus: Thank you for the Jyrvie report

*Kyriann raises her hand.*

Apocamus: Kyriann, yes?

Jyrvie: And they have a new leader for their Federal Army, Lunakan

*Kyriann waits until Jyrvie has finished talking*

Jyrvie: And the Kitin invasions, you already know.

*(she greets Apocamus)*

Kyriann: Nair Apocamus Dradius I just want to say a word about the market. Those who have left Silan for some time but have not yet joined a guild and who are struggling to find good quality equipment, between quality 50 and 110. We will respect very reasonable prices.

*(Kyriann sits down again)*

Apocamus: Thank you Kyriann for your comments

Are there any other reports about lakes?


Apocamus: A report to do for the Jungle?

*Azazor grumbles a little*

*Karagoz raises her hand*

Apocamus: Karagoz, you have the floor

Karagoz: I must say, Rangers, that many events have occurred that are worth reporting to this assembly

Achnar (in a low voice): Did you see anything, Djiper?

Karagoz: But my memory is lacking, and also I could have brought more diligence to my duties. I would especially like to mention the Assembly of Circles in Zora, the first in a long time

*Wuaoi raises his head to the mention of the Circles*

Karagoz: I did not attend the meeting, but I understand that it was important. I give my place to anyone who was there and who could give details about this meeting or who would have other information than the one I have at the moment. That's all, thank you. (She greets)

Apocamus: Thank you Kazagoz for this report; anything else about the jungle?

We must also talk about the Desert. Anything to report there?

* Azazor is looking for eyes to represent the representative of the desert ranger*

Apocamus: Kiwalie, you are the Desert Observer. Do you have anything to report?

* Azazor raises his hand*

* Azazor lowered his hand while waiting, because well, the cramps....*

Kiwalie: The materials for Thesos' wall have been gathered! Good news, now it still has to be built

* Ubhal looks at the legionnaire*

Kiwalie: hoping it will be useful against the Kitins....

Apocamus: One moment, Azazor

* Nilstilar has difficulty holding his laughter back*

Kiwalie: The kitins attacked near Pyr, the mound was destroyed but we need to understand where they came from.

* Ubhal looks at Matis Ambassador *

Kiwalie: Azazor who is present will also be able to tell us about it

Kiwalie (turning his foot in sawdust): Can I ask you a question Apocamus?

* Eleanide poses discreetly, greeting her knowledge with head*

Apoc: Of course Kiwalie

Achnar: Apoc' it suits him very well! we have nicknames also in the rangers

*Meggy laughs loudly*

Kiwalie smiles: how is your grandmother? Orphie, a long-time friend I miss very much.

Azazor grumbles: So I come after the grandmother.....

* Ubhal laughs*

Apoc: She's fine, even though I don't see her often.... She's very busy with her homework.

Kiwalie: It's good to know she's healthy, thank you Apocamus!

Apoc: You're welcome, Kiwalie. Thank you for your report 2

Kiwalie: I'll let Azazor speak to us about the desert in more detail.

* Azazor growls a little bit but gets up*

* Eleanide smiles*

Azazor: Kiwalie has already told you about the mound near pyr, to the west to be precise.

Apoc: Azazor, do you want to report back to us?

* Ubhal is blocking his ears in anticipation of screams*

Azazor: But I have one question above all. Have you thought about making a map of the appearance of these mounds?

Byiet: I would like to talk about

Azazor: It should also include the moments when they occurred. Or at least a niche. Maybe even the season? It seems that kitins are less active in winter. Could this be a way to check?

* Azazor sits down again*

*Apoc: Not yet Azazor, but it's a good idea. Do you want to take care of this card? Or another volunteer ranger perhaps? It should cover all nations.

Azazor: I think that's your job. but I can help bring back the mounds found

Kiwalie: I have noted the regions of the mounds but I confess...not the seasons

Apocamus: After these reports, we will see if we need to replace or appoint new Observers

Azazor: only regions? not specific locations?

Kiwalie (laughing): It's sometimes difficult to write down the exact locations when the Kitins are trying to kill us (giggles)

Arrival of Ornella: good evening to all!

Apoc: Do the current Observers wish to continue?

*Meggy raises her hand*

Apoc: Meggy, did you want to say something?

Meggy: Yes, I wanted to speak for Karagoz. She had to leave.

Apoc: Does Karagoz want to continue to be an Observer?

Meggy: She asked me to tell you that she would be happy to keep her job as an observer. However, she was a little busy with tasks outside the rangers. Yes, if someone wants to take over this job, she'll let him take over. She will understand the decision whatever it is. That's all.

*Dorothee raises her hand*

Apoc: Thank you Meggy

Meggy: Of course. I will forward to him the decision that will be taken today

Apoc: Anyone want to help Karagoz observe the Jungle?

*Meggy smiles,

* Zorroargh is grateful to Wuaoi.*

Apoc: Dorothee, do you want to say something?

*Azazor discreetly slips away*

Nilstilar (low): He's back!

*Zorroargh greets Apocamus with respect.*

Dorothee: First of all, I apologize for beeing late.

Then I have two reports to make:

*Wuaoi notices that his friend Zo'ro is awake again. *

Jyrvie screams: Ouch!.... Ouch!

Kyriann gets up and asks: What?

(astonished, her eyes turn to Jyrvie)

* Kyriann sits down because Jyrvie seems to be fine.*

Dorothee: The great Azazor Eridan Mirihus invited me to talk to the Bai Nhori Drakani about the Oflovak road.

* Eolinius rubs his eyes and doesn't understand much.*

Jyrvie: (sorry a macro sting)

Dorothee wonders what kind of insect is a macro to sting so hard, she continues: They have many questions about the road itself, the signs Oflovak may have left behind, his safety, and I think, above all, his access to other homins than the Rangers.

Zendae turning to Nilstilar: the... *great* Azazor?

Dorothee: They have a lot of questions about the road itself, the signs Oflovak might have left behind, his safety, and I think above all, his access to other homins than the Rangers

I gave the answers I had, so not necessarily much, except that the kitins are still going through it and the refugees are not safe there

Nilstilar (quietly, to Zendae): great mouth I suppose (smiling)

Zendae replies: for on, di amataki

Dorothee: The second report I would like to present is a request from Belami (New Rangers) with my support. He proposes that we organize a large caravan, to support the Fyros people especially in summer, as has been done in the past. I've already worked on the idea, and asked for some help. I had some with the Trykers, but I can't yet offer you a choice of realistic solutions

Nilstilar (low, to Zendae): A caravan of byrh, I think (Dorothee smiles)

Dorothee: I will do it as soon as I mowed my stingas short enough

*Ubhal raises his hand*

Apoc: Such caravans are the Trykers' responsibility, but the Rangers can help. It would be bad for our neutrality to organize this

Dorothee: I tried to keep it short. Thank you for listening to me.

Apoc: Ubhal, you have the floor.

* Ubhal grateful to the campfire*

Ubhal: Are we talking here about providing substential aid to a nation?

Dorothee: I don't see how that would break our Neutrality... Our guide has his hall in Thesos and would also benefit from such a caravan

Ubhal: In the past I have solicited this assistance from the Rangers. I was told that rangers were not involved in the struggle between nations

*Wuaoi snores softly, rocked by the voices that debate.*

Dorothee: The help would be for all the inhabitants of the Desert, not just the Fyros Empire

Ubhal: Apart from that, my information shows that the construction of the wall could be a case of war with the Matis kingdom. The participation of the Rangers as Rangers could be interpreted as favoritism towards the Fyros Empire and against the Matis Kingdom! Is that what we want?

Kiwalie laughs: if the Matis want to invade the desert it's not a wall that will stop them, they just have to go through the root bonuses

Ubhal: after what each Ranger will do as an individual, looks at him. I'm done.

*Ubhal greet Apocamus respectfully.*

Eolinius scratches his head looking at Kiwalie: hmm, Azazor said exactly the same thing

Kiwalie : Ubhal, I have always accompanied the convoys on the water and beer road, not to hit homins but to protect the precious cargo from aggressive animals

Ubhal: the wall can be the pretext, it seems to me that the Matis have a plan for the wall...

* Craftjenn raises her hand*

Kiwalie: I'm not an ambassador to the matis, I'm just an ambassador to the fyros

* Zendae raises her hand*

Apoc : Thank you Ubhal

Apoc: Craftjenn, you're up.

Craftjenn: Helping young people, helping them to have armor to their size, helping them for a trek help them find their way, all this is, in my opinion, part of the Rangers' work. The Kitine threat is there, to stay united in the long term, you have to take care of the young people. The kitin threat is still there. To remain united in the future, we have to take care of the youngsters. This delivery helps young people to see the country, to open their minds. That's why I like to participate in these convoys. Thank you.

Apoc: Thank you Craftjenn.

Zendae? Did you want to say something?

Zendae: sil naete

*Tryroamer raises its hand

Zendae: I will speak as a Matis ambassador to the Rangers di amataki

*Ubhal listens and smiles as he looks at Zendae

Zendae: I wish to refute any accusation that the Kingdom has a plan for the fyros wall south of Thesos

Achnar: What is your Zendae plan to replace it?

*Ubhal looks at the master of arms

Zendae looks at Achnar: I also don't have a personal plan on this subject. I think this wall is useless di amatakizo.

Next topic. There is no problem if you are accompanying a Water Route. But as your instructor said, don't you dare organize it di amaulca. I'm giving the floor back. Thank you.

Apoc: Thank you Zendae

Achnar: We need help and any assistance from any nation is welcome

Apoc. Tryroamer, did you want to add something?

Tryroamer (Salutes Apocamus and bows deeply): I have confidence in what most, if not all, Rangers know better than I do the origins of the history of the Rangers. The most impressive in the training was the assistance provided to fleeing refugees in their efforts to reach the New Land alive.

* Apocamus encourages Tryroamer, who thanks him.

* Tryroamer is grateful

* Ubhal smiles

Tryroamer: Finally, I, in particular, became a Ranger because of the influence of this altruistic and self-assigned mission and I hoped to see it continue with the objective and identification of the Rangers as a faction. To help refugees, Silan's arrivals but also those who return after a long absence. That's what became my personal motivation as a Ranger

*(Approvals and nods with heads nodding in the assembly)

* Wuaoi Yai-Zhio breathes regularly and calmly, not quite snoring.

Tryroamer: I hope that such assistance will not be reduced by these considerations of impartiality. I hope that we Rangers will be able to continue to help refugees in particular. And I thought I understood correctly that this was the reason why in particular we were going through the Roots Rewards that would otherwise make these trips difficult or even impossible; even if they are necessary for the refugees to get by on Atys. I hope I didn't hurt anyone with my opinions. Please excuse me if I ever hurt you. Thank you for listening to me.

*A small breeze blows around Wuaoi

*Ubhal agrees with Tryroamer, Eolinius applauds vigorously

Apocamus: Thank you for those kind words, Tryroamer

Kiwalie: Beautiful Tryroamer speech! It feels good to hear the word of a Ranger of hearts

* Achnar throws an ace of spades

Nilstilar (very low): The value does not wait for the number of years...

Apoc: Wuaoi, sorry to bother you, but we need your attention please.

*Wuaoi shivers with a fresh breeze and raises his head

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio: Yes? I listened. (he gets up and stretches).

Apoc: There is one last announcement to make

Apoc: I was hoping you could help me

Wauoi: Oh yes, about the Library It is very humbly that I announce that a small collection has been published and deposited in the Library. It brings together some of my speeches on the Ranger's Way. ((HRP: in the wiki))

I am also proud to say that soon more volumes on the Rangers will join him.((HRP: The wiki will soon be increased by a real Lore.)

And finally. Thank you all, Rangers, who have traveled with me on this path. I will leave, but I know you will continue to represent the Rangers with all your heart. I wish you a safe journey.

* Kiwalie throws cookies at Wuaoi Yai-Zhio while the assembly shows its appreciation and applause to Wuaoi.

Wuaoi: Apocamus, they're all yours now

Kaissia (shed a tear): Have a good trip Wuaoi........

Apoc: Thank you Wuaoi, I will take care of them

Applause and congratulations as Dorothee takes some Lucios from Wuaoi, and Apocamus who kindly take the pose.

Apoc: We are nearing the end of this assembly

*Moniq raises her hand

Apoc: Yes Moniq?

Moniq: Since we're done with the meeting, I have a few questions if I can.

Apoc: Go ahead

Moniq: I noticed some strange changes in the paths. I am curious: why do animals ignore me when I am near an exit and also, who provides the resurrection at these same exits? Does anyone know what this is about?

Jyrvie: The animals ignore you when you're still in the tunnels. They don't notice you.

Moniq : They ignore me while I am at the entrance to the tunnel, even if it is not yet open.

Dorothee: Just like in every teleporter zone

Moniq: I don't understand that, Dorothee. Have you studied it more closely?

Craftjenn: I perceive the passages more like vortices

Moniq: I have also heard many rumours, but it seems that no one knows anything.

Byiet: As a ranger, is the safe area larger than for any other homin?

Dorothee: Around each teleporter and vortex there is a safe area. It remains safe unless you enter the field of vision of an aggressive monster

Moniq: That's not an answer. How is it possible to have safe areas, as you call them?

Meggy: I think what Moniq is asking for is who is providing protection?

Moniq: Yes, I don't understand why the passages work differently than they did in the past

Meggy: Near a Kami or Karavan teleporter, everyone has their own protectors, but who protect the Rangers?

Bittty: Maybe Atys herself? I have often thought that our world is much more alive than we thought.

Moniq: Go ahead, Tryroamer, talk if you have any information

Apoc: Tryroamer, go ahead

Achnar: ( no, it's too late, we sleep: D)

Tryroamer: I listened to your discussion and thought a lot about it. If I may, I would like to share my thoughts with this assembly

Tryro: I'll keep it short

There are other phenomena of a similar nature. I think it is possible that this is the case here. The ranger passage is like a black hole, it seems to me.

Jyrvie: It's true that you can't see well in the passages

Tryro: And its network has an even stronger effect when you are in the immediate vicinity

Tryro: My feeling is that animals feel it and prefer not to interfere with it. They stay away for their safety when they don't need to get close to it. Thank you for listening to me.

Dorothee: Wuaoi is a specialist in magnetism, you should ask him for more details

Dorothee: Moniq, the safe areas of vortices and TPs are safe because the atoms in your body enter into hyper-fast vibration and remain so until you move. So the monsters can't see you. This affects homins only because the frequency of magnetic pathways is tuned to homin DNA

Apocamus: Thank you Tryroamer

Apocamus: It is time for me to leave you...

Moniq: Dorothee talks about teleporters and Vortices... this would only apply if the paths were some kind of vortex.

Dorothee: That's what I think right now.

Moniq: That's one of the theories I've heard

Apoc: ((((HRP: Next meeting will take place in 2 or 3 months))

Achnar: We'll ask Wuaoi for more explanation

Moniq: I hadn't had the opportunity to ask the question for a very long time

Apoc. : Perhaps you will know more at the next meeting?

Moniq : I'd like to know where to look, everyone has only speculation to offer.

Dorothee: I also think that the Kamis and Karavan made similar discoveries a long time ago, and that their TPs are different ways of controlling ambient and deep magnetism

Moniq: Yes, I heard that.

Zendae: If I may... vortices are not always resurrection points, think of those in lakes.

Moniq: Good point

Zendae: It seems there is a rule, have you noticed it di amatakima?

Achnar: I think you can leave Apoc'

Byiet: Can you give up the idea of magnetism, this world has no metal for

Moniq: Byiet, So what do magical cartographers do?

Dorothee: The magnetism on Atys has nothing to do with metal, but with amber.

Apocamus Dradius: Good night, Rangers. (he respectfully greets)

The present: Good night, Apocamus…

Translations : Krill • Additional translations : Do’Ro Thée

Do'Ro drops down her yber pen. Wuaoi looked really tired. Apocamus is quite attractive for a Fyros... and full of energy... a little too much maybe...

She thinks about the water caravan (with byrrh why not ? so she would be sure Krill would come). She will have to remind Apocamus and Ubhal of these words of Wuaoi that she had the chance to read while correcting the proofs. :

“neutrality means that we do not favour one nation over another. It is not inaction, but equivalent actions. We also supported the Beer and Water Routes between Trykers and Fyros, and assisted the Zorai in their fight against the Goo. If the Fyros needed help with a noble task, we would offer it to them as well.”
She will also have to put her observations on tunnels, vortices and teleporters as well as collisions in order and discuss them with our researcher Zo'

A drop of rain falls on her cheek. The sun is setting... It is time to go to the tower where she will spend the night before going back to Liberty Lake after submitting its report.

This work is dedicated to Teenemai and Wuaoi Yai-Zhio.


6 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Maupas (vor 5 Jahren) | Grund: Multilingual


#88 Mehrsprachig 

Adendum to Ranger Meeting of May 20th 2019:

The Great libry references to "the way of the Ranger" by Wuaoi Yai-Zhio
Les références de "La Voie du Ranger" de Wuaoi Yaï-Zhio à la Grande Bibliothèqu
Die Referenzen von Wuaoi Yaï-Zhios "Der Weg des Rangers" in der Grande Bibliothèque.




Zuletzt geändert von Dorothee (vor 5 Jahren)


#89 [en] 

(ooc : why in the last report vortex is replaced by wormhole in the mouth of everyone ?)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#90 [en] 

(I guess wrong translation?)

#91 [en] 

(ooc : why in the last report vortex is replaced by wormhole in the mouth of everyone ?)
Corrected, Thank you :-)


#92 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [Deutsch] | English | Français
Apocamus Dradius schaute ungläubig die beiden Ranger an: Ihr habt was? Einen Tunnel im Tunnel der Schrecken? Ok, lass uns am Anfang anfangen...

Ein paar Tage später wurden Plakate aufgehängt wo Ranger und Ranger-Anwärter sie sehen würden.
Alle Ranger und Ranger-Anwärter sind eingeladen zum Treffen am 18h - Holeth, Nivia 6, 3. AZ 2609* im Kreis der Ranger im Almati-Wald.
Wir werden dort die Konsequenzen des Rindenbebens im Nexus besprechen und die Entdeckung des alten Archivs.

Apocamus Dradius, Ranger-Veteran

* [OOC] Am Dienstag 18 August 2020 19:00:00 UTC (vor 4 Jahren). [/OOC]

Zuletzt geändert von Tamarea (vor 4 Jahren)

#93 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English

Minutes of the meeting

The star of the day sets the sky ablaze with its orange light as the Rangers and their guests gradually arrive.
Deles silam ... Lordoy Nair Zendae...'doy ad toll

Zorroargh makes a most courteous curtsy to Nilstilar : Glad to see you here, Nair Ambassador!
Krill wonders if chief Kiwa Kie baked some cookies...

al Woren Siloy ad toll

The participants greet each other courteously and exchange on their last exploits or about bad and good weather.
Kiwalie shouts : Orphie !!! what a relief !!!

The Ranger leaders enter the circle.

Lordoy Nair... Heureux de vous revoir Nair !...

Jyrvie : it's a show that's becoming rare !
Nilstilar bows couteously towards Krill, who cheerfully waves his bottle to greet Nilstilar : 'doy
Kaissia glances at Krill in a greedy way.
Krill welcomes the distance between her and Kaissia... but worries about the lack of barrel.
Ostium (whispering to Wixarika) : Do you think I can get my barrel out here?

The assembly greets the newcomers and sits down; silence gradually falls.

;Were present: Anthikal(Atys), Apocamus Dradius, Balkhog(Atys), Bellis(Atys), Craftjenn(Atys), Daniellea(Atys), Depyraken(Atys), Djiper(Atys), Dorothée(Atys), Erin Mac'Cartlann, Fujin(Atys), Hawkmoun(Atys), Josemg(Atys), Jyrvie(Atys), Kaissia(Atys), KiwaLie(Atys), Krill(Atys), Lylanea(Atys), Mohe(Atys), Neolikan(Atys), Nilstilar(Atys), Orphie Dradius, Ostium(Atys), Picatis Pleros, Rizyinshi(Atys), Siela(Atys), Sunray(Atys), Taparoser(Atys), Wixarika(Atys), Zendae(Atys), Zorroargh(Atys).

Apocamus Dradius : Woren Siloy Rangers and Aspiring Rangers and welcome all homins who come in peace !

Wixarika (whispering to Ostium) : Apocamus is here, be careful

Picatis Pleros, arrives with a limp, assisted by her friend and colleague Erin Mac'Cartlann.
Picatis Pleros : I'm going to sit down, thank you.

New greetings......

First Part: Setting things straight

Apocamus Dradius looks aroun with a satisfied look

Apocamus Dradius : I'm glad to see so many of you here tonight.
KrillKrill wonders why the Veteran Rangers don't come in the middle of the circle.
Dorothee : Woren Siloy Picatis,have you recovered from your illness?
Apocamus Dradius : Humm Erin ! No foolishnesses !
Erin Mac'Cartlann tries to lift Picatis.
Picatis Pleros : Both my legs are nearly cut off...
Ostium : Would you like some help Nair Erin?
Picatis Pleros : Thank you...
Apocamus Dradius : Come on, it's not that bad !
Apocamus Dradius : Let's walk! Forward !
Picatis Pleros :Ouch!
Apocamus Dradius turns towards Picatis :Come on !
Apocamus Dradius : It's been a long time since the last assembly. The departure of Wuaoi has left a big void that is hard to fill.
Picatis Pleros : IOnly cookies can soothe the pain.
Kiwalie launches cookies to Picatis Pleros
Ostium : I have a barrel that could be used as a stool if necessary. Don't hesitate !
Picatis Pleros smiles
Dorothee approves while Wixarika elbows Ostium
Apocamus Dradius : Cookies ?
Ostium : Would you like me to bring it to you ?
Apocamus Dradius coughs [/b]:[/b] Humm let's resume !
Zorroargh : cookies with termites to be precise !
Kiwalie : Cookies and roasted termites for everyone !
Dorothee : yum!
Ostium gazes at Kiwalie with a smile up to his ears.
Kiwalie sets her dishes down.
Apocamus Dradius waits for the mandible noise to diminish
Apocamus Dradius : We've been through a period of turmoil and disorganization. Some have taken the opportunity to spread the craziest rumors.
Apocamus Dradius throws a murderous glance at Erin Mac'Cartlann.
Daniellea laughs
Apocamus Dradius points to Orphie Dradius.
Apocamus Dradius : But as you can see, these are just crazy rumors. Even if she grows old like the rest of us, Orphie continues to look after the Rangers and I will be able to devote myself fully to you.
Orphie Dradius smiles widely at the audience and slices through the group of present rangers.
In a slightly confused hubbub, the Rangers greet Orpheus, who smiles at his grandson.
Nilstilar (low) [/b]:[/b] Ah yes... Orphie's death...
Apocamus Dradius : Welcome among us, Orphie !
Apocamus Dradius : It was really not a good time with all those domes and now this bark-quake, but I have full confidence.
Orphie Dradius : It has come to my attention that some... (She looks at Erin Mac Cartlann)
Picatis Pleros (low, to Erin) : We could say that you archived her ?
Orphie Dradius : ... thought I had ... disappeared; at best.
Orphie Dradius : I wanted to reassure you. The years are piling up, but I'm still here !
Kiwalie loves Orphie Dradius.
Apocamus Dradius (smiling) : Orphie is here, new rangers feel ready enough to attempt the rite regularly and the new organization is slowly but surely getting shape.
Orphie Dradius : And until further notice it seems I'm still in charge of the Rangers.
Apocamus Dradius : Of course, GranMa !
Erin Mac'Cartlann rougit jusqu'aux oreilles
Orphie Dradius grits her teeth : We're in public, Ranger Dradius !
Apocamus Dradius is smiling up to his ears his turn.
Zendae giggles, thinking of "Granny" Orphie
Orphie Dradius : Anyway, whatever some of the archives say, the Rangers can count on me.
Apocamus Dradius : So, since you're in good shape, I'll leave the floor to you !
Ostium smiles widely, thinking they're touching.
Orphie Dradiuscatches her breath, more tired than she'd like to let on.
Orphie Dradius : I'm not eternal but that's not the topic of the day.
Orphie Dradius : The departure of Wuaoi left a great vacancy and led to reshuffles and disturbances that delayed the resumption of the assemblies
Josemg : ok
Orphie Dradius : Ranger Dradius will be able to resume these assemblies more regularly . Especially since there is no lack of subjects of concern for the Rangers...
Dorothee nods
Josemg : excellent to keep in touch !
Orphie Dradius shoots Erin with her eyes...
Orphie Dradius : Don't you have some records to update Erin ?
Taparoser : Sorry I have to go! Bye.
Apocamus Dradius waves to Taparoser.
Orphie Dradius staggers a little.'
Orphie Dradius : I... will let Ranger Dradius take over this assembly.
"Kiwalie rolls a cookie to Orphie."
- [/b]Orphie Dradius[/b]: He'll tell you as well as I do about recent affairs.
"Orpheus Dradius sits down.

Apocamus Dradius : Thank you Orphie !
Apocamus Dradius : So, let's go over the agenda quickly.
Apocamus Dradius : Erin and Picatis will report about what happened at the Tunnel of Woe
Nilstilar (low) : Even more talkative than I am, these Rangers...
Apocamus Dradius : Then we'll talk about the Nexus, the invasions and we'll let the observers report to us! !

Second Part : Picatis

Apocamus Dradius : Erin, Picatis! Come and explain your "blunders"!
Picatis Pleros : Erin first (She smiles to Apocamus)
Siela sits quietly, disturbing no one.
Erin Mac'Cartlann coughs
Craftjenn encourages Erin
Erin Mac'Cartlann : As you know, we discovered an ancient map in Orphie Dradius's archives
Josemg : OK
Erin Mac'Cartlann : Which is surprising considering our leader was still with us...
Ostium nods
Apocamus Dradius listens, but can barely keep still.
Kiwalie glances at Erin with black eyes.
Erin Mac'Cartlann : Hmm. So I asked for your help to understand this map and among the suggestions, the one of my friend Picatis Pleros proved to be fruitful;
Erin Mac'Cartlann : A group of rangers, some among you, went to the kitin' nest in the Tunnel of Woe...
Zorroargh thinks Apocamus must have kipees (butterfies, pins and needles)<sup>[OOC]</sup> in his feet.
Apocamus Dradius goes back to get a cookie.
looks at Apocamus and thinks he's making fun of her because he can walk.
Erin Mac'Cartlann : ... and discovered a passageway to a previously unknown Prime Roots chamber occupied by the kitins;
Erin Mac'Cartlann : Picatis came out of it with a leg injury.
Erin Mac'Cartlann : I'm not sure the map was clear to everyone... to me first. And its connection to the Tunnel of Woe is not yet clear.
Erin Mac'Cartlann : Pica could you explain it to us ?
Depyraken hides behind his barrel.
Picatis Pleros : Sure !
Apocamus Dradius whispers : May I?
Ostium (whispers to Wixa) : I think I could have ...


Picatis Pleros : I would first like the so-called Dorothée to come close to me
Wixarika (to Ostium) : you're right
Nilstilar bows to Depyraken.
Apocamus Dradius serves himself a pint
Dorothee stands up, approaches and curtsies politely to Picatis Pleros.
Apocamus Dradius returns to listen.
Picatis Pleros : Dorothée, I congratulate you because you knew how to decipher a part of the map !
Dorothee smiles to Picatis
Dorothee : Oh, I couldn't have done it alone!
Picatis Pleros : Really ?!
Orphie Dradius takes advantage of the fire to warm her old bones
Picatis Pleros : Who is at the origin of the discovery of the symbols signifying Pyr Yrkanis and the Prime Roots ?
Dorothee : Yes indeed, among other things; the map I presented is the result of the work of a collective that I wanted to tell you about a little later.
Dorothee : It was created by the initiative of Nair Azazor whom we know well and which aims at a systematic study of the expansion of the Kitins
Depyraken is eyeing towards Zendae who seems to be very quiet
Zendae raises an eyebrow to Depy who offers her a drink, then politely declines
Ostium whispers to Wixa : I always thought that this homine would go very far.
Wixarika sighs
Nilstilar nods
Dorothee : Unfortunately, I have to regret two things:
Ostium smiles
Wixarika (Whispers to Drakani ) : She is well educated.
Dorothee : first of all the dissensions between the Kingdom and the Empire which prevented more universality in this collective.
Nilstilar coughs

Apocamus Dradius listens very carefully
Zendae takes a dull look
Dorothee :secondly, the absence of the founder following the bark quake, which slowed down our investigations considerably.
Nilstilar (tout bas) : I would have said the malicious gossips of the Legionnaire
Siela tries to keep showing a neutral mask
Jyrvie smiles
Ostium whipers, very low : If everyone accepted to really work for everyone's sake
Dorothee smiles to the Kingdom's Ambassador.
Craftjenn thinks (with Azazor and Nilstilar in mind) that these two are fighting but that, in the end, they must respect and even love each other..
Dorothee : We rangers would like these bickering to stop at least when it comes to the Kitins
Picatis Pleros : It's obvious that we could have deciphered more easily with more help
Wixarika approuve
Apocamus Dradius jumps on his feet : Well said Dorothée !!
Apocamus Dradius sits again
Josemg approves
Zendae takes a disgusted look
Picatis Pleros : I agree with you Dorothée but I am only a humble expert theoretician.
Nilstilar (very low) : The optimism of the Rangers never ceases to surprise me.
Ostium applauds warmly
Krill wonders if Apocamus remembers all the precepts well.
Dorothee : we have the deepest respect for the citizens of these two great nations and we could progress much faster by joining forces against this threat
Jyrvie whispers to Nilstilar : not optimism, it's to try to change things... by dint of repeating things, it might be useful.... ?
Picatis Pleros : Thank you Dorothée, for your precious help in deciphering the document.
Dorothee : Nair Picatis is not a reproach to you but just a regret
Nilstilar (very low) : But who can say if the True Sap is not corrupted by the Empire ?
Siela searches for people with whom Matis should work better but cannot find any.
Picatis Pleros : But I am not the most suitable Ranger for your remarks on geopolitical conflicts
Dorothee : let's put aside our differences for a moment please, and let's move on !
Nilstilar ceases his low masses
Picatis Pleros hands Dorothée a Kiwalie cookie to thank her for her involvement in the deciphering.
Picatis Pleros : You can go and sit down again thank you very much !
Dorothee : If the kingdom develops a similar initiative we will participate in it with benevolence too! crunches her cookie.
Nilstilar : The Kingdom had such an initiative before the Rangers !
Nilstilar : Serae Dam... Zendae can witness it !
Dorothee : Of course Nair ambassador but I am not invited to it at the moment
Siela holds back from laughing.
Nilstilar : The SKA book is accessible to all homins, Nair Dorothée !
Craftjenn : well said Dorothée
Ostium coughs
Picatis Pleros : I'm going now to reveal you everything on this map, absolutely everything !
Kiwalie et Craftjenn listen carefully to Picatis...
Ostium refrains from exploding but ends up calming down as his curiosity grows stronger
Craftjenn sends a Byrh to Ostium

=The Colours=

Picatis Pleros : First of all, be aware that we sent, after our adventures, some guards patrols to verify in depth my theory and to make sure if the mound that had been discovered had disappeared.
Apocamus Dradius nods
Picatis Pleros : I have good news: the mound has closed up by itself after our passage according to the patrol report.
:::For those who accompanied me during the exploration we tested my theory three times.
:::It was the colour theory !
:::The yellow path with a closed loop was a dead-end for the Kizoar, usually yellow kitins !
:::The red path corresponded to the gallery of the Kipees, part of which body is red
Kiwalie scratches her head
Depyraken gives kiwalie its certified anti-lice treatment
Depyraken whispers to Kiwalie : he has the label fyros ++ with him ... no more untimely scratching !

Picatis Pleros : At last we noticed that the pink path was that of the Kibans which wear pink on them !
Picatis Pleros : The matis identified each gallery by the kitins most present in each of them.
Picatis Pleros : As you will have understood, the green path is that of the Kirosta.
Picatis Pleros : But blue? None is blue !
Neolikan : The kings<ref>Bosses</ref> ?
Picatis Pleros : Certainly those are blue, but there are none in the Tunnel of Woe !
Picatis Pleros : This time it is about the kinchers which were represented by the colour of their electric discharge !
Picatis Pleros : And to finish the thick black cul-de-sac is the nest where we find kidinak, Kizarak, and you will have understood it, normally the larvae, a particularly formidable place.
Picatis Pleros : That's a lot of information all at once, don't hesitate to ask me questions !
Ostium raises his hand
Picatis Pleros : Oh yes! One question, I'm listening to you
Zendae raises her hand

Ostium : First of all, thank you very much for your welcome and for sharing your information.
Ostium : Forgive my ignorance but I've never been in this Kitin's Lair, but you can't find kinreys there ?
Picatis Pleros winks to Zendae to tell her she saw her
Picatis Pleros : Yes, plenty of them near the black cul-de-sac !
Erin Mac'Cartlann (coughs) : In fact it is a nest not a Kitin Lair
Ostium : Okay; elsewhere they're usually found in numbers just before finding the kidinaks
Picatis Pleros : The situation is identical for this nest, then.
Ostium winks at Erin and says softly : Thank you !
Picatis Pleros :This would justify all the more the thickness of the black line and the presence of thorns to signal an enormous danger !
Wixarika nods
Ostium : I have another question but I will first give the floor to Nair Zendae
Picatis Pleros : Thank you
Picatis Pleros : Zendae, I listen to you...
Zendae : Filae
Zendae : I won't comment on the colours even if the explanation doesn't seem convincing di amaulca, because the description of the distribution of the kitins seems accurate to me.
:::but, as a first question, I would like to know who is the author of this map di amatakima ? Where did you get it ?
Picatis Pleros : out of Orphie's archives !
Orphie Dradius clears her throat
Nilstilar : But who drew it ? Does Orphie know it ?
Orphie Dradius : It's an old map I found... I can't remember where. But I know I've had it for decades
::: Perhaps in the first years of the new beginning.
::: (she sighs) : it was so long ago......
Zendae disappointed : it's a pity not to have noted di amaulca
Apocamus Dradius smiles at his grandmother.
Dorothee : you can see the age by the colour of the support
Zendae : could it be the Force of Fraternity, by chance, di amatakima ?
Nilstilar raises an eyebrow.
Kiwalie : Force of Fraternity ?
Orphie Dradius : Not many members of the Force of fraternity are still alive
Zendae : And so ?
Orphie Dradius : It is possible. But I can't remember.
Ostium smiles : Considering the finesse of the precision and the characteristic curves I lean towards a matis work. For me, you can attribute it to a member of your people.
Picatis Pleros : n any case the work is not signed so it is impossible to know !
Picatis Pleros : As a humble expert theoretician I would rather opt for a Matis subject that is inquisitive and exploratory.
Ostium : I couldn't say but I hope you will make me discover his other works then...
Zendae : A work by Matini Roqvini di amatakima ?
Orphie Dradius smiles at Zendae
Apocamus Dradius says to himself that he has not heard this name for a very, very long time, even in the mouth of his grandmother.
Picatis Pleros : The remarkable members of the Matis society would not have hesitated to sign this work.
Ostium thinks it's surprising, too.
Orphie Dradius : When you're my age, young homina, you'll understand that what was obvious at one time may become opaque at another.
Dorothee : perhaps the document has been cut out ?
Zendae : laye mai it's pitiful but never mind. Second question: what do you know about the symbols that seem to design the halls? You have already mentioned spikes for danger.
Picatis Pleros : Ah finally a pertinent question !
Nilstilar represses a gesture of irritation.
Picatis Pleros : My friends, the open loops correspond to the entrances or exits of the galleries of the Tunnel of Woe !
Craftjenn Sends a Bytth to à Nilstilar
Nilstilar (rubbing his skull with a grimace) : I prefer chaï Serae! But don't throw anything more for the love of Jena !
Dorothee raises hand
Picatis Pleros : The leaf shapes in the red and pink paths are chambers !
Picatis Pleros finishes answering Zendae's question.
Jyrvie whispers with Dorothée
Picatis Pleros : The crossings that can be seen on the blue, red, pink and black paths indicate crossings of galleries !
Picatis Pleros : And last but not least, if one line is continuous in relation to another it is that the line is continuous, above or below the other in the tunnel but do not meet !
Lylanea : If I understand correctly, they are not Ranger tunnels but Kitin tunnels ?
Picatis Pleros : Yes, it is the exact cartography of the tunnel of woe in matis art style.br />
Lylanea : Aha ! Thank you !
Ostium : A beautiful work and impressively easy to read ... Once you know that it is the Tunnel of Woe
Craftjenn rit
Picatis Pleros : Zendae, any remarks or I can listen to Dorothée ?
Depyraken scratches his head
[i]Kiwalie gives Depyraken his lotion back[/b]
Zendae : and arachnid legs in the pink room ?
Zendae : what do they mean by amatakima ?
Lylanea : Does this mean that the tunnels extend further than we knew before? Because the last time we went through this tunnel, it was infested with small kitins that came to the surface far from Matia.
Picatis Pleros : Then I thought of kitins legs too but it wasn't that !
Picatis Pleros : And that's the big mystery that I can't solve with the author of this map !
Picatis Pleros : He had succeeded long before the events of the Nexus in noticing an anomaly in this chamber and he visibly signalled it by these pink waves
Zendae : I see filae, I've finished with the questions.
Bellis arrives and waves.
Orphie Dradius stands up painfully
Orphie Dradius : I'm sorry but I have to leave you. I can't bear to sit on the floor too long these days
Josemg : we need to put together a good group of Rangers and for you as an expert to go to the site and study it thoroughlybr />
Orphie Dradius recovers : And then I have a lot of work to do..
Picatis Pleros (low, to Josemg) : We have already done it and I broke my legs for being too adventurous
Nilstilar bows most courteously to Orphie Dradius.
Apocamus Dradius : Thank you for coming to reassure us, Orphie !
Kiwalie : Mata yumé Orphie !
Orphie Dradius : I couldn't let some rangers doubt my health.
The crowd greets Orphie warmly.
Orphie Dradius : Good meeting to you Rangers !
Orphie Dradius walks away, a bit stiff.
Nilstilar : Have a nice rest, you gallivanter (he smiles)
Ostium : Good re... work, Nair
Orphie Dradius smiles at the nickname given by Nilstilar
Apocamus Dradius laughs softly : rest rest...
Zorroargh understands Orphie as he feels similar stiffnesses...
Depyraken raises arm

Apocamus Dradius : Picatis! Are you finished? Everybody has asked his questions ?
Ostium and Depyraken raises their hands
Apocamus Dradius whispers : Depyraken then Ostium !
Picatis Pleros [i]bends an elbow : I'm thirsty !
Craftjenn sends Picatis Pleros a Byrh
Ostium can't let someone get thirsty and discreetly put a barrel behind .
Ostium whispers : the best byrh of the Lakes. You' wont believe it
Depyraken : I'm not sure I understand it all or even not much and it all seems very nebulous to me... many answers should in my opinion be much more consensual. Zendae seems to me to have raised a point worthy of attention...
Depyraken : and I have the impression that it has been somewhat swept away... could you answer him... answer us in a much more concise way ?
Apocamus Dradius : But which question Depyraken ?
Picatis Pleros makes a not so discreet wink
Dorothee raises her arm
Apocamus Dradius makes a sign to Dorothée
Dorothee : it is now clear that the letters P and Y indicate the directions of Pyr and Yrkanis but...
Dorothee : the symbol at the bottom left of the map, do you have an interpretation ?
Apocamus Dradius : Wait Dorothée I didn't understand the question of Depyraken
Dorothee : sorry
Depyraken : I wished to come back to Zendae's second question: what do you know about the symbols that seem to design the halls? You have already mentioned the spikes for danger.
A few rangers, tired, salute and leave the meeting
Apocamus Dradius whispers : Good evening to the leavers! Be there for the next one !
Apocamus Dradius : So, Picatis ?
Picatis Pleros : I explained everything however !
Picatis Pleros : Did you have your nose in the shooki when I spoke?
Lylanea smiles
Apocamus Dradius : I confirm, his shooki is pretty good !
Nilstilar chuckles
Depyraken : I can see you know what you're talking about!
Zendae : perhaps your companion wants details about the shape of each "leaf" di amatakima ?
Picatis Pleros : Matis art can only be explained by matis !
Apocamus Dradius scratches his head : I think she's right !
Craftjenn, deadly laughing, thinks that she must not really be of matis sap
Picatis Pleros :I found that they were rooms and to whom they belonged, it's not so bad already!
Apocamus Dradius : very good !
Apocamus Dradius : Ostium then Dorothée
Ostium : I had rather an information to provide on a kit... a nest. It's unrelated to the subject, so I prefer to listen to Dorothée's question first. Grytt
Apocamus Dradius : All right! !
Apocamus Dradius : Dorothée then
Zendae raises hand
Apocamus Dradius : Dorothée's question was about the symbol in the lower left corner Picatis
Picatis Pleros : Yes, well it's quite simple !
Apocamus Dradius : Ah very well, finally something simple !
Erin Mac'Cartlann (to Apocamus Dradius, quite low) : I have to leave you I'm expected at the archive by a ranger who is looking for old documents and... well, whatever. I must leave the assembly.
Thank you Erin the hands rise and wave for Erin
Picatis Pleros : This is the representation of the path to the Primes Roots near the Tunnel of Woe !
Picatis Pleros : From the vortex to the Abyss of Ichor !
Dorothee, grateful to Picatis : Thank you

Ostium : it looked like a portion of a card corresponding to a pantry of a kitin-nest didn't it ?
Apocamus Dradius : Run along Erin, and hold your tongue !!
Erin Mac'Cartlann whispers : I'm sure you'll find rangers to help you Pica
Erin Mac'Cartlann blushes
Apocamus Dradius : Zendae ?
Zendae : Is there a public report describing what was discovered after the passage of di amatakima? type of kitin? size of room? Where did it lead to?
Apocamus Dradius bursts out laughing : It will be up to you !
Picatis Pleros : We just did it in front of all this public !
Ostium : Didn't you say at the beginning of the assembly that this passage has now been closed again?
Zendae : you only talked about the map
Kiwalie : But who described the colours compared to the Kitins? It's so...weird...
Picatis Pleros : I was not in a condition to take measurements, my legs broke when I fell down !
Apocamus Dradius : I will post a report if a ranger present in this hole does it for me !
Zendae : laye mai
Zendae : fila (She sits down, still sullen)
Dorothee : I can help with this report
Lylanea : So do I !
Apocamus Dradius : Very well ! Send it to me as soon as possible.
Ostium sourit : Finding volunteers won't be a problems, therefore .
Lylanea approuve : It will be done
Apocamus Dradius : But it will have to be according to what you have already found because the passage is blocked !
Lylanea : Oh it's been resealed?
Picatis Pleros : It's the first news I gave !
Ostium (to Lylanea) : Apparently but we'll go and see
Apocamus Dradius : Picatis, Thank you !
Apocamus Dradius : Do you want help to go back home ?
Picatis Pleros : In your arms? Yes, I please
Picatis Pleros blushes
Dorothee giggles
Apocamus Dradius : Picatis, I'm busy !
Ostium smiles : Can I give you an information before ?
Apocamus Dradius : We'll find you a nice ranger !
Apocamus Dradius : Ostium ?
Dorothee raises her hand
Ostium : Grytt. I have to tell you about an amazing thing we saw with the Drakani just a day before yesterday
Craftjenn listens carefully
Wixarika nods
Lylanea listens attentively
Nilstilar stretches the ear<br />
Ostium : I have to ask you if this is something you have observed in the past
:::We were walking from Yrkanis to Pyr to note the marathon crossing points, and arriving just south of the climb to the hidden spring (so we were still in the forest). We fell at the entrance of a tunnel on...
:::a kizarak ! in the open air ! And without its guard !
Lylanea is surprised
Ostium : Only a few rather weak kinchers bothered us; and we were able to get rid of them, hoping that it would not be replaced too quickly
Apocamus Dradius : In the tunnel of woe ??
Siela : If it's at the Tunnel of Woe, it's in its habits yes.
Apocamus Dradius : So you have your answer.
Ostium : Oh nothing unusual then? I always thought she was still at the bottom protected by her kidinaks and kinreys.
Kiwalie : it stands guarding in front of the kitin-nest, things have always been like that.
Nilstilar nods
Zendae : he goes sunbathing di amataki
Ostium : Okay. It seemed weird to me.. grytt to all
Zendae : it is!
Nilstilar (low) : Thus the Atysiades are not totally free of charge

Third part : Observers

Apocamus Dradius : Did you want to add something, Dorothée ?
Dorothee : If we are done with the map...
Dorothee : Jyrvie asked me to inform you of her resignation from her position as Ambassador to the New Trykoth.
Nilstilar suddenly saddens
Apocamus Dradius : Ah! I write it down! But then, we are going to move on to this topic !
Apocamus Dradius : Because we need observers !
Picatis Pleros takes a rest near the shooki barrel
Apocamus Dradius : Who are the remaining observers ?
Kiwalie : me with the Fyros, Zorroargh with the matis
Apocamus Dradius : I remember that Wuoai had asked who wanted to be relieved of his duties.
Apocamus Dradius : So Kiwalie ?
Dorothee : Kiwa Lie to the Fyros, Zo'Ro Argh to the Matis and Karagoz, the ambassador to the Zorais is absent.
Apocamus Dradius : Who wants to replace Jyrvie ?
Siela observes Lylanea
Apocamus Dradius : Like Wuoai, I prefer the term observer, we are not linked to any nation.
Apocamus Dradius : Our role is not there !
Nilstilar glances at the Serae Bard
Apocamus Dradius : Then a volunteer to speak to us about the Lakes on all that concerns the Rangers ?
Siela smiles with confidence.
Dorothee : If no one can, I would like to help but my work at the Great Library is very demanding and I'm afraid I'm not up to the task
Kiwalie : it's late Apocamus, many Rangers are sleeping deeply...
Apocamus Dradius : All right Kiwalie it's the voice of wisdom.
[i]Nilstilar smiles at the words of Serae Bright-Silver[/b]
Ostium : I could pass on the request. Do you have to be a tryker citizen in addition to being a Ranger ?
Apocamus Dradius : A ranger cannot not be a citizen !
Depyraken : a ranger is of any citizenship
Siela displays a slightly disappointed mask but diverts his attention from Lylanea and directs it on Apocamus
Ostium : Thanks
Nilstilar : Ostium's tongue has gone astray I think... He meant tryker by birth.
Ostium : Oy grytt, Nair Nilstilar!
Apocamus Dradius : Then no, any ranger or aspiring ranger can apply.
Apocamus Dradius : I feel we'll have to postpone for the news of the Nexus and the Kitins.
Apocamus Dradius : unless one of you has something important to say ?
Apocamus Dradius sweeps the assembly with his gaze.

End of the Meeting

Ostium (laughing) : I'd just ask Nair Picatis how she found this byrh ?
Wixarika laughs
Lylanea bows towards Apocamus Dradius : Very well, I'll think about it !
Apocamus Dradius : Picatis ! It's an important question !
Picatis Pleros : I think they're going to have to carry me because I can't feel my legs anymore ( she laughs)
Apocamus Dradius takes Picatis in his arms : Come on !
Picatis Pleros reach out her arms to Apocamus : Help me !
Lylanea : Oh ! I'm sorry.
Apocamus Dradius : Ranger friends, Thank you all !
Apocamus Dradius : We shall meet again very soon.
Apocamus Dradius bows deeply.
Picatis Pleros : Goodbye to all
Kiwalie doesn't bow down to anyone in particular, but eventually touches her feet.
Thanks for the welcome !... Lorandoy !...
The assembly, unanimous, courteously greets Apocamus Dradius and Picatis Pleros.
Apocamus Dradius : Onwards Picatis ! and... don't take advantage of it !
Picatis Pleros : You're brawny !
Deles necat Rangers !... woren siloy... Al Lorandoy ad toll
Siela smiles : Deles necat !
Wixarika, Craftjenn, Zendae, Nilstilar... bow to every one
pacts are torn apart
Ostium : Bravo Dorothée ! Al Lorandoy to all
Siela : Deles Silam Ser Nilstilar nu hadn't had time to greet you properly before.
Lylanea : Bar Ostium?
Ostium : I leave you the barrel. Try to empty it !
Ostium : Oy ny-Lylanea
Craftjenn : don't worry Ostium (she smiles)
Siela displays a disappointed mask as Nilstilar disappears.
smiles and hand signs...
The homins are slipping away one by one...
Craftjenn : it's crazy... I drink but I don't feel anything !!!
Lylanea : I'm going to write my experience in the tunnel.
Relaus Xogips : The Kitins attack ! To arms !
Ba'Rima Dixie : The Kitins attack ! To arms !
Ma Cho Sung : Let's not let them go any further !
Ba'Rima Dixie : Let this serve as a warning to others !

In the distance, a Kincher roars...

EncyclopAtys:Ranger Meeting of Holeth, Folially 18, 4th CA 2609

10 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Dorothee (vor 4 Jahren)


#94 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | [Deutsch] | Русский | Español

Agenda der Ranger-Versammlung vom 14h - Tria, Frutor 27, 1. AZ 2611

Empfang neuer Ranger und Rangeranwärter

  • Sitzungsorganisation Ritus-Erfüllung

Beobachter der Nationen

  • Berichte der Beobachter
  • Ernennung oder Wiederernennung von Beobachtern
  • Diverse Berichte


  • Aktionen der Ranger
    • Neuigkeiten zur Karte der alten Archive
  • Koordination mit CEK
  • SKA-Karten

Weitere Gruppenaktivitäten

  • Besonderes Training
  • Grundlagenforschung


[OOC] Sonntag 29 November 2020 20:00:00 UTC (vor 4 Jahren) [/OOC]

#95 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | Español | [Deutsch]

Agenda der Ranger-Versammlung vom 14h - Prima, Frutor 7, 1. AZ 2622

Begrüßung neuer Ranger und Rangeranwärter.

  • Organisation für und Hilfe beim Ablegen des Ranger-Ritus

Beobachter der Nationen

  • Ernennung oder Wiederernennung von Beobachtern.
  • Berichte der Beobachter.
  • Diverse Berichte.


  • Bericht über Fortschritte bei der Analyse des schwarzen Kirosta-Stachels.
  • Neuigkeiten von der CEK.
  • Neuigkeiten von der SKA.

Weitere Gruppenaktivitäten

  • Besonderes Training: Erkenntnisse aus der Erkundungsmission in das Unterholz des Unglücks.


[OOC] Sonntag 29 Januar 2023 20:00:00 UTC (vor 2 Jahren) [/OOC]

#96 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | Español | [Deutsch]

Agenda der Ranger-Versammlung vom 18h - Quarta, Medis 16, 4. AZ 2625*

Begrüßung neuer Ranger und Rangeranwärter.

  • Hilfe beim Ablegen des Ranger-Ritus.

Beobachter der Nationen

  • Ernennung oder Wiederernennung von Beobachtern.
  • Berichte der Beobachter.
  • Diverse Berichte.


  • Neuigkeiten über den schwarzen Kirosta-Stachels.
  • Neuigkeiten von der CEK.

Weitere Gruppenaktivitäten

  • Ernte von Larven in Trockener Stamm.


(*) Sonntag 22 Oktober 2023 19:00:00 UTC (vor 11 Monaten)

#97 [fr] 

Da Azazor nicht weiß, ob er sich für die Ranger-Versammlung freimachen kann, zieht er es vor, eine Kopie des CEK-Berichts über die Tiefseekitins an Barmie Dingle zu schicken. Wenn er sich nicht freimachen kann, hofft er, dass andere CEK-Mitglieder anwesend sein können, um den Bericht vor der Versammlung zu erläutern.

CEK-Bericht über KoD


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#98 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English


I took notes in French (on FR wiki). The EN version will be at


2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Craftjenn (vor 11 Monaten)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger
Last visit Samstag 28 September 22:13:37 UTC

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