

#34 [fr] 

where can we see your FTA?
who have written this FTA?
sorry because i don't know it, and i would read it if it's possible.

marauder are anti-nation! is it too difficult to understand that pro-nation don't want marauder in their life?
(i say rp!!!!! like i have said you tomorrow! occ saying, i try to create game for all players around me! and you know that with the soty of Grizabella)

but sorry in a mmoRPG you need to be RP. if not, Ryzom will become like call of duty or more... WoW!

i propose you to talk about this pb ingame

(i note you i try to speack english but it's very difficult for me to explain very good my point of view.)

Zuletzt geändert von Jazzy (vor 10 Jahren)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#35 [en] 

the FTA no idea who wrote is but yes it's actual part of game lore somewhere.

Marauder are anti nation? since when?
Marauder tried to convince the nations in letting them live there but power hungry the nations where they attacked the mara convois and didn't want those old homins in their teritory. Mara then settled into a small camp build with the help of trykers in the desert part of the forest. (atleast on aristople where that didn't mean anything roleplay wise)

Anyway the way I read what you say is "it's your way or the highway"? <= sorry but if I read it corectly then good bye sir and don't let the door hit you on your way out don't need ppl like that myself. This is a place to relax not to folow rules and stuff, makes me freaking sad that way of thinking.

We where 3 servers all playing differently I say lets just mix and match some stuff still do what you like to do but stop excluding ppl and stuff for an mmorpg you still need ppl wanting to play. Stop thinking black and white you can still do heavy RP but when it's public big events stop thinking like you freaking are the boss and banning ppl (you never talked with) from an event. All you'll acchieve is angry ppl (one that most lickly will get a ban when he sings i'm a barbie girl in shout the whole fair long), some others that att so you can point fingers and show how bad the mara are and so on... 
< if that makes you happy go for it and kill the game make the community feel rotten won't be my singing doing it but your RP forbidding ppl that always where welcome at an event to be banned


#36 [en] 

hmm no sorry!
1/ fair of FH was may be just GP on arispotle!
but always be RP on aniro! we have create the market place to FH so...
so what we do?

2/ i'm not all players!
i don't hate you! but i try to be rp, like you it's not a crime i think.
when i see homin attack tryker guard, i trad that it's an ennemy of trykers.
and just for information: try to compare Lore of Nevrax and your Lore... like someone know say: 'it's pathetic'

i respect ALL players! ALL! ask Bina for exemple when i have tell her long time about marauder in her guild even if she want to be taliar! ask her if i have not support her and your guild!
so dont be general! because i could be too and shoot that EN pull moob and attack always by surprise and don't try to speack other language that theirs!

please please please...
I have nomore energy to develop game content and entertain players, especially when I am severely criticized by players who only participate without "hold".

but i can reproch you to that you are rp just when you want to profite

thx all


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#37 [en] 

think what you want, create your event! and continu to kill the game like you know reproch it to me!!!!

see you ...


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#38 [en] 

just for the last:
Who are our enemies?
Kitins: will always be our enemies. They continue to slaughter Marauders still present on the Old Lands. One day, after taking control of Atys, we will eradicate this menace once and for all.
Religious factions: we fight all those who defend the teachings of the great Powers.
Homin governments: the Powers encouraged homins to devise separate governments only to divide hominkind. The only true civilization of Atys is that of the Marauders!



Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#39 [en] 

[OC] (Jazzy I understand that you are looking at this from a RP point of view. I spoke to you about it and tried to change your mind from a non-RP stance, for many non-RP reasons, but I saw that this was not possible. So, this time, I am trying to change the decision made by the Tryker Government using RP. I know I don't RP all the time, in fact I know only a small handfull of players who always RP. I even respect it when others want to RP (by attacking them) and when they don't want to RP (as you know when I don't attack you when you are training). I believe I have the right to try and change the governments decision through RP and I will try to do that. I know you respect others and I respect you. Also here is the link to the FTA.[OC]

As a homin, who is bound to a nation through his ancestry, poorly spoken langauge and history, I am entitled to the FTA. Marauders are not a nation. We are a multi-national organisation. As such we still belong to the original nations we were in before we took up the title "Marauder". We are anti-government.

If the Tryker Government continue with their path to break the FTA, I shall have no choice but to call forward the commission. Given the current bias circumstances against Marauders, I will have to call a special hearing, more details will be given later if this is the case. I hope we do not have to go down this path. Most of all, I hope the Tryker Government keeps to binding agreement that their ancestors signed up to in the year of 2516.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#40 [en] 

No RP isn't a crime, hats of to ppl that do heavy RP and events

I don't say kill the game or anything but why this hard stance on ppl who are mara alot of them are mara just because they been everything and are bored.
To me it feels like it's just hating for the hating yes some of them like PVP and see it as their endgame. But thats just some. Others went mara for totally different reasons some just for the heck of it others for some fun others thinking they could make a new free hominity ...

On ari kara/kami/mara/neutrals/all civs yes during normal gameplay and light events we all played toughether thats how our community was and alot of ppl liked and stayed because of that. 
Now on merged server thats not the deal anymore but still seems all the hate goes to the mara atm, everyone is friends and all that is done atm is kami/kara/civs/... trying to get mara out of game or something I don't know. Thats how I feel and can hardly call myself a real mara anymore not done anything ingame in months (if not years). I don't understand the hatred all of a sudden against from the biggest 2 factions and some smaller ones all off a sudden in force being against one small faction that isn't a treath to anyone.

On your guard killings most of the time it's some non mara boob attacking a guard by mistake or some tryker agro dragging one of the new guards from inside town to the outside onto me at the stables. Won't find many ppl attacking guards out of free will much I expect and I've spend many hour at the stables.

ps. Yes there is the mara rite but that one has been so bugged for months that 90% of them doing it never even need to kill the random FH guard


#41 [en] 

i'm not sûr at 100% Virg, but ALE (is RP because in the lore) have been signed between 4 nations representants.
and i have read ALE (thx for network-adress :) ), i report me to the first article (article 1.2).
Today marauders are ennemy of trykers (and i think noone can define really marauders, some say ennemy to nation, other say not...) so it's result that marauders are not welcome to lakes acticity!
after, if you want, you can contact me to turn this event rp!
i ask to get out federal guard, just Federal United army and if you win against, you could be on the market! just an idea like that!

to Suboxide, seeing your point of you, i think you are more Ranger that marauders... i suppose this because you only ennemy is kitin if i have understood.

i try to create some game in ryzom. i have never stop GP of one player... ask to Nizyros! with his trial! (he is free because we can't morally forbid a GP to a player. But he accept to do the rp-game paying a hard price! like a challenge for him)

and you need to know all, i'm not csr or gm. just a player who try to do live the game ... in game!
i'm ok to talk about marauders and their camp IG but i'm not The God of trykers.
but i want to explain this because i'm snip.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#42 [en] 

Nope i'm certainly not a ranger; yes they want to get rid of all kittin but they want it trough an army, no idea if they want freedom or power in the end when kittin are gone. And they just using conventional weapons given by them by the factions and the civs
I don't think you'll win with just conventional weapons against such powers mara and trytonists atleast are prepared to make sacrifices. Mara aren't scared of trying new things they invented their own tp system some have been seen playing with goo (or so has been told), don't know much about the trytonists but they are atleast after the truth aswel.

Yes mara have the same ennemy kittin it is what the mara are running from in the end. If the old lands where not kittin infested then the mara wouldn't be here. So it's natural mara want to get rid of the small bunches of kittin lingering in the new lands with who knows what weaponry they can come up with that safes us all.
Afterwards we atleast know what the mara want. And thats to expose the factions and the civ's for power hungry war mongering things they really are and to overtow them and by doing that freeing all homins from the brainwashing and their shackels. Thats how it was explained to us  by the akilla on aristople (no idea how the aniro akilla spoke since my guess it was totally different seeing how you react)


#43 [fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
Thats how it was explained to us  by the akilla on aristople (no idea how the aniro akilla spoke since my guess it was totally different seeing how you react)

that's the real problem today with anim... find a consistency between the 3 community RP (or lore)
i think it's study by GM in progress

I 'm so sorry to have polluted the post born in Roleplay section! really sorry!
an admin to move my explications in other post eventually?


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#44 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Deutsch | [English] | Français
[OOC] Dear players,
 The Animation Team must intervene on this delicate matter to remind you of some essential elements:
 Importance of mutual respect
 RP and non-RP players share the same server. Certainly there approach of the game is different, but this is not an unsurmountable problem if everyone makes ​​an effort. When a matter of concern presents itself, if you do not find a solution by talking quietly together, then we advise you to turn to a mediator. In this case, the Animation Team can be called first, since this problem has to do with a role play event.
 What is a RP event?
 It is an event in which players play the role of their character, both consistently and in compliance with the Lore of Ryzom. In this type of event, friendships between players should not be taken into account: this is the game's story, and the experiences of the characters dictate their conduct.
 What is an non-RP event?
 This is an event that is not bound to the coherence of the story or the characters lives and experiences. A non-RP event is above all a good time shared by all players who want nothing but to have fun together. During such an event, the game's story and the experiences of the characters are of no importance. Only the feel of the moment matters.
 Intrusion in an out of roleplay (HRP/OCC) manner in a roleplay event (RP/IC) is equally as condemnable as disrespectful roleplay at a non-roleplay event .
 What is an assembly and what is the scope of its decisions?
 Each nation is represented by assemblies consisting of players and led by an animator. These assemblies meet regularly and may issue "laws" on their territory. These "laws" are often offered by the players themselves but must be approved by the animator (which refers to the Animation Team), as a safeguard and assurance of compliance with the Lore.  A meeting is a RP event. Its "laws" have a roleplay effect.

 What can we learn about the Marauders from the Lore?
 During the first Swarm (long before the time of your characters), many homins, helped by the Powers were able to flee the Old Lands and create Nations in the New Lands. The remaining homins stuck on the Old Lands survived with difficulty amidst the kitins. A homin, Melkiar united them under the name Marauders; to them and to Melkiar, the homins of the New Lands and the Powers had abandoned them to the claws of the kitins. That is why they are eager for revenge and vengeance.

The Marauders from the Old Lands have recruited angry homins in the New Lands and have indoctrinated them to serve their plans. Among these new Marauders, one can not only find idealists who really believe in Melkiar words, but also opportunists who seek to take advantage of their power and their technology. They also harbor in their midst people who are researched by the law, therefore avoiding prison and having a way to give free rein to their violent impulses.( [u]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_Marauder_Civilizat ion[/u]
http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/puben/wiki /L_Marauder )
Roleplaywise, the Marauders of the New Lands are not nice guys but, on the contrary, are the villains of the story, agitators, and criminals. It is possible that amongst the Marauders, some have expressed doubts and have a different point of view, but the Marauders are seen by the homins of the Nations as villains. They are bandits who are unwelcome who will be chased with pikes when they are identified.

This RP view is also supported by the gameplay which requires every Marauder to be hated by every nation and religion (very negative reputation) and then to kill six Homins before advancing in his rite to be accepted as a Marauder in the New Lands.
 Marauders and Tryker market
  In this RP context, a Nation (here the Tryker nation) creating laws stating that the Marauders are unwelcome on their land and that if they come to market (a RP event), they will be hunted, is legitimate, logical, and consistent.
Also such a RP context, the fact that the Marauders are not interested in or violate the laws of a Nation they do not recognize is legitimate, logical and consistent.
 Therefore, if the Marauders come on Fair Haven's market despite the ban, it is normal that the guards try to chase or to kill them, and it also is consistent that the merchants refuse to sell anything (unless doing so under duress ...).
Specifically, nothing in the gameplay prohibits Marauder players from coming to market; we will however be asking the players to respect the roleplaying side of the event, and not to disrupt it by harassing via PVP (as opposed to possibly exchanging a few words, fighting a little, then leaving).
 What about the right to play as you want and where you want?
 Again, it is a matter of respect. The freedom of one person ends where someone else's freedom begins. Marauder players have the right to participate in a market, whether it is for gameplay reasons or roleplay reasons. Having the Marauders do some short RP raids on the market in retaliation would be reasonable, but having the battle shift onto the non-roleplay level and become a verbal battle between players, escalating to exclusion of players from a future non-roleplay event is not. That would be the beginning of an escalation  endless and harmful to all.
Why not, for example, enjoy the Black Market in Darkmoor that is intended to be HRP and therefore open to all? Or prepare a RP "Mister Marauder" event, excluding any non-participant marauder?
 What if the conflict does not abate?
If, despite this, things continue to go wrong, the Support Team is here to advise and enforce the proper rules of courtesy. If there are problems, it may have to impose sanctions ranging from a warning to a permanent ban, based on the previous record of the player.
Code of Conduct: Courtesy in the game
1. Harassment of any kind is forbidden.
2. You may not hinder another player during his play.
3. You must maintain respectful behavior toward other players and Customer Service Representative.
6. You may not hide behind roleplay to justify courtesy rule transgession.
 We hope this information will help you.
 And do not forget that Ryzom is a game! [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#45 Mehrsprachig 

Grytt :)

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Aelyne (vor 10 Jahren)

#46 [en] 

Tamarea (atys)
[OOC]  That is why they are eager for revenge and vengeance.

The Marauders from the Old Lands have recruited angry homins in the New Lands and have indoctrinated them to serve their plans. Among these new Marauders, one can not only find idealists who really believe in Melkiar words, but also opportunists who seek to take advantage of their power and their technology. They also harbor in their midst people who are researched by the law, therefore avoiding prison and having a way to give free rein to their violent impulses.( [u]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_Marauder_Civilizat ion[/u]
http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/puben/wiki /L_Marauder ) [/OOC]
the link only says this about their aggression: Marauders of the Old Lands vehemently reject both the Kamis and the Karavan and will fight those who support either religion

it does not say this:
Tamarea (atys)
[OOC] Roleplaywise, the Marauders of the New Lands are not nice guys but, on the contrary, are the villains of the story, agitators, and criminals. It is possible that amongst the Marauders, some have expressed doubts and have a different point of view, but the Marauders are seen by the homins of the Nations as villains. They are bandits who are unwelcome who will be chased with pikes when they are identified. [/OOC]

Aris maurauders did not wait in the pvp zones of Prime Roots to kill homins, they were not massively villains of the story, agitators, and criminals

I am concerned that this hatred of them in role play clashes with the way they were seen on Aris server


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)


[OOC] Several posts have been moved towards a new topic. [/OOC]
[HRP] Certains posts ont été déplacés vers un nouveau sujet.[/HRP]



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#48 [en] 

Tamarea thank you for your post however I personally feel that it was written with a complete bias towards roleplayers. Firstly I would like to quote you twice:

1. [FH] market (a RP event)

2. A non-RP event is above all a good time shared by all players who want nothing but to have fun together. During such an event, the game's story and the experiences of the characters are of no importance. Only the feel of the moment matters.

These two statements are complete utter contradictions, at the very least in reference to the FHF experienced on Ari. You talk of respect but where was the respect offered to the players who were on Ari when the Tryker RPers hijacked the FHF, twisted it into a RP event and solely excluded the marauders from it.

I will add a third quote which I feel will sum up my thoughts on the situation at hand, and reflects many others as well:

3. [It is] disrespectful [to] roleplay at a non-roleplay event.

I don't think I need to mention the particular CoC you have quoted and the thought that what some players have done could be considered against it...


I have spoken to many Ari players and even ones who don't usually agree with me all the time and many have backed up exactly what I believe; That the FH fair on ari was not a RP event, instead it was an event for the server. In fact, let me quote a friend:

"FHF is not in my mind a Tryker event, but an Atysian event put on by the Trykers. That being the case, all homins should be welcome. In addition is is an event with a very LOW RP factor".


Your own personal take on marauders is far too outdated. Many old players roleplayed as such and where are they now? They all left. Instead, Syndicate has now attempted to revitalise the Marauder faction, many players even leaving their own faction, their lovely hard fought and won q250 OPs and sadly some friends as well. This was, for me at least, a huge sacrifice. One that I took upon myself to make for the better of the game.

The marauders currently have, as I am sure you are aware, no meetings, no events, no missions and certainly no RP made for us. I understand this is supposed to come, but that was several months ago. Instead everything we do, we make up ourselves. Any other events that are made can be considered a little treat for us, something we can do without having to put any effort into creating it. So I am sure you can imagine my reaction when I read that I will not be allowed into the FHF, a server-wide non-roleplay event. The most RP that has actually ever been brought to an Ari FHF was a little speech I once made about tryker freedom, it lasted less than 2 minutes and that was about it.

There are little events as it is these days- do we really need to start excluding people from it? I know many of the higher-powers that be are set on removing the marauders from the game and I can only imagine their delight when CSN left but the marauders bring a much needed third point of the triangle to OP wars. This game, despite much outspoken hate against PVP, would be dead without it.

I do not roleplay much, but when I do it is nothing like how CSN used to roleplay. Think about what we have seen recently- the Karas and Marauders fighting together at an OP battle. The game has changed and the roleplay adapts.

I won't delve much into the roleplay that I personally follow but it can be found here as are several links below it. Just have a thought for a second, I was in another faction first, like many other marauders, am I just meant to suddenly start roleplaying that I was left behind in another land and hate the people who deserted me? Sounds stupid to me.


To expand on my views of a "nation", one which no one has actually even attempted to properly speak against even though choosing to openly dismiss it. The marauders are an organisation, we are NOT a nation. We are actually, a multi-national organization. Although we may not like the governments that run those particular nations we are still bound to the nations through many particular ties. If you disagree feel free to state reasons why, but stop dismissing this without actually thinking about it.




Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Freitag 18 Oktober 12:32:04 UTC

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