
#107 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

- More players playing together makes the world feel more alive and entertaining!

So your fantastic idea is to anger your loyal veteran players who've worked SO hard at gaining their skills and items, by erasing their character data, ultimately causing them to leave Ryzom permanently.. And somehow that translates to "more players playing together?"

We investigated the possibilities of keeping the characters, but we encountered some very difficult technical issues that make this impossible.

Translation: It looked like more work than we felt like doing, so we didn't try. We will simply deem this task "impossible" and hopefully our players don't remember that character data HAS been retained during previous server mergers.

Our players have invested many many hours in their characters, their armor and their guild. It will not be easy to say goodbye to those things.

Obviously, it will be much easier for you to say goodbye to those players.

What we do know is that when we ask our players what they all love more than other MMORPGs they tell us it is the unique Ryzom community. Our players are perhaps more mature than average and make the game very friendly and nice to play.

But you don't care enough about them to find a way to save their character data. You'll cause those friendly, mature players to quit playing in frustration caused by the reset. Perhaps then, you'll find a small handful of new fresh players who will not have the opportunity to be influenced by the mature veteran community because they've quit playing. You realize the community is the best part of Ryzom, yet you plan to destroy it. Brilliant!

We really think our community will accept this move to help us achieve an even better and more fun Ryzom world.

You've completely lost your mind. Nothing could be further from the truth.

#108 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I think you got the wrong idea, they're not resetting it all because of "technical difficulties", any software engineer freshly out of any college would solve this in less than 50 lines of script code. Hell I could do that in 1-2 hours tops (and not bragging one bit, I think more competent script writers would be done in 20 minutes).

The reason they wipe all is because they "feel" that the entrenched old timers guilds have too much power, which scares off some newcomers that just want to make a name for themselves. Look at all the "new" guilds that have come and died before gaining any traction because the old guilds had much more to offer (including above all a lot of nice and helpful old timers that would bend over backwards to help newer players).

I think they just want to bet on new players rather than on the ones that have been around forever. Sad and misguided, but the pretense of "technical difficulties" is utterly laughable (which is why they will never tell *what* these difficulties might really be about).


#109 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I decided to not come back if this happens. Dont want to put in the effort again doing the same stuff i already did for hours and hours. Hoping all people i hang out with now will come back and rebuild the same social structure i feel good participating in.

I apologize to my guildies and other in game friends. I will not return after the wipe.

Thats 2 subbed accounts less for you to not care about.

#110 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I felt upset about this announcement at first. It seems like a bad decision, a wrongminded decision, and I still have some objections to it. But soon I realized that Winch Gate has a choice between certainly closing Ryzom now and probably closing it a little later. They have gone for the second option, taking a huge risk by dumping the current playerbase in favor of a new one that may or may not exist (or be sufficient to sustain Ryzom longer than 6-12 more months). Maybe they're aware that the chances of that idea working are slim, but they make their decision in the spirit of desperate hope.

In my opinion it's silly to mourn skill levels because of cold numbers: time spent, money spent, numbers raised. If it were about the history attached to those numbers, e.g. "friends I've since lost contact with helped me get this master" or "how am I supposed to play my character at all when they've lost the skills that defined them", all this rage would be more justifiable. But the latter is not what most people here are talking about; most seem to be concerned only with the former.

My main objection to Winch Gate's course of action is that, for all their apparent focus on live events and community and supporting RP, they have said nothing about how the different histories of the servers are going to be combined, about how the player governments will work from now on, etc. For a tangible example, one server built different Kami/Karavan temples in different places than another server did.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Jelathnia (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#111 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I'm sure it's all been said, so I'll just leave my trademark summary:

You're a tool, tool, great big tool.


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#112 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I'll meet you all on the other side(tm)

- arc

#113 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

You're a tool, tool, great big tool.

LOL classic Jay!

I know I haven't played in a long while but this still breaks my heart as badly as it was broken when I left. I can make a toon that looks just like Eris and I can work my pigtails off getting my 3 masters back but I'll  never get back the items that were gifts from long gone players. It's not the forcing the vets to start over, it's the fact that every homin that's walked across Atys will be wiped clean from it. That's what makes me the saddest.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#114 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

::imagines 3 servers-worth of players competing for PR-dug Sup mats::

Yup, obviously, 2/3rds of those players must go away to keep PR digging viable.

Mission: accomplished



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#115 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I couldn't be more upset by this stupidity. I JUST SUBBED! Was brought in by the community and fellowship of my guild and guildmates. Felt like family, looked forward to seeing them all, and having some fun together. I am not a master in anything, but was planning to be. Now you do this crap.

Utterly irresponsible. I want my sub fee back. If you'll do this once, you'll do it again later. How will we ever trust you again. Shame on you.

Some of these fine folks have played this for years, become established icons in the game. And you just spit in their faces and say it couldn't be helped.

I want my sub fee back.

#116 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

After all the crying and whining i think this will be best for the game. A wipe will provide an opportunity to play the game again :) and re-experience the challenges of rebuilding civilization. I i will resub my accounts.

#117 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

LMAO This is hilarious. I'm so mad, that I just have to laugh at how stupid this is. Also Frappi, You are my hero, that post me laugh so hard I think I ran off the rails of the imperial fleet in swtor.

Anyway, on a sad note, Good bye Liliang, You will never be forgotten.

Good Bye Ryzom, My only regret is that they aren't going to just put you down like old yeller, You are going to suffer, slowly and painfully.

Smoke em' if ya got em Atys. o7


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#118 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Well I was thinking of popping back into the game to say Hi to everyone that I have missed over the last year. But I see that wont happen or might not if they really go through with this. I too will miss all the time I spent working my various skills to where they are. This is a sad day for Ryzom.

If they do. Those that remember me you can all find me on Horde Drak'thul in WoW. Usually on as Darkefyre.

(I miss you all still)

Or if you dont want to chat me up in WoW, let me know and ill get my email out to you.

Zuletzt geändert von Daemion (vor 1 Jahrzehnt) | Grund: *added email bit*

#119 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Any chance of the Devs making a Uni channel for each language? Or do we really have to put up with the clusterf*** of a Babylonian mishmosh of languages scrolling wildly across my screen?

Would appreciate a means of seeing text I can comprehend, and not a 80% uninterpretable chat window. :)

Get on it, Devs! Thank ya,



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#120 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

@ Wintergreen
Yumeroh (Aniro)
There will universe channels for English, French, German, Spanish and Russian so people can ask for help from other players in their own language. For the local channels all languages will be mixed.


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#121 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Still no Klingon



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