

#1 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


I'll make you all laugh : in the game the french translation of "cuty shell" is based on "cute" word, and for "smart shell" ... well, it's said like for a smart guy. Hopefully, the translation for "horny shell" has nothing to do with sexuality...
But well, you see what i mean, the translator was obviously clueless.
But though i can see that kind of mistakes, i'm not sure about how it should be corrected for "smart shell" and for "splinter shell" .
Could you describe me how you understand that ?
"smart shell", is it a shell with pikes ?
"splinter shell", is it broken in sharp pieces ?



Fey-Lin Liang

#2 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

The original creator of the names was(is) French.
So in this case I'd suppose that the fr version is correct and the en version is the one that's wrong ;-)
Unless of course that they've been translated forth and back.

What are the French versions?


#3 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

No, the actual names are definitely not orignal french names. It's obviously (bad) translation from english
Carapace mignonne (= cute shell) for cuty shell
Carapace de Splinter (=splinter's shell) for splinter shell
Carapace intelligente (=intelligent carapace) for smart carapace


Fey-Lin Liang

#4 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

That's really odd. As Jarnys said, Ryzom was created in Paris by french people. On many occasions when some german translation made no sense the french original names were more helpful than english names to find out what meaning was intended. Most odd translations into german have been corrected 'recently'. And most new bits of content are french and need to be translated by volunteer CSRs. String IDs and source code commentary/documentation are a bad mix of english and french (see marauder camp: it says something like <place.marauder.lieudit.stable>...)

However, the best way to go for you would be to compile your change suggestions into a list and submit them to your SGM. Translations can be changed (during a major patch).

#5 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Hi Feylin,

If you feel there are mistakes in the French language, please contact Aniro's CSR team.


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#6 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Of course, but I need to know how to correct it, this is the aim of this subject, so please answer to the questions above, instead of discussing wether or not there are mistakes, and what i should do.

It's an english forum right ? I should be able to get some english precisions there, at least i thought so.


Fey-Lin Liang

#7 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

About splinter shell:

I don't think they meant shell splinters. I think Inhabitants of an ecosystem like atys would name materials after properties, common locations of occurrence or people to honor. I understand splinter shell as a property, it's a very fragile type of shell (like glass). Or that crafters would use splinters of it for item creation (shell that has good splinters).

#8 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Haha - so weird that the French names are bad translations of the English!

"horny" means having horns or hornlike projections (as in "horned shell").
"smart" means sharp (as in "sharp shell").
"cuty" has no meaning in English, but is perhaps related to the word "cut" (as in "cutting shell").
Or it could be related to "cutty," which means short (as in "short shell").

I think Ulykus's explanation of splinter is good (as in "splintering shell"). :)

Zuletzt geändert von Sisika(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#9 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Ok thanks ... it seems that english names are not very good neither.
Feel like it's french translated to english, translated back to french for some dark reason, with errors in each step ^^


Fey-Lin Liang

#10 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I just dug out an older version of the files (from 2006) so here are the names from back then (en -> fr)

"Splinter Shell" -> "Carapace/Splinter"
"Smart Shell" -> "Carapace Intelligente"
"Horny Shell" -> "Carapace Cornée"
"Cuty Shell" -> "Carapace Mignonne"

So it seems as if the names haven't really changed (at least since back then)
If I get my old Hard drive to run I might even be able to find the version from 2004 but I don't think that it'll make much of a difference.

Though if I look at the possible translations for "Cornée" at least this one might make sense:
(fr -> de) http://dict.leo.org/frde?lp=frde&lang=de&searchLoc=0& cmpType=relaxed&sectHdr=on&spellToler=&search=Corn%C3 %A9e (for en trans open the link behind the German word in a new window/tab and select "Englisch" on the top left in the new window/tab)

The translation for Mignonne could be something like graceful/delicate as well (which might make sense for shell as well)

I was hoping that the old texts might shed some light on this but sadly it doesn't seem to be the case.


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