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#1 [en] 


When I start Ryzom on my netbook, at the character selection screen I can't click the play button because it is out of my screen. I changed the screen resolution in client_default.cfg to my screen resolution but this didn,t work.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

#2 [en] 

I'd be cautious with using a netbook and its limited capacity to run a graphics-intensive application such as Ryzom. If your graphics card can't handle it, it will overheat fast.

I think only the character selection screen is fixed size. Once you go past that, the game itself will probably run at the resolution you set forcibly in client_default.cfg (although it might be reset by the client to a supported resolution when you close Ryzom).

There's mention of Alt-dragging to scroll the view panel. Perhaps that's the first thing to try.

If not, a quick search comes up with virtual screen system tweaks.

- http://superuser.com/questions/247463/netbook-screen-too-small-so ftware-fix
- http://odkq.com/virtualres.html

Let us know.

#3 [en] 

I managed to see the play button with Alt dragging! Thanks for the advice!

But you were also right about playing Ryzom on a netbook. FPS = very low so for me it is unplayable.

Leaves me to play on my desktop in the evening only.

Thanks! Maybe others have benefit from this post too.

#4 [en] 

another thing in addition to the char selection screen being a static size:

The changes in client_default.cfg are usually revoked upon game start (searching for changed files/updates)
client.cfg would be the one to use for config changes (if an option's not in the client.cfg just copy it from the client_default.cfg)

And the client.cfg can be protected from changes by the game if you want to
// If you set this variable to 1, your client.cfg will be overwritten when you quit the client.
// You will loose all the comments and identation in this file.
SaveConfig = 1;

Zuletzt geändert von Jarnys (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


#5 [en] 

Jarnys (Leanon)
And the client.cfg can be protected from changes by the game if you want to
// If you set this variable to 1, your client.cfg will be overwritten when you quit the client.
// You will loose all the comments and identation in this file.
SaveConfig = 1;
Ah, didn't know about SaveConfig. Good to know.

I've asked a few times about why my resolution was reset every now and anon (unsupported 1920x1153 is often reset to 1024x768, leading to a restart, then resetting all windows to their proper locations again). I ended up resorting to a shell script to hammer in the values.

And yes, it's client.cfg ;)
Last visit Sonntag 2 Juni 02:58:56 UTC

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