A New Beginning

Effex, it is no wonder that such a situation is luring the trolls and supermachos out of their holes. Yet you are making a fool out of yourself by deriding others' concerns.

The problem is not that i cannot go over it. I shall surely be there Sep 25 no matter whether stats will come back or be lost like mats, app, meks and, much worse, RP, the guild of mobile traders at FH and other things that make me cry (yes, you may deride about).

The problem rather is that quite a number of players will not bear it but simply go elsewhere. And if the decision to shut down the servers was taken out of economic problems, it is likely to worsen instead of alleviate them.

I merely doubt that server operation, maintenance, networking and other hard- and software related cost make more than 20% of overall cost. Assuming same traffic, they may at best shrink by half when reducing the number of servers from 3 to 1. That means saving 10% of overall cost. Take other 10% due to simplified programming and software maintenance when serving only one system (I doubt it is so much) you still do not have more than 20% cost reduction. I fear it is much less.

I have no numbers about the paying accounts, but I can take some estimates (which I'm not willing to publish here). Anyway, if only part of the players expressing their determination to leave actually do so, that will most probably cause an income reduction which dwarfs any savings. Together with the additional cost the migration will cause (after all, it is one more server in the first place, or are you naive enough to believe it won't be in place already now?) this means that the economic situation will deteriorate instead to improve.

Thus, I am quite skeptical whether Ryzom will see the year 2013. I shall not be the cause for. The cause of my suggestions is mitigating such a development.


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