
Atysian News Agency?

Nice idea Mr. Riku :)

If it's here on the "atys" forums, it should also be reposted on the main forums, and maybe on the Wiki as Danile suggested. Maximum visibility, including potential players who are not able to access these resources without an account.

To keep things clean and functional, ideally one of two things should happen. Either you create a single, locked thread that contains one post per news update - requiring the author(s) to be moderator(s) like the events team. OR, a new forum to contain the news, allowing a fresh thread for each update and allowing Homins to discuss the news inside the thread.

Also, you could maybe include some fictional reports from around Atys - nothing too heavy, but just a bit of mildly-RP'd fun as a counterbalance for OP/PvP-related news :) The odd public clash between tribes, or maybe a scandal involving a drunken Icon Worshipper in Zora :) Just a bit of something to lighten the mood - I think the mighty Nexus News included quite a bit of humourous content and it worked very well. I think we have quite a few Homins who could contribute to the idea in general.
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Last visit Dienstag 18 Februar 18:57:07 UTC

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