
Dodge modifiers and results

The conclusion: it is logarithmic. I was away for hours and gathered well over 4000 attacks.

Here is the raw data: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9gcjD23Hyw/

From the numbers included, my character DID dodge 60.2%. With some guidance from others, the dodge information lies here in the wiki: https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Melee

It's capped at 60% after all. And when I 'noticed' a decrease in dodge chance with 300 modifier, it was only the perception of lower dodges. I'm not a programmer, but I wonder if the chance to hit is calculated on a dice roll.

Anyway, you'd have to notice 60% throughout a looong history of fighting. Take a gander at the data.

I'd prefer to have high resists than a slightly higher chance to dodge over the long term. A high resist works regardless. I have some nice mats collected for dodge modifiers, but I will now focus on new recipes for resists down the board.

Have fun bark,



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