Technischer Support

SSL cert problem

I'm getting this problem too. I can't install Ryzom on Mint 20.

I see the same list of of the above " QSslSocket: cannot resolve..." errors when running

I only have OpenSSL 1.1.1f installed. That is the default on Mint 20. There is no option to install the old version.

There is no way I'm going to try to figure out how to make and install an old version of OpenSSL from source. I'm not a sys admin, I'd only wreck my installation and waste a week doing so. It seems like if this is the only way to fix it, then this is a bug in the linux installer. And a serious one too, because if the install doesn't work, you lose many potential players.
Zeige Thema
Last visit Freitag 7 Juni 15:48:12 UTC

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