More Storage


To come back on the main topic: increasing storage. I will talk about guild here so it will exclude alone homins on purpose. But why not providing guild activity (some kinds of mission) to improve the guild infrastructure? I'm thinking maybe missions done overtime inside the guild could increase the guild hall capacity. Or training mission for mektoubs than could increase the capacity of the packers (like leveling up the strength of your toubs).

I could get behind this idea, maybe "Guild Dailies" since we are introducing dailies now. But actually, I was thinking of something a lot simpler, maybe like a 'Rent a Mek,' or two maybe. I have this problem of not being able to hold enough of my equipment. I got stuff, but not everything, I can't even hope to have one nice thing of each thing, let alone ever think of digging mats to make gear, or not to mention either, of trying to make boosted gear where you need a lot of mats. :(
As for renting meks, make them forbidden to take into a war zone because the 'fortunate gubani' (or whoever runs the rentals) will not allow their meks to get killed. Make them stop once you get to a OP war zone and not enter, or something like that. It is also a good dapper sink for us. :) These are just thoughts....
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Last visit Samstag 28 September 22:56:35 UTC

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