Balance Teleporting and Trekking (version A)

I wonder, are we talking about the same thing?
Isn't trekking traveling over dangerous zones to cross from a region to an other in group, like a far west caravan?

Traveling alone, as Luminatrix seems to be talking about, isn't trekking, just traveling alone.
In that case, have you checked out the version B already?
That version already answers the worries of who wants to use teleports for in-region travel.

But cross-region travel shouldn't have easy shortcuts. Paying 1000 dappers to jump from a capital to an other, when the combined daily missions of corporals from a single capital give more than 100'000 dappers, is.a.joke. Even more if compared to the hell that is doing the same without the easy tickets.

Using teleports to travel inside the same region is pretty useless too, but that's what the version B of this suggestion is for, if short jumps are deemed soo much important.

There are already extremely few of us. We can't afford to lose more.
That's decadent thinking, if you see no option other than contaning the losses, you've already lost.
If there are few players, it likely means something of the gamestyle tailored for the few left isn't engaging for new ones.
MAKING THE GAME A TIME SINK (and let's face it, this game already is a massive time sink) IS NOT ENGAGING GAMEPLAY!
I totally agree, in fact crafting and foraging are already horrible time sinks, and it's even worse when they are slower in progression than the fighting skill trees, making them pretty useless if one wants to craft their own equipment.

Want to get the opinion of one of those rare, elusive and so precious new players? Here i am.
Crafting and Foraging require an obscene amount of time, there goes the one or two hours of daily playtime, fun right?
But the dangerous wilderness to explore, having to understand your own limits of where you can and where you can't go yet, while still having few safe spots where to fall back to count what you were able to gather from your last travel, the isolated environments with their isolated populations and nations, are all very valuable things, and few games have them. Trekking, or forming traveling bands, is a natural outcome of this harsh setting, and it's a charming gameplay which truly no other game has.

This game needs more group travel, not less. Having it being phased out by cheap fast travel means losing one of the few truly valuable and unique things this game has. (adding more interesting stuff would be next in line, but different suggestions for different threads)

Saying trekking is an useless time sink, is no different than saying ryzom is an useless time sink. (i mean, games are time sinks...........)

Grind by itself isn't bad, it's the boring grind which is bad, while if grinding can be enjoyable it's an added value.

You aren't even talking about trekking, but your traveling alone is boring cause you've lost the sense of wonder for the game world. Personally i still have that sense of wonder, so crossing dangerous regions to get to a new land is a very compelling experience in itself, the time spent traveling is the experience.

I'm a scout. Making teleportation much more expensive would screw me over, as it would everyone else who travels over Atys a lot.
Taking a plane from europe to america doesn't make you an explorer, just a tourist, or a business person.
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Last visit Mittwoch 12 Juni 18:35:23 UTC

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