
Les petits craft - small craft

Jadis,(sur aniro) il y a eu plusieurs marchés dans certaines capitales. Ils avaient lieu une fois par semaine. Les crafteurs s'y pour proposer leurs services. Certaines guildes vendaient leurs mp d'op.
C'est peut-être le moment que certains se lancent à rouvrir ses marchés. Un homin le voulait mais il ne vient pu . A celui qui reprend du service, je répondrai, je serai là

In the past, (on aniro) there were several markets in some capitals. They were held once a week. Craftsmen go there to offer their services. Some guilds sold their op'mats
Perhaps this is the time for some to start reopening its markets. A homin wanted it, but he couldn't come. To the one who returns to work, I will answer, I will be there


FB: Eleanide Ryzom
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Last visit Dienstag 4 Juni 01:27:44 UTC

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