acronyms list and French translation

Hello :)

I am French, but I have several English speaking friends too (for ex an Swedish guy).
I noticed that it could be difficult to communicate, because:
1. some places names are différent (in Fr and En)
2. we use a lot of acronyms/abbreviations in the chat...
especially as some French speaking people use of English origin acronyms :)

Hence the idea to create a list of acronyms, as well as places names, bilingual ... For a better lisibility, the French version is in Cyan (color=#00ffff).

Thank you to complete , and add your suggestions :)

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Fr: PNJ (Personnage Non Joueur) En: NPC (non-player character)
OOC = out of contend  or  Out Of Character
HO = High Officier (Guild)
GH = Guild Hall (same in French)

dp = death penalty
hp = hit points - pv
nh = New Horizons
pex = earn experience through training
rez = resurrect
= résurection, ressuciter

stam = stamina = sève
off = Offensive magic = Magie élémentaire

Fr: en chemin, j'arrive ! En: OMW = on my way, or brt = be right there
V en: afk = away from keyboard
V en: bbl = be back later, brb = be right back
plz = pls = please = svp
iirc =  if I remember correct
imo, imho: in my (humble) opinion
iou = I owe you
lfg = looking for a group
lol = laughing out loud = mdr
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing = mdr
wtb = "want to buy"
m8 = sort of a l33t way to write "mate"
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing = se rouler par terre de rire

ta, ty, thx, tnx, thnx = "thanks" or "thank you" = merci :)

CC (Ryzom specific) = Close Combat (when you reach 50 in melee fight the skill tree splits between 1 handed, 2 handed, and close combat)

ffs = for fuck's sake , this is swearing, please refrain from saying it :)

VP = Veuillez patienter - V En: PW = Please Wait

PR = Prime Root = Prime Racine

1h = 1-handed weapon
2h = 2-handed weapon
3* = HA (Heavy Armour) = lourde

CSR = Customer Services Representative (support)
GM = Game Master (support)

op = outpost = avant-poste

plod = ploderos



ML = Main Land (used most on Silan) - En fr: ML = conti =  continent

v Fr: Vents du songe  - V En: WoM (Wind of Muse)

v Fr: Vide  - v En: Voide
v Fr: Bosquet de l'Ombre  - v En: Grove of Umbra

v Fr: FH = Fair Haven (Ryzom specific), thats the capital city in Tryker

v Fr: Jardins Majestueux - V En: FG = Fleeting Garden, an area in Matis lands = MG = Magestic Garden
KoD = Knoll of Dissent, an area in Matis lands = Tertre de la Dissidence

OO = Oflovak's Oasis (fyros desert)

NM = Nexus Minor

In  PR :

  • Forêt Insaisissable  EF = Elusive Forest
  • GoO = Gate of Obscurity => Porte de l'Obscurité
  • AoI = Gouffre d'Ichor  - V en: AoI = Abyss of Ichor (in Prime Racine)
  • LoC = Land of Contunuity = Terre de la Continuité
  • LoU = Lands of Umbra = Route des Ombres
  • ToT = Trench of Trials  = La Fosse aux Épreuves
  • US = Underspring  = Sources Interdites ou SI
  • WL = Wastelands  = Terres Abandonnées

apt = appartement  - V en: apt = apartment


to be continued

V Fr: mp provenant de la chasse - v En: Quartered Mats

v Fr: mp = mats  - v En: mats

Bouclier = Shield

F2P = Free To Play


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Craftjenn, Ranger
Zeige Thema
Last visit Freitag 20 September 22:53:42 UTC

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