Hilfe Zu GNU/Linux

Ryzom FV fails to start

Thanks. There were some errors when I installed the updates, /boot was out of space and stuff. I tried downloading http://ryzom.kervala.net/clients/ryzom_data_2.1.0.6505.zip and copying gamedev.bnp file to ~/.ryzom/data/ . When I started the client from the icon it showed the "patching" dialog for a brief moment then then closed as before. It had overwritten gamedev.bnp with the original one. I copied the file again and run /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh. It is now "Downloading Ryzom data files" (takes 15min). Maybe this will fix it.

rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ cp ~/Downloads/ryzom_data_2.1.0.6505/gamedev.bnp ~/.ryzom/data/
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ ls -l | grep gamedev
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95590756 joulu 6 17:04 gamedev.bnp
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95417948 loka 18 2013 gamedev.bnp.20151206
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh
find: paths must precede expression: bagne_maps.bnp
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]
Found 0 BNP files in /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/data
Checking for free disk space...
/opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh: 50: [: Illegal number:
Downloading ryzom_client.7z from sourceforge...


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
Zeige Thema
Last visit Sonntag 2 Juni 18:33:12 UTC

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