Look! What's that over there!

it's not like i never wnated to change smth.
i was often angry about the "bad" system, coz i was emotional!
But if you look at it from the side ..

1-2 years ago, there were "no hope" that something "big" could ever be added into game, so every one knew that the only and last mass pvp content will ever be outpost war. But for now, i think outpost (as it was announced - as pure Guild vs. Guild that is open for everything esle a guild want to do) is actually really good designed. more building could be added etc, but the basic war-system is very good and fair!
IF THEREWEREN'T 2ND PHASE - pleaso think of different time zones(!) - a american guild could attack some european at 18 pm local time ...and no one see it, when the "former owner" came online, it's already too late. worst case.

Outpost system seem to be "broken" or "bad" only because of the fraction part! it always was... that's doesnt work, coz it never was planed. For "Fyros - Matis territorial conficts" or "Kami and Karavan holy war" is needed an other playground. Outpost fight can still stay open for all, but the main confict should be transferred to another dimension. And since years outpost wars == fraction wars. But it is not true. And that's why i personally have a problem with "hardcore RP" guilds, wo even force this confilct in outpost battles and blame others who is "not that hardcore". Dear Hardcore RP guilds: look into the lore, where is that passage - saying that we left the "peaceful time" and are again in the religious war between the FOLLOWERS?
For that part, there were planned SPIRES. But they weren't released and are canceled forever, it seems.


Purg Derren

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Last visit Freitag 20 September 06:37:46 UTC

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