Mezix the Enchanted

While I would like a new NPC boss (and MA being a good idea), Mezix is not newly introduced. She was e.g. mentioned during the Nine Mektoubs event as the chief sorceress of Akilia Ash Storm. So she is at least recently assumed to reside in the Old Lands, and, by the way, in possession of special teleportation abilities.

Before, she was responsible for abductions (using her charm to seduce stupid fyros males feeding them to her gingos afterwards) in the late 2530s. She is referred to in Mezix lives!? in 4th AC, 2548. Then already, she had summoned a gingo plague over the Wild Dunes.

If she would be permanently deployed to the New Territories, it would be a sad loss for Akilia, especially due to Mezix' talent to mollify Akilia's uncontrolled temper. It would, in addition, require a background story why the always mobile and fairly elusive Mezix is taking a permanent home.


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