should we continue with Megacorp?

Suboxide (atys)
I didn't put an other option there not to be manupilate the vote but because there is an abstain button wish is the same as other.
I can't see what other options i could have really put there or you don't like the magecorp thing or you love it or you abstain and explain in forum.  

If ppl make a 10 option vote ppl say it's manupilative if you keep it simple ppl say the same so pls choose abstain and explain I think thats the most fair way of voting. Even 100 voting options I would never be able to put each and everyones preffered option in there.

Umm... Suboxide --

The statement, "No, I don't like chance and rather have the same old" is not the same as "I don't want events with a megacorp involvement." A person could quite easily want change, but not this particular change. By phrasing it the way you did, you put a negative spin on choosing that option. That is "manipulation", though it is clear that you do not consider it so. It just isn't very effective as manipulation, given the commenting population.

I must also argue that "Abstain" is not the same as "Other". "Abstain" is a refusal to vote. "Other" is an indication that the voter feels you have missed options.

My feeling about this whole thing is that while the devs are saying that the site is outside of RP that the name is mentioned in the ingame activation process so the *name* is rp, and certainly the artifact is subject to rp discussion/interaction. Discussion of C60, however, would be (imho) out of character since the only place it is mentioned is on the website, not in game. I just wished they had taken the effort put into this event and put it into into sculpting, skinning and animating one small additional Atysian creature, advancing the "boat plan" plot line, or working on the Mara tattooists.

With respect -- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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