Scarcity as an answer to the outpost lock-out

I like the novel approach to solving the lack of OP wars however I do not see this working. Reducing OP mats I believe will not stop kami guilds supporting other kami guilds (same for other factions).

I believe there is an alternative route. Recently we saw marauders attack a karavan outpost. Kami were present on both sides of the fighting (although kami were kicked from the marauder side). Some people like to whine and whine about numbers and excessively point out when they are outnumbered during defeat. I would hope to see in the future the very same example kami set when different guilds helped different sides.

If a faction attacks another faction the numbers will most likely be uneven and if the side with fewer numbers has no ground-breaking tactics logic dictates they will most likely loose. The only way for this to change is for a 3rd faction to get involved. I would hope to see deals, bargains, alliances etc. being struck between guilds of different factions as this would create uncertainty of numbers and hopefully generate more OP wars. An added bonus to this is that everyone would have the opportunity to get involved in any OP war, not just the two clashing factions.



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