PvP Week

Avvy (atys)
Rollocks (atys)
However the moderator of this forum has decided to remove and censor my responses which just furthers the distortion. Since they have not interested in having me make suggestions to improve the game, and discuss such suggestions, and defend positions I may take when criticized by others in this forum I will no longer post suggestions. Instead I will sit by and watch the size of the active population of Atys decline.

Can someone tell me how I to unsubscribe my account?

Guardian of the Muted Homin

Don't know why you are blaming the moderator (or at least partially) for your decision. I too got posts removed, and a polite message reminding me of the forum rules.

Anyway had already heard that you were considering leaving the game about a week before this.

If this was Eve-online the post I'm quoting would be removed for discussion of moderation.

Well you did not read the message that I received from the moderator ( I would not characterize it as polite), and perhaps you do not mind your posts being censored. I do. Unlike you, I am careful in selecting the words that I choose. Modifying my posts changes and distorts what I have written.

I do not approve nor appreciate having my my post modified. You may not care, I do. You may not care if someone falsely attributes statements to you. I do, and when some falsely claims I made a statement, I want my response left for all to to see.

And as far as my decision to leave the game, I have had post that consisted of simple screenshots removed and censored several weeks ago. That is one of the contributing factors in deciding to leave the game. The scrutinization and reactions to my post borders on the absurd. There is no consistency in the standards applied by the moderators. What one moderator will suggest to you is permissible another one will impose a ban. So removing myself is the most effective way to avoid the aggravation.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again
Zeige Thema
Last visit Freitag 20 September 13:29:03 UTC

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