Bitttymacod (atys)
No, the description doesn't explain that you have to edit actions yourself in order to use the upgrade. It just says the upgrade is a brick, and let's be honest that is not clear at all for someone who doesn't know the game. This system is very different from other games, this is normal that new players get confused.Kalean (atys)The problem is that many new players buy upgrades without knowing how to use it, just because it's cheaper than buying an action. But buying an upgrade doesn't update your actions automatically, you have to edit actions yourself to include the new upgrade. A pop-up should explain that fact when someone is about to buy an upgrade.
Kalean -- If you look at the Upgrade the description says exactly that.
I was thinking about a pop-up with more details about how to edit actions.There is a pop up like this that appear during missions, it should appear when someone buy an upgrade for the firs time.
Kaléan McFertyPirate of the Lakes