Soft toys!

Sorry, but to compare Minecraft to Ryzom in terms of potential commercial success of merchandise is ridiculous. Even if you take the most optimistic assumption on the Ryzom userbase you'll be nowhere near the amount of players of Minecraft, currently.

So whoever wants to create Ryzom plushies should get pre-orders from players to collect the interest, then plan and see if the numbers work out, get confirmation that players would order at the calculated/estimated price, and then get it done. _Or_ go with one of those crowd funding services (indiegogo, kickstarter, etc) but then add to the calculation that they will actually take about 10% of whatever money you get promised.

I'd be in. But my optimistic bet would be that you get orders for maybe 200 items. I have no idea how expensive that would be per item, but you have to consider pricing of worldwide shipping. It's probably best if someone in France tries to set it up because we still seem to have more French players than others, so it'd reduce overall shipping. Or go with a cheap shop somewhere in asia and let them do all the shipping to end customers. All of this may be a customs nightmare to deal with.

Don't want to discourage people here, but just get the expectations right. Hopefully I'm too pessimistic with the numbers. But I'd guess we could get maybe ~70-100 orders in with about 2-3 plushies each.
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Last visit Dienstag 18 Februar 18:52:41 UTC

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