Magic Resistance is problematic


I arrived recently in this game and this surprised me a lot concerning the whole magic branch : it is pretty hard to land a spell.
Don't get me wrong, i surely don't want a "path" that offers no challenge at all but this can lead to some ridiculous situations.
I may not be aware of all mechanics but this game rewards people playing in groups and just for this, magic suffers too much of this problem. This is a situation i encounter.

I want to level my elemental magic, i will do it mainly in solo because even targets of my level can resist the spell totally up to 4 times in a row when i'm really, really unlucky. They are targets of my range, i don't aim for maximum experience at magic because i know it won't be usefull to burn twice the sap to get 1000 more base experience. So if i want to get some levels with a healer on my side on easy targets like plants or some herbivores, this won't work. It just doesn't.

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Last visit Freitag 20 September 19:19:18 UTC

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