[PLAYER] Armageddons birthday party (2012/02/11)

Thanks for Coming!

The party was a big success with nearly 50 participants and hundreds of fireworks aloft during the grand finale. To wrap things up, I've updated the Schedule of Events with the names of all Big Prize winners. I also added a copy of my speech if you wanted to read it and couldn't attend the event. Folks had a blast judging by some of the comments we received:

(CSR) Daexin
Great event .. fab party.
Brilliant party, next week again?
Swell party, and one of the better run events I have seen in some time.

We couldn't have done it without the support of this wonderful community. Many thanks to all who participated! Special thanks to the party committee and to CSRs Daexin and Swindt for adding the fun party titles, transforming racing mounts into Mini-Mektoubs, and staging a kincher invasion while we waited at the finish line of the Mektoub race!

- Jola(Arispotle)
Zeige Thema
Last visit Sonntag 9 Juni 21:05:03 UTC

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