[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (4th of July)

4 Organization and structuring of Ryzom Core; improvement of communication between Ryzom Core (RC) and Ryzom Team (RT)

The problem we have is that Ryzom Core (RC) is not organized at all. No structure, nobody to welcome and guide the C++ devs who join to help the game, no efficient interaction with Ryzom Team (RT) to know its dev needs, nobody from RT to contact to know if his RC project is interesting for the game...
(Precision: C++ Devs work in RC and PHP ones work in RT).
For these reasons, each time we have a C++ dev applying to join and help Ryzom, we send it towards Ryzom Core (RC)... and then we loose it in several days. What is a pity...
That's why I try to do something to help Ryzom Core devs who want to help Ryzom game to organize themselves and to have a real interaction with RT devs.
For this, I've worked on 2 ways: structuration of RC and addition of a common chat and workplace.

Structuration of RC:
My idea is to have a leader "team" to guide RC and welcome the new C++ devs who want to help the game, and to have a real link between RC and RT devs.
I think about Kervala, Nimetu and Kaetemi to the guide" part (but maybe other ones would be interested!), and to Riasan and Kervala (and of course Ulukyn if he has time) for the "link" part (that means the "report to RC the needs of RT teams, and report to RT the ideas and progresses of RC). 
Kervala and Riasan have already accepted. Still have to contact the other ones.

Common chat:
I've created another Slack called Ryzom Core. The RC and RT devs wanted to join and help Ryzom will all be inside. That will permit to have a real dev group for Ryzom, with guides and projects.
To all: if you'd like to join Ryzom Core Slack, please contact me by private message, ingame mail or to, telling your email adress so I'll send you an email invitation. 

Common workplace:
Current RC wiki is not the best way to organize Ryzom's dev group, according to Kervala.
That's why he is creating a new mediawiki (same than Ryzom Core one) that will be called This mediawiki will be linked to Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Wiki's ones: only 1 inscription to access the 3 + tab system to swtich from one to another one.

Message from Kervala
I created new wiki for Ryzom Core : Because the current one is really hard to find : indows and is not hosted on the same server than other wikis. The final URL when vl will have added a new DNS entry will be :
This wiki will centralize all documents related to code.
We decided to only keep one language : English. It'll be easier to manage like that and since technical english is easy to understand : click on ..., install ..., etc... Problem when we have several languages is we have to update all translations when one is changed. For code, it can be problematic.So I think it's better to have only ONE version. We'll need to update links between existing wikis to put the new one. 
And for this wiki, we'll use the same existing account than other wikis.

I'll add that the aim of this organisation is especially not to divide Ryzom Core in tow, but simply to allow the ones working on Ryzom to work better together and with the RT dev

These 2 projects (RF and RC ones) are still in progress, but I hope it will help the 3 Ryzom groups (RC, RF and RT) to improve their communications and so their efficacy.

<nuts> Tamarea: ah , cause i could be interested by C++ dev on my free time also :P

<Kaetemi> thing is, even if we do spend our time to help someone on RC channel for days to get started on doing c++ work, they tend to give up or disappear anyway. New c++ devs really should get started doing things with the snowballs demo application first, before moving onto ryzom, because ryzom all at once is way too complicated but they dont have the patience :)
<SIELA1915> i think it's more exciting for new ones to see some stuff related to Ryzom itself and it's not that hard if you have an exact goal of what you search (that's how i started personally).
<nuts> Kaetemi: that's why you should have introdction task for new dev ... with little to do (even useless) to learn how the code is.
Tamarea: That's what is planned. And if Kaetemi wants to help, he is welcome. ;) If you look at the two C++ devs who remained there, you see that they're involved together in the Khaganat project. I think it's not by chance. Be a real part of a project which matters to you, while being able to interact with other peoples, it's more motivating than working solo. Ryzom matters to all of us here. Yes, we'll lose some devs on the road, but currently, because of the lack of structure and guide/lead, we're losing all of them.
<Kaetemi> i can help people who are patient enough. ;)

<Kaetemi> keep in mind a lot of the docs on the atlassian wiki are just 'private' notes by different people releated to their own projects, there is zero relation between the workflow of many of these wiki articles, so it's just difficult to bring them all together as a whole and 90% of it is wrong :)
<SIELA1915> that's exactly the problem :P well, let's make the new wiki with them brought together and only with correct ones. :)
<Kaetemi> we should clearly separate the NeL and Ryzom stuff though..


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