
#1 Multilingual 

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Recently returned to the surface of Atys, Nilstilar has been there striving for several days now to restore the ease in carrying out the tasks and missions necessary for a harmonious life on the planet, lost during his three-year stay in its skies.
As this occcupation threatens to drag on, he resolves to take up his calamus today and address the izam bearing the following message to his sovereign:

Yrkanis, le 17 de Pluvia 2627-1, to Stevano Karan

Your Majesty,

Allow me to start by apologizing for my absence at the last Chamber of Nobles, the last Taliari Assembly of the Federation of Naw Trykoth and the last Ranger Assembly. Rest assured that it was not of my own free will that I failed to perform the duties you did me the honor of entrusting to me, and that when I come to my senses, you will be the first recipient of the account of what happened to me during those three years in Jena.

Let me then plead for the enoblement of Serae Liosta Frerini, wife of your ambassador and scribe, Filira Copal. For Serae Liosta amply demonstrated her talents as a minstrel at the last Court held by Her Highness Tamelia, and the Frerini couple demonstrated to me, shortly after my return to Yrkanis, the excellence of their hospitality and their loyalty to their friends by welcoming me to their home for a soothing evening. Furthermore, I do not wish at any cost, any more than Your Majesty, I imagine, that the union of the two spouses should ever be denounced by any malicious person as morganatic.

I'd like to conclude by asking Your Majesty to include the ennoblement ceremony of Filirae Liosta Frerini, be-born Be Zephy, on the agenda of the next Chambre des Nobles over which you will preside.

Matis aiye!
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador of Your Majesty near the Naw Trykoth Federation and (interim) near the Ranger Organization

Last edited by Nilstilar (1 month ago)


#2 Multilingual 

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Nilstilar is unhappy with himself: he has gone so far as to ask Stevano Karan to ennoble Serae Liosta Frerini, born Ba'Zephy, as soon as possible. Impudence not towards Her Majesty, but towards the Serae herself: an interview with the latter, advised by Filira Copal Frerini, has since shown him that the idea was most unwelcome.
For this reason, and because the "as soon as possible" is imminent, he is sending the following missive to his sovereign without delay.
Yrkanis, Germinally the 20th 2627-3, to Stevano Karan

I note that the agenda for the forthcoming Chamber of the Nobles contains no mention of Serae Liosta Frerini's accession to the Nobility. And so much the better: after discussing the matter at length with the serae involved, I'm now certain that she has no desire for such an accession, not out of false modesty, but out of loyalty to her youthful Tryker years.
That's why I've come here to express my gratitude to Your Majesty for not yielding to the request I made on the 17th of Pluvia.

Matis aiye!
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador of Your Majesty near the Naw Trykoth Federation and (interim) near the Ranger Organization

Last edited by Nilstilar (1 month ago)


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