
#1 Multilingual 

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Rueda de Gubani Afortunado durante Atysmas

Las fichas que se pueden obtener de los eventos de Atysmas son las siguientes:

Permiten obtener, al jugar la Rueda, un fragmento de uno de los 3 objetos siguientes a Atysmas.
Cada vez que un jugador recibe 24 fragmentos, puede montar el objeto final que le dará una recompensa.

La bola de nieve llamaron: BoomSplash

Permite una vez montado obtener las recompensas habituales (flores, materiales genéricos, pociones).

La cabeza del muñeco de nieve llamaron: Hatysmas

Permite una vez montado obtener adornos para apartamentos (Atysmas especial)

El muñeco de nieve llamaron: Atysmin

Una vez ensamblado, permite obtener recompensas especiales (trajes de refugiado blancos/rojos, palos,peluches, etc.).

Eventos especiales:
Cuando se ensamblan los Hatysmas, hay riesgos de que aparezca el Hueco del Hombre de Nieve y venga a robar la cabeza que cree que es suya.

Los jugadores pueden entonces lanzarle BoomSplashes para que se rinda y recupere sus Hatysmas. Para ello, los jugadores deben tener un BoomSplash completo (24 fragmentos) en su posesión y podrán elegir si quieren lanzar 1, 2 o 3 BoomSplashes (1 = 24 fragmentos, 2 = 48 fragmentos, 3 = 72 fragmentos) en el hueco del muñeco de nieve. Los jugadores también pueden elegir no hacer nada si lo desean o si no tienen suficientes fragmentos.

Si los jugadores logran golpear el hueco del muñeco de nieve, entonces recuperan su recompensa. Si no, el Vacío del Hombre de Nieve huye... Y también lo hace la recompensa.

Al montar el Atysmin hay riesgos que el Grinch aparezca y venga a robar el bonhomin porque odia Atysmas....

Los jugadores pueden entonces lanzarle Hatysmas para que se rinda y obtenga su Atysmin. La forma en que se pueden obtener las recompensas es exactamente la misma que la descrita anteriormente.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (5 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

I just 'knew' there were spooks at work around here! ( i definitely need to get done speedily with snowbomb and snowman then ) ...there will be no white flag upon my snowman nor on my snowman hat 8! ...i have not yet begun to fight to retain them !! 8! 8)

#3 [fr] 

1.  I have been advised that one should only use the Atysmas Tokens on the Island.

2.  When you assemble anything we get from the wheel, (wigs, plushies, ryzomhome item, mount, zig, etc) a new item appears in your inventory.  When I assemble anything from Atysmas token rewards,  (Boomsplah, Hatysmas, Atysmin) ... nothing appears in my inventory.  Is this normal ?

3.  If I assemble a Hatysmas / Atysmin and the snowman / grinch is supposed to appear and try and steal ... I don't see a snowman / grinch pop.   I just see a popup window, that is in french, half the time the window is smaller than the info it's trying to display so can only read parts of it.  And as I can't see any "boomsplashes" in inventory, it woukld appear I am unarmed.  I expected that these would appear like "water bombs"

Can anyone shed light on what I am supposed to be seeing ?

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Boomsplashes are often masked by a problem with the size of the inventory window. It needs to be enlarged in the right-left direction.
It's better to start by assembling the Atysmin, in my opinion.
If the grinch appears to steal the atysmin you need to have enough Hatysmas fragments and therefore not to have assembled the Hatysmas before.
By assembling the atysmin you can gain Atysmas items like star sticks etc. but if the grinch steals it, you get nothing.
I think the chances of hitting the Grinch with a single Hatismas are so low that you should not attempt it.


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#5 [fr] 

À chaque fois que j'ai assemblé un Atysmin, le grinch a débarqué. Je ne sais pas comment se situent les probabilités, mais mon expérience est de 100% d'apparition du grinch. Donc je ne sais pas si j'aurai beaucoup d'Hatysmas au final, vu tout ce qu'il faut dépensesr pour contrer le grinch.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#6 [fr] 

Boomsplashes are often masked by a problem with the size of the inventory window. It needs to be enlarged in the right-left direction.

It's better to start by assembling the Atysmin, in my opinion.
If the grinch appears to steal the atysmin you need to have enough Hatysmas fragments and therefore not to have assembled the Hatysmas before.

By assembling the atysmin you can gain Atysmas items like star sticks etc. but if the grinch steals it, you get nothing.

I think the chances of hitting the Grinch with a single Hatismas are so low that you should not attempt it.

1.  I normally keep it 10 icons wide ... makes it easy to count.  Exactly what will I see in my invemtory after I assemble 24/24 ?    That is when I have 72/24 Boomsplash fragments ... and I assemple one ... what should I see ?  ...widening it I get nothing extra in inventory window.

2.  Exactly what am I fighting the grinch and snowman with ?  Boomsplashes or boomsplash fragments ?


#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

2.  Exactly what am I fighting the grinch and snowman with ?  Boomsplashes or boomsplash fragments ?

You are fighting the grinch with Hatismas fragments (so you don't have to assemble it previously) and the snowman with the boomsplash fragments too.

For the reward, when you assemble boomsplash, you gain, for example, some raw material or flowers you have to collect like everything. They don't spawn in the bag directly.
You don't gain boomsplashes when you assemble the fragments !

Last edited by Kyriann (5 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#8 [fr] 

But that's the point... "If I  assembled a [insert atysmas item here] .. It should be in the inventory.   Otherwise why assemble it ?  Just say you need 30 BS parts to fight the grinch.  Every other item you 'assemble" subsequently appears in inventory.

What made it more cnfusing was support response saying I should be assenbling them and if I wasn't it must be about display errors and GFX card issues being responsible for not seeing the assembled items.


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