
#1 [en] 

I'm writing several posts on Ryzom crafting, this one will be about item colors. Alot of information can already be found over at the Wiki (link), I try to fill some blind spots and have a more detailed look at the topic. Feel free to discuss the article in this thread, point out errors etc.

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Crafting and Colors

1. General Rule

The majority of a color used in a craft recipe determines the color of the final item. If we use 4 blue and 2 red materials, the item will be blue. All materials used in the recipe count, not only those in a single part. For a light armor recipe, all materials of the individual parts (Clothing, Lining, Stuffing, Armor Clip) contribute to the items color equally.

2. Special Case

If an item has the same amount of colors, e.g. 2 red and 2 blue, the final item color is chosen according to this priority list:
1. Red
2. Beige
3. Green
4. Turquoise
5. Blue
6. Purple
7. White
8. Black

The result for 2 red and 2 blue materials would be red. If it had 3 black, 3 white and 3 blue materials, it would be blue. Black and white are the hardest colors to get.

3. Tips

Getting a certain item color may conflict with good item stats. Beige, green, turquoise and purple colors can only be found with basic and fine materials*, while black, white, blue and red colors can be found with choice, excellent and supreme materials*. The same material type can appear in up to 3 different colors!

Basic and fine Anete Fiber is green, choice, excellent and supreme is blue for all 4 lands and black for prime roots.

To get good stats, while keeping the color, some tricks can be used. First of all, the priority list is key. If we need to craft an item with a color coming from "low" materials such as beige, we don't want to put more fine / basic materials in the recipe, than we have to.

Example: High Quality Light Gloves

The item consists of 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 10 mats total. If we wanted the color to be beige, the first idea might be to just use beige mats for everything.

1.) 10 Beige - stats pretty bad

This can be improved by using the priority table above and adding any material which is of lower priority than beige in equal amounts.

2.) 5 Beige, 5 Blue - stats significantly better

However the amount of beige materials can be further reduced. Since beige is pretty high up in the priority list, anything below it can be used and it won't turn the item into a different color. We can choose from blue, black and white. (If we don't want to use other lower grade materials like purple etc.)

3.) 3 Beige, 3 Blue, 2 White, 2 Black - stats even better

This is as far as we get for this example.

It is possible to use just a single material of the desired color if it is high enough in the priority list. The extreme would be to use one of each color and the outcome would be red.

With this, many item colors can be achieved with very little of the matching materials available.

Example: Surface and Prime Roots mats

If another color beats the desired color we can try and break it down into different colors with prime roots and surface mats - if possible. In this case we want a blue item.

1.) 3 Blue, 3 Red - result will be red

If we want it to be blue and also save as much blue as possible, we can do as follows:

2.) 2 Blue, 2 White, 2 Black - will turn blue

Since white and black are below blue in the priority list the item will be blue.

3.) 4 Blue, 2 Red - result is blue at a higher material cost

If you have no choice but to use red, the only option here is to increase blue.

Thank you for reading!

* there are some exceptions for special materials obtainable through missions or buyable with certain points

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago)


#2 [en] 

Very nice and clearly written.  I was unaware of the Priority List, but this will now be a book marked file for me.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

Great info- I'm saving this too! Thanks Arc :)


#4 [en] 

good information! Now I know why my armor is all pink :P

#5 [en] 

Good post! Bookmarked :-)

#6 [en] 

Great information... bookmaking this post :)
Thanks, Arc ☻

#7 [en] 

Awesome guide! This is new information to me, thanks Arc =)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#8 [en] 

This is quite helpful. Thank you for taking the time to write it. ☻ I've added it to my Bookmarks.


~ Ranger Aspirant ~ Officer of Fluffy Bunnies ~ Generally Mischievous ~

#9 [en] 

With the introduction of choice materials of color beige/ green/ turquoise/ purple, buyable with Elyps coins .... this guide may need an update.


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#10 [en] 

I was always hesitant to include special materials, like generic materials bought with points or those from event mobs. With the introduction of higher grade colored materials the guide is still the same, you just have more options to optimize for desired stats and a specific color outcome.



#11 [en] 

Assuming BM colour tables are accurate (likely) and I'm not being completely daft (intermittent), it does not compute.

It was both.

Last edited by Olmo (2 years ago)

Last visit Sunday, 6 October 09:13:09 UTC

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