Lore & Chronicles


#1 Multilingual 

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Correspondence between Tridi Lillo and her son, made public in 2582, in which the few copies were very quickly confiscated. Nonetheless, the publication had been copied and several amber cubes still circulate within the Kingdom, including this one.

Letter dated Germinally 2, 3rd AC 2518

My dear son,

Have you ever heard of the chest of Bravichi Lenardi, the father of the Karae?

History notes that all the knowledge of Bravichi is forever lost. Can you imagine? He died on a pyre, not because he was a heretic, but rather because he supported Yrkanis. Obviously, helping Yrkanis to run out the Kingdom and saving him narrowly from a murder ordered by Jinovitch was not out of this.

All his work was publicly burned. To not keep the least memory from what a heretic wrote, that could take the heat of Jena. What an era! Divert in such a way divine will for man's own glory! Jinovitch's end was predictable, the Goddess could not tolerate such abuse eternally...

Whatever, Bravichi Lenardi succeeded in preserving the main amber cubes containing his knowledge. Karae Lea herself said that to me, saying that her father confessed to her, very near before his arrest, that he left a box to a "person of confidence".

I think that the Karae will never recover from what she considers as a betrayal from her father.  Who was this person in who he has got more confidence than her? Why didn't he entrust this so precious trunk to her, his daughter? Is it really to protect her, as he said? Was it Yrkanis? Was it somebody she knew, and who continues to bow down in front of her, as if nothing happened? And what, if the knowledge of her father was hidden out of the Kingdom? One of the tracks she followed secretly led her to the Empire, can you imagine?

My son, the Karae is young and her pregnancy is rather near to term, but, despite of that, look how determinate she is in going on in her quest of this box! I have the chance to serve a great Queen. Her presence, her authority, the art in which she drives a large-scale investigation, without anybody else from her relatives to know it - even not the Karan - all that proves it.

My son, one more time I forget my duties about you. How are you? You said in you last letter, that your superiors think about a promotion for you. How is it? Do I have the benefit, without knowing it, to be the mother of a Lieutenant of our armies? I can't wait to read you to know more!

May the Goddess look after you, my son. And may she give me the pleasure to see you again soon.

Jena Aiye, 

Your mother,

Tridi Lillo

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