Lore & Chronicles


#1 Multilingual 

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Correspondence between Tridi Lillo and her son, made public in 2582, in which the few copies were very quickly confiscated. Nonetheless, the publication had been copied and several amber cubes still circulate within the Kingdom, including this one.

Letter dated from Medis 27, 1er CA 2518

My dear son,

I'm very happy to hear of your new position ! By Jena, you, so young and yet sublieutenant ! One, day, I'm sure, you will be telling me that you're promoted to  General of our armies.

Here at the palace, life rolls along. The Jinovitch era seems already so far off, but the tyrant died only four years ago. Time eases the spirit, like Jena's tears falling from the sky.

Howerver, there is still one troubled soul here; a person that I hear scream at night from my nice room, and that I have difficulty calming down. It's the Karae herself. She often wakes up with a start, sweating, wide eyed, seeing again that nightmarish vision: her father, the great botanist Bravichi Lenardi, being burned alive on a pyre.

I pray to the Goddess that the coming royal birth calms down the torments of the Karae. Son, I know that it's difficult to believe me when you see the self-confidence she has in front of everybody. However, it's the truth. 

I send you all my love with this letter, my beloved son.

Jena Aiye,

Your mother, proud of you,

Tridi Lillo

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