
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The following letter is delivered to Pei-Ziao Pingi, Tribe Chief of the Icon Worshippers, by Izam mail:


I hope this letter finds you well, Pei-Ziao Pingi kwaï. We have always been close allies, and the Zoraï Theocracy is once again in need of your tribe's extraordinary crafting abilities. Our diplomatic relations with the Gibads Tribe have been strained lately, and we owe them several large containers to store fruit. We must uphold the promise to deliver these containers, and in order to do that we count on the Icon Worshippers to assist us with the crafting.

Would it be possible for you and yours to help the Theocracy with this task, aribini? We will repay you in any way we can.

Ari'kami and mata né'puké,

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe"

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#2 [fr] 

Deleted by Tamarea (9 years ago) | Reason: Translation added to the first topic.

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
A Izam brought Rikutatis a response from Pei-Ziao Pingi.

Awakened Rikutatis, thank you for your concern about my health, which is fine. It is always a pleasure and an honor to serve the Theocracy, and I propose that the Circles come and meet me on 1h - Quinteth, Fallenor 23, 1st AC 2582 (*) so that you can explain to me more detail what you need. In order to maintain friendly relations, we will agree in advance as to what service you will will give us in return.

Ari'kami and mata né'puké,

Pei-Ziao Pingi, Chief of the tribe Icon Worshippers

(*) [OOC] The Sunday, 15 March 2015 20:30:00 UTC (9 years ago)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Pei-Ziao Pingi (9 years ago)


[OOC] Topic moved. [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 [en] 

The following note is posted on the bulletin boards of several Zoraï cities and villages:


The Icon Worshippers are helping the Zoraïs build several fruit baskets in order to fullfil a long overdue promise to the Gibads tribe. We need the help of all Zoraï Initiates and their allies in order to gather the materials necessary for this task.

The following materials are needed:

- 2000 dry wood of at least quality 50.
- 500 excellent jungle glue resin of at least quality 150
- 1000 jungle dzao fiber of at least quality 200

The materials can be delivered to Nui Ke-Jan at the Icon Worshippers Tribe. You can also check the progress with him.

Mata Zora,

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe."

( OOC update: All dzao fiber has been delivered. We only need the dry wood and excellent glue resin now. )

Last edited by Rikutatis (9 years ago)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#6 [en] 

Ky Ta-Ro read this notice, then take his pickaxe and start working.


Ky Ta-Ro Zoraï
Scribe du Clan Sckinook
Orateur du Clan Sckinook
Ambassadeur Zoraï auprès de la Fédération Tryker

#7 [fr] 

Je viens de forer plus de 300 Bois sec de ql 50 (Fagot Moyen/Bois sec exactement), mais je ne peux pas les remettre au PNJ.

Ai-je forer la mauvaise matière ou s'agit-il d'un bug ?

Si par la même occasion je peux avoir la traduction de bundle of plain dry wood.



Ky Ta-Ro Zoraï
Scribe du Clan Sckinook
Orateur du Clan Sckinook
Ambassadeur Zoraï auprès de la Fédération Tryker

#8 [en] 

kami'ata Kytaro, I passed your message on to Nui Ke-Jan, who then inquired with his tribes crafters. They informed him that any type of Dry wood is acceptable, not only Plain Dry wood. He will be happy to accept your contribution, and offers apologies for not doing so before.

Mata waki Kytaro!


Ryzom EN Event Team
Arkitect Wizard

#9 [en] 

Ky Ta-Ro add a little note under the Rikutatis one :

All dry wood has been delivered.


Ky Ta-Ro Zoraï
Scribe du Clan Sckinook
Orateur du Clan Sckinook
Ambassadeur Zoraï auprès de la Fédération Tryker

#10 [en] 

Sygmus walks up to the bulletin board of Hoï-Cho and reads the updated notice. He can't help but smile at the strong work of Ky Ta-Ro, Rikutatis and other contributing homins.

"500 excellent jungle glue resin of at least quality 150 remains." Syg mumbles under his breath. "That one will be annoying."

He begins calculating the season and time changes for this material as he walks off...

(OOC: Sygmus's research reveals that Exe Glue Resin is only up during Summer and Spring at night.)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Sygmus (9 years ago)


Sygmus Talao-Fyr

Zoraï Ambassador to the Fyros Empire
Celestaï Mik'ito
Kitin College Representative

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Sygmus tilts his head staring at his work on the bulletin update:


All the materials needed have been dug and delivered to Nui Ke-Jan.
Ari'kami to those who helped deal with the bandits previously and those who aided in digging the required resources.
Great work and the Theocracy is grateful.

Mata Nékéan,

Sygmus, Ambassador."

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Pei-Ziao Pingi (9 years ago)


Sygmus Talao-Fyr

Zoraï Ambassador to the Fyros Empire
Celestaï Mik'ito
Kitin College Representative

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Pei-Ziao Pingi gives his messenger a letter for Rikutatis.
You have worked expeditiously, and I congratulate you! The baskets for the Gibads will soon be ready. You can take delivery 1h - Quinteth, Winderly 23, 3rd AC 2582 (*) at our camp.
Pei-Ziao Pingi, head of the tribe Icon Worshippers

(*) [HRP] the Wednesday, 8 April 2015 19:00:00 UTC (9 years ago)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Cerulean (9 years ago)

#13 [fr] 

Rikutatis smiles as he finishes reading Pei-Ziao's letter. He quickly pens a response:

"Kami'ata y ari'kami Pei-Ziao,

The work was done by several Zoraï shizus and kamists, they all deserve the congratulations. The materials for the baskets were collected by Clan Sckinook and Celestaï. And the bandits who stole your amber were defeated with the help of Grave of the Fireflies, Amazons Mysticia and Tribu Talodi.

I just hope we can mend our relations with the Gibads tribe and avoid a diplomatic crisis. We don't want to see Zo-Kian happen all over again, that would be a tragedy.

Mata yumé,

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe"


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#14 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
OOC to english people : I'll want to translate this summary but it very hard, because the text is long and with some word game. I tried to write a short (and narrative) version but.. hard too, because it's a complicated story. If someone want translate, I'm happy to add his/her translation.

Actually, for complete version, I hope that Goo-trad make a acceptable job. And I summarize here, with only the essential information.

Antekami Kaze, a guild of moron Antekami (more moron than other antekami), engage a Shadow Runner (a tryker without morals) to attack zorai when they deliver basket at Gibads. They wait the report of the tryker, but he never come. Alerted by presence of this zorai-goo, Amazones come, see them and kill them.

Not a goo-d day for Antekami... like a lot of day !
Last visit Sunday, 8 September 06:42:49 UTC

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