#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 10 years ago
"oren pyr. Like you might know, in the last weeks and months there were investigations about the past of the imperial family. Some events related to the birth of emperor Dexton and his possible twin brother Atreus stay mysterious to us.I made it my personal quest to find out the truth and my investigations lead to a list of names who could have witnessed the events almost a century ago. I have given the list of names and all informations I got to Euphanyx Apotheps, imperial archivist. I need help to follow these traces. So please talk to her to get all informations you need to help searching. These informations will be relevant for the next Akenak assembly. I hope your search for the truth will be successful.akep for your support. You can find Euphanyx Apotheps in the Imperial Academy. She will give you the informations you need and will be available the next days. You report to Euphanyx Apotheps.May the pillar of truth guide your way. oren fyraï."
#2 Added by Turia 10 years ago
#3 Added by Mermaidia 10 years ago
Oren pyr Decalion, J’aurais aimé commencer ce message par « Maître Ardent » tant je suis nostalgique de cette époque où la Tête dirigeait encore l’Empire et, comme vous, j’ai aimé croire en son retour mais les questions étaient si nombreuses et l’aveuglement si peu compatible avec la recherche de la Vérité… J’ai suivi avec attention la progression de vos recherches, j’ai rencontré l’archiviste ainsi que toutes ces personnes qui auraient pu avoir le moindre lien avec les protagonistes, les fausses pistes aussi et, ce soir enfin, cette vieille homine si fragile et si attendrissante dans son sentiment de culpabilité… Pourtant il est une question qui me taraude : vous êtes-vous renseigné sur Euracus Cethus ? Ma méfiance à son égard ne date pas d’hier et je vous avoue que c’est en majeure partie à cause de lui que je n’ai pas adhéré aux fameuses « manches noires ». Et si je n’avais pas compris sa réintégration au poste de sénateur, je comprends encore moins son maintien alors qu’il fait partie des personnes qui devraient être entendues dans le cadre de cette affaire. Mes doutes sont partagés par nombre de nos compatriotes aussi j’aimerai connaître votre avis à son sujet. Je me demandais aussi si vous aviez pu vous entretenir personnellement avec les sénateurs Graphybus Ceros ou Abycus Zekops au commencement de vos recherches ? De même, avez-vous des nouvelles de vos anciens compagnons depuis votre retour à Pyr ? Je pense à Thulam Cekaps en particulier mais il doit y en avoir bien d’autres encore. La Kuilde représente certainement un danger pour eux. Pensez-vous que ses agents pourraient être au courant de vos avancées ? Les rumeurs et les nouvelles se propagent tellement vite ! Decalion, vous le comprenez certainement en me lisant, je suis inquiète et j’espère vivement que vous saurez partager votre ressenti si ce n’est apaiser mes doutes. Les Eclaireurs et moi-même nous tenons à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Et je suppose que l’akenak Eeri l’est tout autant que nous. Oren fyraï Decalion, puissent les Kamis veiller sur vous ! Mermaidia Chef des Eclaireurs d’Atys xxx
#4 Added by Eeri 9 years ago
oren pyr sharükos,By virtue of the responsibility which are confered on me, as a Thesos akenak, I deliver to you my assessment on everyone named in this trial.I hope you’ll consider my opinion, in spite of the fact I was a part of the homins who were meeting and following Atreus since the moment he appeared. I would have liked to have the feedback from the former akenak Icus as well, but I’m sure he would agree with me for most of the points.Considering Atreus is a member of the imperial family, and regarding of his age and fragile health, I would beg for clemency towards him. I would also ask for the same clemency towards Epus Xalaus, Decalion Krilius and Thulam Cekaps, because of their acts and words during the trial.Concerning Euracus Cethus, I have to consider the fact that he refused to answer to some questions from myself and from the patriots, taking advantage of his grade of celiakos. Some grey areas stills remains to enlighten about him, and with all due respect, I cannot refrain from asking myself the following question : Why Euracus Cethus, who was named in this trial, remained as a celiakos? Why did you, sharükos, named him as a celiakos, knowing that he was close to Atreus, that he organized the first meetings with patriots? That’s why, as an akenak, I can’t pronounce myself about him.I don’t think he had bad intentions towards the empire anyway.Of course, those homins wanted to take control of the sharük but they never asked any patriot to betray the empire. Atreus was tortured by the Kuilde, and his purpose was to take revenge after the higher powers. Some grey areas stills remains, and Atreus couldn’t answer some more questions because of his health during the last assembly.I hope the sharük will be clair-sighted towards the higher powers, kami or karavan, after we know what they are capable for towards patriots, and I hope the light will be made on their real intentions.Here is my feeling and my verdict. Whatever will be your decision, sharükos, I’ll respect it.To finish, I want to inform you that I’m leaving the akenak. as well as the Légions fyros. After this trial and all what it implicated from the sharük and the imperial family, after some of the pillars trembled under revelations from beyond the grave, I realize that I need to take some distances with the political and patriotic life. I can’t continue to serve the sharük, as an akenak, if I can’t deeply trust it anymore. However, the desert will always be my homeland, from the bottom of my heart. I also hope that my departure will encourage some young fyros to be more involved in the akenak assembly and the political life of the desert.cal i selak!Eeri,Former Thesos akenak.
#5 Added by Lerya 9 years ago
oren pyr sharükos Lykos:I am afraid that I could not be present in the last meeting about Atreus and our inquiry about him. But I have been present in most of them.I am a proud Fyros that follows the Four Pillars and never doubt about them. I was taught this way by my father and I will follow this way, even if in my pass, when I was younger, things were bit different; but that is another story. About Atreus, I can only tell you that since I first hear about him inside my Guild, I never trusted in that name. There was a time that I was about to fully believe that he was your father, but just because of Discipline, I must follow my guild leader too. Apart from that, I always said that Atreus should be executed in public because he did not tell the Truth from the very beginning.In short, we must say to our malos that Atreus is an impostor and those homin that pretend to remember a night and a kidnap they are just confused because of that strange effect we all have suffered and made us remember certain things that they might be true or not. If something like this ever happen, your father must knew it for sure, something like this is so big to be a secret, and do you truly believe that sharükos Dexton was able to lie us? dey!!I think my words are enough.sharükos pyrèkud !!!
Last edited by Lerya (9 years ago)
#6 Added by Daomei 9 years ago
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)
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