
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
(Log from the announcement event "Decalion's quest")

"oren pyr. Like you might know, in the last weeks and months there were investigations about the past of the imperial family. Some events related to the birth of emperor Dexton and his possible twin brother Atreus stay mysterious to us.
I made it my personal quest to find out the truth and my investigations lead to a list of names who could have witnessed the events almost a century ago. I have given the list of names and all informations I got to Euphanyx Apotheps, imperial archivist. I need help to follow these traces. So please talk to her to get all informations you need to help searching. These informations will be relevant for the next Akenak assembly. I hope your search for the truth will be successful.
akep for your support. You can find Euphanyx Apotheps in the Imperial Academy. She will give you the informations you need and will be available the next days. You report to Euphanyx Apotheps.
May the pillar of truth guide your way. oren fyraï."

(ooc: It is an automated Mission that will be available until next Friday. You can follow the traces every time during the next days to learn more about the events of the past. Please don't post any informations you get during the quest in a public forum before Friday so others can have the fun to find out the story themselves.)

#2 [fr] 

[hrp]Voici un peu de feed-back (en spoiler - mais qui ne contient rien par rapport aux informations obtenues)[/hrp]

#3 Multilingual 

Decalion avait invité les fyros à le rejoindre au Square Impérial pour leur faire part des avancées de ses recherches. Il était reparti aux origines de l’affaire : la naissance de Dexton et se trouvait maintenant en possession d’une liste de noms, des personnes qui auraient pu être impliquées à cette époque.
Il demandait aux présents de se rendre à l’Académie Impériale auprès d’Euphanyx Apotheps, archiviste impériale, afin d’en apprendre plus sur les événements passés.
A ce moment-là, trois pistes s’ouvraient mais, après quelques recherches, il s’avérait que la piste de la sage-femme était la plus intéressante.
Corwin et Mermaidia avait fini par retrouver sa trace à Zora où ils avaient rencontré sa fille. Elle leur parlait d’un journal et de cubes d’ambre que sa mère conservait soigneusement. Elle ajoutait qu’il lui faudrait quelques jours avant de revenir faire un rapport à Decalion et aux akenak.

Mais le soir venu, ça n’était pas elle qui se présentait devant l’assemblée mais sa mère en personne. Ibix Zatos était là, maintenant âgée et quelque peu tremblante. Peut-être s’agissait-il de son dernier voyage mais il était si bon de retrouver le Désert, disait-elle. Elle était là pour racheter sa faute, elle était très jeune à cette époque, naïve aussi…
Elle raconta son histoire : toute jeune, à peine arrivée à Fyre, elle avait été recueillie par Menacus Zelion qui, bien qu’issu d’une grande famille et élevé au rang de celiakos, s’avérait être un homin cupide.
Lorsque Lydia donna naissance à Dexton, elle attendait bien des jumeaux. Elle pouvait en témoigner car elle était à ses côtés pour l’assister, elle avait été mandée au Palais comme sage-femme.
Le premier jumeau, Dexton, est né. Le second prenait son temps lorsqu’une alerte au feu mit le Palais en émoi, provoquant panique et confusion. Cerakos dû quitter le chevet de Lydia. Quand le second jumeau arriva, il fut déclaré décédé et emmené loin de sa mère par Menacus. A son retour, Cerakos ne pouvait y croire. Il demanda à voir son fils et peu de temps après on lui présentait un petit corps sans vie, encore tiède.
Non, elle ne savait pas d’où provenait le bébé et n’a jamais osé ni le demander, ni même questionner Menacus au sujet de ce qu’il était advenu de la mère, cela ajoutait à ses remords mais elle était apeurée…
Pourquoi le Peuple n’avait pas été informé de cette double naissance et de la tragédie qui s’ensuivit ? Le grand Cerakos aurait-il perdu de son prestige en étant le géniteur d’un enfant de faible constitution ?

De retour au hall, Mermaidia se remémorait l’histoire de la vieille homine. Menacus Zelion… Ce nom n’était pas étranger à Mermaidia, Eeri l’avait également évoqué.
Mais c’était autre chose qui la tracassait à ce moment-là, une autre personne plus précisément, et la chef des Légions semblait partager ses soupçons. Il était resté silencieux tout au long de l’assemblée, la manière dont il l’avait quittée était des plus étranges, les deux homines n’avaient pu que relever ses paroles énigmatiques…

Elle faisait les cent pas devant la cheminée, s’arrêta un instant pour raviver le feu et repensa au Maître Ardent. Il lui sembla tout à coup urgent de lui en faire part. Alors elle gagna son bureau et attrapa rapidement de quoi écrire :
Oren pyr Decalion,

J’aurais aimé commencer ce message par « Maître Ardent » tant je suis nostalgique de cette époque où la Tête dirigeait encore l’Empire et, comme vous, j’ai aimé croire en son retour mais les questions étaient si nombreuses et l’aveuglement si peu compatible avec la recherche de la Vérité…

J’ai suivi avec attention la progression de vos recherches, j’ai rencontré l’archiviste ainsi que toutes ces personnes qui auraient pu avoir le moindre lien avec les protagonistes, les fausses pistes aussi et, ce soir enfin, cette vieille homine si fragile et si attendrissante dans son sentiment de culpabilité…

Pourtant il est une question qui me taraude : vous êtes-vous renseigné sur Euracus Cethus ?
Ma méfiance à son égard ne date pas d’hier et je vous avoue que c’est en majeure partie à cause de lui que je n’ai pas adhéré aux fameuses « manches noires ». Et si je n’avais pas compris sa réintégration au poste de sénateur, je comprends encore moins son maintien alors qu’il fait partie des personnes qui devraient être entendues dans le cadre de cette affaire.
Mes doutes sont partagés par nombre de nos compatriotes aussi j’aimerai connaître votre avis à son sujet.

Je me demandais aussi si vous aviez pu vous entretenir personnellement avec les sénateurs Graphybus Ceros ou Abycus Zekops au commencement de vos recherches ?

De même, avez-vous des nouvelles de vos anciens compagnons depuis votre retour à Pyr ? Je pense à Thulam Cekaps en particulier mais il doit y en avoir bien d’autres encore. La Kuilde représente certainement un danger pour eux. Pensez-vous que ses agents pourraient être au courant de vos avancées ? Les rumeurs et les nouvelles se propagent tellement vite !

Decalion, vous le comprenez certainement en me lisant, je suis inquiète et j’espère vivement que vous saurez partager votre ressenti si ce n’est apaiser mes doutes.
Les Eclaireurs et moi-même nous tenons à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Et je suppose que l’akenak Eeri l’est tout autant que nous.

Oren fyraï Decalion, puissent les Kamis veiller sur vous !

Chef des Eclaireurs d’Atys


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#4 [en] 

Eeri finished to write and closed the letter. She decided to go herself to pyr, to give it to the imperial palace. It was probably her last task as an akenak, at least for the upcoming years.

oren pyr sharükos,

By virtue of the responsibility which are confered on me, as a Thesos akenak, I deliver to you my assessment on everyone named in this trial.
I hope you’ll consider my opinion, in spite of the fact I was a part of the homins who were meeting and following Atreus since the moment he appeared. I would have liked to have the feedback from the former akenak Icus as well, but I’m sure he would agree with me for most of the points.

Considering Atreus is a member of the imperial family, and regarding of his age and fragile health, I would beg for clemency towards him. I would also ask for the same clemency towards Epus Xalaus, Decalion Krilius and Thulam Cekaps, because of their acts and words during the trial.

Concerning Euracus Cethus, I have to consider the fact that he refused to answer to some questions from myself and from the patriots, taking advantage of his grade of celiakos. Some grey areas stills remains to enlighten about him, and with all due respect, I cannot refrain from asking myself the following question : Why Euracus Cethus, who was named in this trial, remained as a celiakos? Why did you, sharükos, named him as a celiakos, knowing that he was close to Atreus, that he organized the first meetings with patriots? That’s why, as an akenak, I can’t pronounce myself about him.
I don’t think he had bad intentions towards the empire anyway.

Of course, those homins wanted to take control of the sharük but they never asked any patriot to betray the empire. Atreus was tortured by the Kuilde, and his purpose was to take revenge after the higher powers. Some grey areas stills remains, and Atreus couldn’t answer some more questions because of his health during the last assembly.
I hope the sharük will be clair-sighted towards the higher powers, kami or karavan, after we know what they are capable for towards patriots, and I hope the light will be made on their real intentions.

Here is my feeling and my verdict. Whatever will be your decision, sharükos, I’ll respect it.

To finish, I want to inform you that I’m leaving the akenak. as well as the Légions fyros. After this trial and all what it implicated from the sharük and the imperial family, after some of the pillars trembled under revelations from beyond the grave, I realize that I need to take some distances with the political and patriotic life. I can’t continue to serve the sharük, as an akenak, if I can’t deeply trust it anymore. However, the desert will always be my homeland, from the bottom of my heart.
I also hope that my departure will encourage some young fyros to be more involved in the akenak assembly and the political life of the desert.

cal i selak!

Former Thesos akenak.

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Español
Lerya kills the ocyx and waits watching the death throes. Sitting in the sawdust she takes a little wineskin from her belt and cleans the axe with wather from the Oasis. Once that is over Lerya takes a cloth and spreds some resin on the sharp edge. Meanwhile she thinks in the letter she wrote to sharükos Lykos.

oren pyr sharükos Lykos:

I am afraid that I could not be present in the last meeting about Atreus and our inquiry about him. But I have been present in most of them.

I am a proud Fyros that follows the Four Pillars and never doubt about them. I was taught this way by my father and I will follow this way, even if in my pass, when I was younger, things were bit different; but that is another story. 

About Atreus, I can only tell you that since I first hear about him inside my Guild, I never trusted in that name. There was a time that I was about to fully believe that he was your father, but just because of Discipline, I must follow my guild leader too. Apart from that, I always said that Atreus should be executed in public because he did not tell the Truth from the very beginning.

In short, we must say to our malos that Atreus is an impostor and those homin that pretend to remember a night and a kidnap they are just confused because of that strange effect we all have suffered and made us remember certain things that they might be true or not. If something like this ever happen, your father must knew it for sure, something like this is so big to be a secret, and do you truly believe that sharükos Dexton was able to lie us? 


I think my words are enough.

sharükos pyrèkud !!!

Last edited by Lerya (9 years ago)


Lerya Rechtuch

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Daomei finished reading the Akenaks' comments to the Atreus trial and decides to summarize her impressions in a letter to Wuaoi and commander Orphie
Dear Wuaoi, dear Orphie,

Lately, I participated in the subsequent interrogations in the Atreus affair. Epus Xalaus was interrogated again, yet without new or astonishing results, same with celiakos Euracus. Decalion once again admitted responsibility for wrongdoings against the four pillars, and added, that even if sharükos Lykos would forgive him, he could not become leader of the Burning Faces, again. Imperial Justice Aeryx Xan revealed that Atreus was about to die, and for an interrogation the court ought to visit him in his room as he was not in the state to appear in the Imperial Hall. This interrogation was then postponed to a later date. Sharükos Lykos had asked for the opinion of the Akenak and Patriots about the sentence of the trial, as Aeryx mentioned, though the decision of course was with the sharükos.

Akenak Eerie announced to step down as an Akenak, a decision regretted but respected by judge Aeryx and the Senate.

The subsequent comments of Akenak and patriots resembled the positions already expressed in the assemblies by Akenak Eerie and patriot Mermaidia. Both pleaded for clemency towards Atreus, Epus, and Decalion. Mermaidia expressed her disapproval and mistrust into celiakos Euracus.

Akenak Lerya, back from a longer absence in outer realms, uttered a different opinion. She violently disapproved the activities of Atreus and his followers which she considered high treason agains the sharük. She pleaded for a public execution of Atreus, possibly similar treatment for his closest followers.

So far the points of the patriots and Akenak which can be seen in their public statements .

I might now add my own reflections about the whole Atreus affair, and the role and responsibility of the main proponents, the wrongdoings, transgressions, and crimes committed, and the responsibilies of the actors.

Starting with the criminal record, there has been a conspiracy, comprising of abduction of a member of the Imperial family, arson, and murder in at least one case, probably more (as to be explained below). Subsequent steps of that conspiracy most probably fell victim of the unexpected event of the First Great Swarming, less than a year after the birth of Dexton and Atreus.
The crime continued, though, by withholding Atreus from his family, and deceiving about an alleged expulsion of him by the Imperial family, and even threat for his life.

Much later, after the Second Great Swarming, an attempt was made to present Atreus as the resurrected sharükos Dexton, with the goal of overthrowing the rule of sharükos Lykos. This constitutes a further case of high treason and conspiracy against the sharük. This attempt, not clear who was the mastermind behind if there was any, failed in an embryonic stage already, when it became clear to Decalion that Atreus was not Dexton.

Obviously, none of the participants has undertaken any active steps to destabilize the constitutional order of the sharük. Insofar, grave as high treasonous activities clearly are, most if not all participants deserve clemency because of having stepped back from such attempt in a very early stage, with no damage caused to the stability of the sharük. Insofar, this blame of high treasonous conspiracy has to be considered a lesser one.

Now to the persons inflicted and the amount of guilt or responsibility which can be attributed to them

1. Menacus Zelion (celiakos, deceased)

This one, according to the testimonies, was the mastermind behind the series of crimes he prepared and carried out in the time of sharükos Lydia's pregnancy. He had placed at least one nurse and midwife under his control in the imperial palace (most probably more than one). He had enough helpers to even let an arson happen in the palace, and had bribed at least one of the guards, and almost necessarily also the healer assisting the birth.

Part of the attempt was producing a dead baby in place of the abducted twin, fresh enough to be taken as the real one by the sharükos couple. While there is hardly a possibility to prove that now, after more than a century, I assume that the conspirators held one or more enslaved pregnant women for this purpose, to be murdered at the right time with the dead baby being cut out of the womb of the slain mother. Slavery, while outlawed in the sharük all times, was widely practised at the Matis, tolerated by the Zorai, and even practised by a couple of tribespeople in all nations, so it was not hard to get hold of appropriate enslaved Fyros women for a determined criminal.

The purpose of the conspiracy, in my opinion, was to get hold of a sharümal, in order to perform a coup d'etat at some future point, killing the Imperial family and having a minor as the throne successor under control of the conspirators. Such may have been the plan, but the First Great Swarming interfered, and made it impossible for the times of the exile and return. In the subsequent time, the Zelion family obviously had lost much of their influence and connections, and finally, Menacus died without having achieved his goals. Anyway, the narrative of Atreus having been expulsed and rejected by his family, even of a threat for his life from the side of the court, was upheld towards Atreus and Epus, a sign for lasting influence of the conspirators. Even the placement of Epus as an imperial advisor cannot be considered merely incidential without further scrutiny.

2. Adix Xalaus (the mother of counselor Epus Xalaus, former midwife, deceased)

The inquiries of Decalion revealed that the mother of Epus Xalaus was one of the two midwives assisting the birth of the imperial offspring. She died in 2552, yet the abducted baby has been raised in her household, with the lie of having been expulsed and abandoned by his parents. Different to the other midwife, Varaon Ibix, who gave a full confession of her role during the birth of Atreus, she cannot simply have been a passive helper, bribed or pressed into her service. Adix' contribution to the conspiracy lasted over decades, so obviously did her connection to the Zelion conspirators. While her exact role cannot be revealed, most probably, the circumstances cast a large shade onto the role of Epus and the whole Xalaus family.

3. Varaon, married Zaton Ibix (former midwife, available to the court)

This second midwife could be found during the inquiries called for by Decalion, and she gave a full confession of her role and the crimes happening during the birth of Dexton and Atreus. She was a tool - possibly a mistress for some time - of Menacus Zelion, who used her as a spy in the Imperial palace. She witnessed the abduction of Atreus and the exchange with the murdered baby boy. Unfortunately, she has not been interrogated about her possible knowledge of the role of the second midwife, which was most probably more important than hers. After the crime, she seemingly had no further role in the conspiracy and broke any contact with the Zelion people after some time. But she remained regretful and depressed about her role in the affair.

4. Boean Lylion (guard, deceased)

The role of this guard has been revealed by Decaion's inquiries. He has been bribed into looking aside when the crime took place. Beyond that, he seemingly played no further role. And though this Fyros, too, played a relatively insignificant role, felt guilty and depressed about his deeds.

5. Decalion Krilus (former commander of the Burning Faces)

Decalion played no role in the Atreus affair before he met Epus and Atreus, whom he believed to be the resurrected or surviving sharükos Dexton. His wrongdoings were minor and in fact did not cause any harm. Once he got aware that Atreus was not Dexton he dropped any support. And he played an invaluable role in the revelation of the circumstances of Atreus' birth. Once more it seems that the least guilty are feeling strongest about their own responsibility.

6. Euracus Cethus

The celiakos played a ways more dubious role after the appearance of Atreus. He may have believed that he indeed met sharükos Dexton as he states. Yet he most probably rushed to support "Dexton" and Epus for selfish reasons, as patriot Mermaidia among others believes. It will, though, be hard to constitute guilt therefrom, at least to any significant extent.

Personally, I consider Euracus - if you will pardon my expression - a slimy politician and would not be surprised by any bad motive from his side. But I doubt that to be sufficient for a verdict. The pillar of justice stands not only in favor of the sympathetic and completely innocent homins.

7. Epus Xalaus

Epus is the homin who grew up together with Atreus, the foster child of his mother. As pointed out, the "knowledge" that Atreus was the expulsed, rejected, abandoned, even threatened child of the imperial family, was nourished not only by celiakos Menacus Zelion, but by Epus' mother in the first place. And she was necessarily aware about the circumstances around the birth of the twins.

To throw this in, I am aware of growing up as an orphan, like so many homins of our peoples. But I never had any reason to doubt in the love of my parents who died in combat in defence of my life, and though I was a child of four I hold and heed some sweet memories of my parents. Growing up in the belief of being rejected, even menaced by the own family must be a horrible burden and trauma for a child, making it believe so is a crime and a cruelty on top of all the other misdeeds. And Epus' mother, here, was more a perpetrator than just an accomplice.

My impression is that Epus is well aware thereof and has pointedly evaded any mentioning of this fact. The stories of the evil tyrannic court cannot only stem from some casual visitor Menacus Zelion (why should, btw., a powerful celiakos visit the household of a simple nurse?). Every caring mother would have shielded her foster child as well as her son from such disturbing and disruptive narrative. Being grown up in an orphanage I recall that our educators always depicted the deceased parents of the orphans in the most positive way possible - even if that has not in every case been exactly the full truth, cautiously said - shielding their fosterlings from grief and disturbance.

And then, in the conviction of the evilness and rottenness of the imperial court, Epus let himself be appointed as a counselor for the young sharükos Dexton, that alone is strange. It is not unlikely that the forces behind the crimes against Atreus and the imperial family were behind that appointment. Yet the loyalty and affection for Dexton Epus expresses seems to be honest. Anyway, he has lived with a blatant lie for all his life. Most probably, he did so not only in fear to lose the trust of sharükos Dexton but also because he became aware about the not so innocent role of his mother who did not die prior to 2552.

All that said, there is lot of twilight around Epus' role.

8. Atreus

As I never saw Atreus so far, I have to rely on assumptions even more than with the other proponents. Atreus was a victim of these conspiracies from birth on, robbed from his family which was slandered before him. So he had not only to live without loving parents but with the horrible belief that his parents hated him and did want him everything evil.

Anyway, it would be interesting what a Fyros of the same strength and talents like his brother has made out of his fairly long life. Even if he fully bought the narrative about his evil family it must have been clear to him that his brother was as innocent for his mishap as he himself. As a Fyros, why did he never search for the truth, did he never doubt in the contradictory story slandering Cerakos and Leanon, heroes of his people, as evil tyrants? It is in the nature of Fyros homins to be fairly addicted to search of truth irrespective of risk and pain. So why did he never attempt to contact his brother?

Concerning the feeble attempts to grab power after the second great swarming, I agree to those pleading for clemency. Atreus has suffered enough during his life, and is moribund, right now. I only hope that his account before the court will shed some more light upon the things that happened in the past.

There seems to have been a fairly large conspiracy back then lasting even after the First Great Swarming. The sharük should take care that these poisonous pest plants have completely been exterminated.

(There was some mentioning of strange teleportation devices of Karavan or Trytonist origin in possession of Atreus. Though interesting, this seems to be a side issue)

So far my reflections about the events around Atreus. I hope not to have bored with my lengthy report.

Daomei Lin Carthan

Ranger Aspirant
Ranger Companion in diplomatic service in the Burning Desert

Daomei thinks a moment after signing the report, then decides to send a copy to Akenak Lerya

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


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