

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Dear Players,

Would you like to experience the backstage of Atys? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to enhance other players' experience? Do you quiver in anticipation at the idea of animating influential figures in the history of Atys? Do you have a passion for writing and a desire to see your ideas come to life on Atys? As an Arispotle Event Team member you will have the opportunity to see these dreams come alive.

The Arispotle Event Team needs you, your talents and your ideas to extend our ranks and to be involved in making live, new, wonderful adventures for Ryzom. Apply today to join the Arispotle Event Team!

We are currently looking for new members to fill the following roles in our team:
- Actors
- Writers
- Player Relations
- Administrative

Forward your application by sending us an email to volunteer@ryzom.com with the following information:
- Last name, first name
- Date of birth
- Player account, as well as your main character(s)
- Languages known
- Skills that you feel would benefit the Arispotle Event Team
- An estimate of your knowledge of game at gameplay level
- An estimate of your knowledge of the public lore of Ryzom
- A statement concerning your motivations and possibly your plans

Interviews will be set up once qualifed applications have been reviewed.

We look forward to speaking with you very soon!
The Arispotle Event Team

Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)


SEM Arispotle

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

yello ye should of signed up jainyu. He did intersting stuff with the ring... That being said the crazy romeo juliet event was good apart from everyone battering in... Try more stealth events like the zorai new year one! just 2 dappers from a stuck oil worker stuck in a tryker isla nd


mayhem - where no one is an island

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Don't forget it's Easter soon, everyone likes chocolate eggs. :P


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Recruitment is still open!

We need animators from every EN timezones to help us to run events for all.

If you are interesting by becoming an actor, a scriptwriter, a translator, a technician, responsable of a nation... or several roles among this list, you are welcome!

You are interested but afraid not having enough free time for animation? Don't worry, everyone is useful and each animator gives the time he's got.

You have questions to ask before you decide? Please send an e-mail to limai@ryzom.com or tamarea@ryzom.com and we'll contact you.

See you soon!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Sywindt(Yubo) (1 decade ago) | Reason: fixed some grammar :)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

Last visit Sunday, 1 September 00:29:23 UTC

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