Mutual GNU / Linux


#1 [en] 

Hi, I went through character creation without a hitch and pressed play. It starts loading and then freezes with an odd error saying that uiChapterV does not exist. Would really appreciate someone taking the time to help me. :)

#2 [en] 

if you compilled ryzom core by hand you need config files, if you use the ppa ryzom-isv, you still need to patch it with rsync.

#3 [en] 

I'm a newbie. All that went over my head. :/

#4 [en] 

What have you tried so far? On which operating system are you on?

There are two big groups of reasons for failure:

One is missing files/incomplete installation. Sometimes solved by full reinstall. Sometimes by moving/deleting subfolders and let the autopatcher (windows) or the ./ script (linux) fix the install.

The second is graphics setup. There are many posts in this forum addressing this. Searching the forum should help.

#5 [en] 

i have the same problem, how can i download it?

#6 [en] 

Tixo (atys)
i have the same problem, how can i download it? 4 there is help :D
Last visit Wednesday, 18 September 12:29:28 UTC

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