Mutual GNU / Linux


#1 [en] 


I'm running Ryzom FV 1.10.2 in GNU/Linux (Xubuntu 12.04), while I have absolutely no problem playing, none of the outgoing connections can be made (whether the content is remote or local). No firewall rule is blocking outgoing connections. The WebIG window, the help, and the in-game support show this:

All the help pages cause the same error. For the support window, I can type here the full URL if needed, I just can't copy/paste and it goes over the window's width. As for the WebIG window, I'm not automatically redirected and clicking on the URL just refreshes the page.

Is this a known issue? Anything to fix or a workaround? I'm running the original client from the sourceforge project page (not repackaged).

I haven't found any other thread talking about this. So for the search feature to pick up this thread and the replies, I'll repost the error messages I get:
Help: "Error : The page address is malformed: file:/gamedev.bnp@..."
Customer Support: "Connection timeout : "
WebIG: "New Ryzom webig is now - You'll be automatically redirect to the new website in 5 seconds"


Last edited by Annae (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Make sure your client_default.cfg file in the Ryzom/ folder has the following lines in it

WebIgMainDomain      = "";
WebIgTrustedDomains  = {
    "", ""
PatchletUrl          = " uot;;

They should be down near the bottom.

When the shards were merged the WebIG address got changed.

If they are there, then I suspect you have a new and very "interesting" bug. Note that all the new line stuff is irrelevant, I just c-a-p'd the lines from mine, it's the ";"s that are important.

-- Theory based on looking at the error messages, nothing else.
-- Hope this helps.

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 


I fixed your snippet by replacing the ending &q uot;; by "; that the forum might have changed... but the game still couldn't load this kind of content. I tried various kinds of formats, thought it was a newline issue (since the file uses Carriage Return) but the issue persisted. Never would I forget a semicolon :)

I ended up checking for updates, remembering the last modification of the client on sourceforge was from three years ago or so, it did update it to FV 2.1.0 so now the WebIG and Support works. Local pages of Help aren't, but it's a known bug (#1343).

Thanks so much!
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