What solution do you prefer to resolve the foraging problems in the Prime Roots?
Do not change the current positions of the spots and keep the prospecting bug until it is resolved. 203 (46)
Redistribute spots again, this time grouping the supreme, excellent and choice materials. 88 (11)
Return to the pre-merge locations (in which the three qualities were grouped). 208 (36)
Other 7
Abstain 11
Poll is closed

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Dear Players,

By rearranging the forage locations in the Prime Roots we dissociated choice, excellent and supreme spots, which had the effect of disallowing the foraging of choice or excellent resources while waiting for the supreme resources.

This dissociation has also highlighted a bug with prospecting messages, which existed before the merge, but which was masked by the overlapping of spots. Of course, we are working on this bug but its resolution may take some time.

We  understand that all of these changes may have made foraging in the Prime Roots not much fun at the moment, even tedious, and that is why we would like to have the opinion of you harvesters:

1 - Would you prefer not to change the current positions and dissociation of the spots of foraging materials in the Prime Roots, thus keeping the current bug until it is fixed? (Long-term solution.)

2 - Would you prefer a new distribution of forage spots for materials in the Prime Roots, keeping the supreme, excellent and choice materials grouped? (Quick solution, but which will require you to remap, again, the forage areas.)

3 - Would you prefer that all forage resources in the Prime Roots be returned to their pre-merge locations? (With a combination of the three qualities) (Quick solution, but which will require you to remap the forage areas or to reuse your previous maps).

If a majority of players votes for the first choice, you will need to wait the time it takes to resolve the current bug. If a majority of players wants a change in the current system (choices 2 or 3), it can be done quickly during a reboot of the server.

The survey is open until Sunday, 27 January 2013 22:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago).

The Ryzom Team


What solution do you prefer to resolve the foraging problems in the Prime Roots?

1 - Do not change the current positions of the spots and keep the prospecting bug until it is resolved.

2 - Redistribute spots again, this time grouping the supreme, excellent and choice materials.

3 - Return to the pre-merge locations (in which the three qualities were grouped).

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi Tamarea:

Do we vote by replying here? or is a survey(poll) meant to accompany this post?



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Oops, I followed you too quickly, ignore my question :D



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I voted to keep the current way and wait, for the following reasons:

-I already mapped everything in PR, thats a lot of work that I dont want to see in the trash bin
-making it the old way will make it 'easier' and mask the bug again, but, the bug is still there, and will only make the depletion issue worse. Today, if you dont get sup zun, you have a chance to find excel zun. If it is in the same spot both will be depleted for sure.
-mixing it again will make me map all again and still have the issue above.

So ill gladly wait

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

First of all, I want to thank Tamarea, the CSR, and the Devs for this survey. It makes me confident in further development of the game and the community no matter what the outcome in this particular case may be.

I am still undecided. I have researched and set my flags, so starting anew would not make me really happy on the one hand, yet may be a challenge on the other hand. I would favor the scheme of grouping the grades together, anyway, as this is "the prime roots specialty" as I learned, lived and suffered from ;) (it was not always easy). Such all grades at one spot was PR for me in a way, and I had a feeling of loss after the fusion, having PR being like surface, only bit more buggy. This may be a sentimental argument, others' mileage may vary.

I have not voted yet, and hope for a lively and enlightening discussion.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Sry for rushing to say this, but this is a survey with known outcome. Id say most of ppl dont know anything, they just browse BM site and other resource sites. With a rollback, all of the old info will be valid again, and no one has to worry about searching for deposits because it will be there.

My reason might look selfish at first (part of it indeed is), but I just ask you to ponder what will rly benefit the gameplay. Having all grades in the same spot will just be a convenience to the first person waiting for the supreme. Others that follow will find the spot depleted of everything useful and the bug still there.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Dinorath, not only you has discovered the spots we have atm and you can find them in several forums already. Wgat i want to say is: this little time we needed for finding the spors is not realy a reason wich should count.

Much more importand is that we have this terrible BUG and nobody can say when or if that will be fixed. Think about that you maybe has to live with the bug for very long and that is realy not the way it should be.

I m for the old way (vote nr 3) because then we have a big bug less and all is fine.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Digging sups tedious? Have to live with a bug for a long time? Geez its almost as if we are playing Ryzom :O


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

I voted "Other" because I really don't care whether 2 or 3 is selected but I do think that two things need to happen:

1. The current situation is untenable so some sort of fix should be applied as soon as possible.

2. The BUG exists on the surface, too, especially when there are mission mats close to normal mats!! So, even if the sources are re-distributed, and c/e/s grouped, the bug still needs to be fixed, and the fix should be a HIGH priority.

A suggestion: If 2 or 3 is chosen, don't advertise which one. :)

Even though there are three choices, the main decision should be made on 1. vs 2+3, then the selection of 2 or 3 made.

Edit: Yet another redistribution option: Use the same sites as were present, pre-merger, but change the mats that are stored thereon. (Just to keep things confused.)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)

Even though there are three choices, the main decision should be made on 1. vs 2+3, then the selection of 2 or 3 made.

count the vote from 2 and 3 first together and then there the higher number

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

I voted other...

Choice Mats can stay in one fixed place - stationary/static

Excellent Mats can be in the same locations as their Choice Mats counterparts, but randomly change from Source to Source
(so if there is one Choice Silvio in the north of the Region and another in the south, then the Excellent Silvio will can be changing back and forths from them randomly)

Supreme Mats should be completely random and change every Year/Season (including Supernodes)

also, I think that if we left some mats in then the next day they should regrow/accumulate...and the speed of growth depends on the number of mats that are left in - so if you leave half then the next day it will be refilled, but if you leave only a few then maybe only a quarter will grow back in the following day (but the rate should be different for Excellent and Supreme Mats, so that Supreme Mats need more Mats left in to refill the source up than the Excellent Sources)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

or maybe make it so that Excellent Mats can be replenish 1 Mats per Atysian day and Supreme Mats can be 1 Mats every two Atysian days

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm not a PR forager, but I do like the idea of 3 grades being in separate spots... even tho I dislike tracking them (and imho excel/sup mechanics should be more fun than first-gets-them-all, but thats not the topic here)

voted 1.



#14 Report | Quote[en] 

I voted for 2

Not enough map markers for all the separate cho,exc and sup spots.

And a change to the dig spots should be equal to all.

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Since I am just starting to learn all about PR and digging down there and starting my flag marking, i can live with any of the choices, but i find number #2 interesting. For example, if you get good at moving the mats, why not do it on a regular basis, say every 3 or 4 months? Have an evolving Atys! It will help level the playing field for those looking for certain sup mats. Actually, I dont know why you changed locations in the first place unless it was for this reason.
I know it would be a hassel for those who have everything flagged, (sorry, don't know how to solve that).
At any rate, i agree with Bitttymacod in that any bug should be the first priority to be fixed,
One question: If you go with #1, can we get a general idea how long it would take to fix the problem?
Last visit Friday, 7 February 10:43:13 UTC

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