
#32 [en] 

(OOC: if you want to make this thread un-sticky, I'm absolutely okay with that. Not like many players care for such RP-details anyways...
As for the Wiki, I can certainly just put all of this into the German Ryzom-Wiki and will do so right now :)
However I am not willing to translate the French and/or English versions of the Wiki-entries about Taki Zorai to German with all their elaborate formatting, sorry for that.)


#33 [de] 

I may be one of the few who uses this thread a lot and i´m happy that it is a sticky. Using the little Taki I know would be too much hassle without it here, easy to find.
And big thanks to you Zhoi for making it, I know how much work you had translating it from this strange french tongue into proper german :)


#34 [de] 

omg! How did you come up with all this Zhoi?

(OOC: Did you invent this language? You are to be complemented for this!)

Now if we can just sort out the Matis language in...all the dialects...

#35 [en] 

Thank you, but the credits for this do not belong to me! It's just our old language, and I tried to translate it into the common language we now use on the New Lands.

(OOC: ah, no, no, I did not invent this. A group of French players did, long ago, and I found their webpages via the Ryzom-Wiki years ago.

There's one for Mateis too: )

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zhoi (9 years ago)


#36 [de] 

Oh thanks for the link to the Matis Language Zhoi. This is great :)
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