#16 Added by Kity 2 years ago
Kity went to see her aunt Eléa and saw two dried bodoc skins: one bore the title Miss Mister Atys CANDIDATE Election and the other was a JUDGE version.
"Han I've found a nugget to buy lots of weapons."
Kity knew where she was going to sell these skins.
A few days later, the documents were found with the peddlers
18:15 GMT Candidates and judges meet in the thesos bar
18:20 GMT judges arrive in the audience and introduce the event
18h30 GMT Start of the Miss and Mister Atys fashion show, with the female contestants first in alphabetical order: Khaiji then Kirini then Liosta then Refyia and finally Sekimet, followed by the male contestants: Nizyros, Ostium and Vortexselly.
19h30 GMT: Presentation of each candidate
20:15 GMT: Judges' discussion
20h30 GMT: Results and final
* 6.15pm GMT Candidates and judges meet in the Thesos bar:
We're waiting for everyone to arrive. This is the only time you'll be close to the judges, so make a good impression. Female contestants don't mess around, please be fair.
* at 18:20 GMT the judges will enter the arena and take up their positions on the right-hand side, just after the bar.
* at 18:30 GMT the parade of the 8 candidates begins
the homines in alphabetical order: Khaiji then Kirini then Liosta then Refyia and finally Sekimet
then the homins: Nizyros, Ostium and Vortexselly.
- You'll have to mark time in front of the judges, taking a break like "smile none" or "heroic" or "show" or whatever. Rudeness will not be appreciated.
You can continue to the end of the course, turn around and take a break, then return to the barrel area.
- The score will be out of 20 and will take into account: your armour, your tattoo, whether or not you wear a hat, your accessories, the zig or companion you have, your posture, etc. You can even change your outfit at the end of the course. It's up to you, but be careful, you only have 3 minutes. After that, your points will be deducted.
Or you'll have to negotiate with the judges. Oh, and no, we're not stopping to simper or sunbathe, just a little.
at 7.15pm GMT Each candidate presents an art piece of their choice to show them off .
- You have 3 minutes each; this time in reverse order:
homins first: Vortexselly then Nizyros then Ostium
then homines: Sekimet , Refyia, Liosta, Kirini, Kaiji
What do you have to say and do? You can introduce yourself, sing, say a haiku, play daggers, throw popcorn, talk about Atys, give your favourite recipe, etc.
- The mark will be out of 20 and will take into account: RP presentation, the art of 'seducing' through an activity, etc.
+10 bonus for everything that's not in the official parade, but no, I'm not pushing to give myself shooki or the judges flowers or toffees.
at 20:00 GMT Judges' talks in the bar
[i]For your information, the judges are in alphabetical order:
Azazor, a real and fearsome fyros, and yes, they still exist.
Canillia, a true matis, don't let her candid appearance fool you, she's a well-educated woman who gave a pretty poisoned perfume at a wedding.
Djiper, one of the oldest of Aatys, don't be fooled by his age, he knows everything about everything.
Nilstilar, known as the White Beak, was Secretary General of the High Authorities. He is in the confidences of the Highest[/i].
at 20:15 GMT Voting results
Which I will announce if the judges are too afraid of being lynched
at 20:30 GMT Final
If you've got fireworks, now's the time to consume them
#17 Added by Kity 2 years ago
#18 Added by Canillia 2 years ago
#19 Added by Eleanide 2 years ago
Eleanide was preparing everything meticulously for the 2624 event. She had sent a 1st missive to the candidates explaining how the evening would unfold. She then sent a 2nd letter to answer any questions they might have.
She then went with the event organiser to check out the venue. On her bodoc skin, Elea ticked off as she went along
1. Pecus - shooki and byrh under surveillance - OK
In fact, Pecus had taken the initiative by not delivering shooki to Kirini and Vortexselly's wedding.
2. Margodeglingo - Preparing the judges' location - OK
heberge image
3. Margodeglingo - Podium for the 3 poses - OK
4. Icaps Krinn Trunks with candidate effects brought in - OK
5. Margodeglingo - Decoration for the presentation podium - OK
Everything seemed to be ready for the parade except for the speeches.
She returned to the barracks, sat down at her desk and began to doodle, throwing on a skin, a 2nd skin...pulling her hair, stretching her arms .... So what did she agree to the last time StCentor was here: prepare for the election... she'd keep her word!
Rah, she had to think about her outfit too. She didn't want to look tired in front of the audience. She looked around for an outfit, throwing a few outfits on the ground here and there. She grumbled "grrr I've lost weight again, I'm going to have to clean all this up".
#20 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
#21 Added by Refyia 2 years ago
#22 Added by Centor 2 years ago
#23 Added by Refyia 2 years ago
Notes d'Azazor rendues publiques par lui-même, par soucis de transparence. Refyia : Si on fait abstraction de la tenue mal venue lors du discours
#24 Added by Eleanide 2 years ago
Last edited by Eleanide (2 years ago)
#25 Added by Nilstilar 2 years ago
Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago)
#26 Added by Eleanide 2 years ago
#27 Added by Refyia 2 years ago
#28 Added by Refyia 2 years ago
oren pyr ♥ bankun ♥ deles silam ♥ woha ♥ lordoy ♥ Kisu ♥ Woren siloy atysiens atysettes atysiennesAvec l'émotion de la soirée et le stress de la prépration, j'ai complètement oublié de faire quelques lucios, donc si quelqu'un peu me faire passer quelques souvenirs, je serais ravie !Merci d'avance[envoi par mail à refyia@apparemment.fr, ou par la messagerie du jeu, ou encore sur le: https://chat.ryzom.com (@Refyia) ou même ici au choix]
#29 Added by Bellandrha 2 years ago
#30 Added by Eleanide 2 years ago
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