
#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English

I'm sharing with you the map of the Old Lands (in french) I've been working on for about a year and a half.

If this map was partly built by exchanging regularly with the Lore Team (many thanks to them !), it remains my vision of the Old Lands, which will become the map of my novel series ( But it is not the official version of the map of the Old Lands, which does not exist anyway. However, I dare to believe that it is the most accomplished work to date.

Having shared this map with a few players during its construction (Nilstilar, Azazor, Dorothée and others), I thought it was time to share it with everyone.

While many elements of this map have been carefully thought out, some are merely cosmetic inventions, or useful for my novel. It would take too long to explain all my and our choices here, but if you have any questions, or suggestions, please don't hesitate !

This map is not final and will continue to evolve in the coming months. My final goal is to have it redesigned by an artist-cartographer, when I judge that I have nothing left to change, and when I have enough money saved to pay the artist.

Hopefully it will make you dream a little !

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Kigan (1 año hace)


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#2 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
Here is a link to see the image in better quality. I have the impression that the forum site has compressed it:


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#3 [fr] 

Quel travail!
Magnifique Ki'Gan!


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#4 [fr] 



#5 [fr] 

Joli travail Kigan :)


#6 [fr] 

Merci ! Si vous vous sentez inspirés pour m'aider à nommer les îles de Trykoth, c'est avec grand plaisir. On peut faire ça en MP :-)


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#7 [en] 

Wow! Your map is so well done! It must have taken a lot of effort- Great job! :D


#8 [fr] 

woaw quel travail :) courage :)


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#9 [fr] 

Thank's !


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :
Last visit miércoles 5 junio 22:00:47 UTC

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