
#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | [Deutsch] | English | Español | Français
Als ich die Liste der Gegenstände, die die Kulisse von Atys bilden, auf EncyclopAys brachte, stellte ich fest, dass es Gebäude und Statuen gibt, die es ermöglichen würden, dass die Tempel wirklich wie Tempel aussehen und nicht wie einfache Militärstützpunkte.
Da der Bau der Tempel schon lange abgeschlossen ist und die Kami und die Karavan alles gesammelt haben, was sie brauchen, wäre es an der Zeit, dass das Ergebnis der Mühen der Homins endlich sichtbar wird ...
Charaktere, die verzweifelt auf die Ankunft von Materialien warten, die nie kommen werden, könnten endlich in den Ruhestand versetzt oder mit nützlicheren Aufgaben betraut werden, wie z.B. dem Sammeln von Handwerksprodukten, wie es die Firma "Zu neuen Horizonten" tut.


#2 [fr] 

Une idée comme ça: les temples se dégradent au fil du temps et s'il n'y a pas d'apport de matériaux au bout d'X temps, le temple tombe en ruine et faut recommencer. Ainsi on garde les PNJ mais ils récupèrent les MP pour l'entretien des temples. Et en bonus, ça donne des points de faction.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#3 [fr] 


#4 [fr] 

Ils sont magnifiques ces temples en plus!


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#5 [en] 

am i misremembering seeing the kami one ingame ages ago?
my mind wants to say imperial dunes near ovlak? also had a contribution plac dominated by Simone?

But ye they would be great ingame.


#6 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch | Español | [Русский]
Храм Ма-дук не следует путать со сторожевой башней Ками, некоторые из которых находятся в игре:

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Dorothee (2 года назад)


#7 [fr] 

Bonjour, ces temples ont déjà existé dans le jeu oui, avant le deuxième essaim. Les gardes autour étaient très chatouilleux.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#8 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch | Español | [Русский]
Мне бы очень хотелось знать, почему они не были восстановлены...


#9 [en] 

I'd really like to know why they were not rebuilt...

Different temples were completed on different servers.



#10 [en] 

I'd really like to know why they were not rebuilt...

Different temples were completed on different servers.

What mean different? Kinda like on the German server in the desert there was a Karavan temple, and in French server all the temples were Kami temples? Or they were different in some other way?

#11 [en] 

They were different because each servers had a different story. Different events had taken place in a same timeline for each server, that's why you can't have a common backstory in Atys today.

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 года назад) | Причина: No translation.

#12 [en] 

What mean different? Kinda like on the German server in the desert there was a Karavan temple, and in French server all the temples were Kami temples? Or they were different in some other way?

Yes, the first kind of different.



#13 [en] 

I'd really like to know why they were not rebuilt...

Different temples were completed on different servers.

What mean different? Kinda like on the German server in the desert there was a Karavan temple, and in French server all the temples were Kami temples? Or they were different in some other way?

On the German server, the only finished Karavan Temple was in Matia. There were more Kami players than Karavan players on Leanon, and also many Karavaneers took a pacifist standing - which had them regularly slaughtered by Kamist killing troops with no other purpose.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#14 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Deutsch | English | Español | Français
Well, whatever was the result of the events, there are now 4 places so-called "temples" 2 Kami (desert & jungle), 2 Karavan (forest and lakes). those object would really make them Ryzom's looking better. It's a pity to leave them sleeping in drawers.

Last edited by Dorothee (2 года назад)


#15 [en] 

They were different because each servers had a different story. Different events had taken place in a same timeline for each server, that's why you can't have a common backstory in Atys today.

Well, the “river of time ” event is supposed to have explained those differences; it allows some degrees of freedom to adjust at least the decor if not the story. I may add that there are at the moment more important different “details” such as the tryker governor ... :-P

Also I would see such an improvement as a mark of respect towards the artists who worked hard to make Ryzom good looking.


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