

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
"Laye mai, said Nilstilar to himself as he left the Hotel d'Alkiane, let's try to see now what the Karan has in mind!"
But he returned to his Yrkanian apartment to give himself there a few hours of rest first.
And it was only in the morning, with his thoughts cleared by the first chai of the day, that he took up the calamus to write his letter of resignation.

Yrkanis, on Mystia 2, 2613-3
Your Majesty,

Perhaps it has come to your ears that I ostensibly abstained from joining His Highness Aniro in the expedition he led this 25th of Fallenor, at the head of an international troop, towards the camp of the First Deserters to recover an amber cube robbed some days before from a tribe of the Fleeting Garden.
I come today to try to explain to Your Majesty about what you could rightly consider as a discourtesy towards your elder son, to say the least. Thus, I wish to let you know that the aforementioned abstention is the result of the disappointment that stunned me that day: even though, during our meeting, a few days before, near the camp of the robbed tribe, Aniro Karin had shown (to my great joy) his desire to preserve peace between nations, he allowed that, on the steps of the Royal Palace, the guards attacked without mercy a Tryker trader who had come to assist him in his quest for the stolen cube! The Emperor treats foreigners (uninvited ones at that) who come in peace to the Agora of his capital better!
As, however, I am aware that such an explanation does not constitute an excuse for what Your Majesty may consider, rightly once again, a crime of lese majesty making me unworthy of exercising the mission you once entrusted to me, this missive constitutes my letter of resignation from the office of Ambassador of Your Majesty to the Federation of Naw Trykoth.

Matis Aiye !
Nilstilar Thorec

Once he had sealed it, and before entrusting it to his favorite izam, he formulated in petto the hope that his King would refuse it.

Last edited by Maupas (3 years ago) | Reason: Post title


#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Karan Stevano finished reading the letter aloud and tossed it on his desk.
"What does it mean?"
The Karin Aniro did not flinch.
"The honest trader in question insulted and attacked Filirae Ayala, one of Mother's ladies-in-waiting, in Fairhaven. And she has committed enough other crimes against the forces of the Kingdom that the city guards would know her at a glance. If I hadn't been busy with this cube business, I would have sent Line to deal with her myself."
Aniro was careful not to add he had tried to go over her body with his mektoub. He hadn't succeeded and that didn't seem the right thing to say at the moment.
The king frowned.
"Are you sure about Filirae Ayala?"
"Sil. Ambassador Nilstilar does not have a monopoly on information from New Trykoth."
Stevano took the letter back and read it again.
"He could have been not aware of this incident?"
Aniro reflected. He felt that the ambassador was a little too quick to defend the interests of other nations, and that he sometimes took certain liberties with the leaders. Like when he had, at the Kamic Circle, preached peace rather than factually answering his questions. Or as his present unfortunate defense of an absolutely indefensible Tryker attested. But he had also managed to give the Kingdom a fairly good image outside its borders, which had not always been the case. The Karin replied, choosing his words carefully.
"The ambassador? Probably not. But perhaps he has been induced to believe in an isolated incident, or that the trader had got better. It is not always easy to distinguish the false from the true in the words of Trykers."
The Karan rumbled.
"I precisely expect my ambassadors to distinguish between the false and the true! And it is certainly not up to them to decide when their mission ends! I refuse his resignation! But he will have to do better in the future. And for starters, I want a complete list of the Tryker guilds and their stance towards the Kingdom. It's about time Ser Nilstilar got up to speed. And a list of the ten most virulent opponents of the Kingdom in the Lakes. And this so-called trader had better be on it! Where is my secretary?"
Stevano punctuated each gesture with a loud slap on the desk. The letter eventually flew off and fell to the floor. It remained there, forgotten.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (3 years ago) | Reason: Adding [es] translation

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
Yrkanis, le 24 de Follialy 2613-4
Votre Majesté,

Qu'il me soit permis, d'abord, de rendre grâce à Votre mansuétude. Mansuétude qui ne me surprend guère : le grand Karan que vous n'avez jamais cessé d'être à mes yeux ne pouvait pas, en effet, ne pas pardonner au sujet dévoué que je suis une incartade somme toute de peu de conséquence (au moins m'attacherai-je à ce qu'il en soit ainsi) sur l'avenir du Royaume.
Permettez-moi, ensuite, de vous faire part d'un soupçon que la lecture de la missive ne formulant nulle exigence que Vous me fîtes porter à mon logis l'autre jour a encore fait grandir. Car l'écrit anonyme qui l'avait précédée (et dont je joins la copie à Votre Majesté) n'avait pas laissé de m'intriguer : se présentant comme le compte-rendu des débats provoqués par l'offre de ma démission (laquelle, Votre Majesté en conviendra, ne pouvait pas ne pas suivre la susdite incartade) il laissait en effet entendre que Votre Majesté ne se bornerait pas à la refuser, mais me confierait en outre une mission de renseignement ! Comme si le Royaume ne disposait pas d'un réseau d'espions aussi discrets qu'aguerris et se voyait soudain contraint d'exposer ouvertement ses diplomates !
Ainsi, alors que déjà m'avait alerté l'erreur commise par ce Ghost of Atys quant à l'identité de la Serae protagoniste de l'incident prétendument signalé à Votre Majesté par Aniro Karin (de fait, c'est Filirae Aylia qui ce jour là à Fairhaven fut prise à partie, non Serae Ayala), je le soupçonne désormais de tout bonnement travailler à semer la zizanie entre les Nations d'Atys. Et ce pour le compte d'Akilia Tempête de Cendres, vu qu'une telle zizanie pourrait bien, devrait-elle perdurer, donner bientôt dans le Nexus Mineur le champ libre aux Maraudeurs… ce qu'à Jena ne plaise !

Matis Aiye !
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassadeur de Votre Majesté auprès de la Fédération de Naw Trykoth


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