Tradable Eggs and Tokens
Yes, between toons
Atys: Callysto, Gidget, Michalis, Momokohy, Zatalyz
5 (1)
No, they are mine
Atys: Elke, Lapetus, Sinvaders, Yuboslaughter
4 (2)
Yes with a Civilization Merchant
Atys: Khandoma, Michalis, Moyaku, Zatalyz
4 (1)
Andere 0
Sich enthalten 2

#1 [en] 

This is probably a frivolous post but it would be great if we could trade eggs and tokens with other toons. I have literally over 45,000 tokens that will collect dust from now until eternity because I do not gamble (neither in-game nor real life) and it would be great if we could trade between toons.

If we could not trade between toons, maybe we could trade with Civilization merchants for crystals, picks or potatoes...

Any thoughts?

#2 [en] 

Why would you just not enjoy the silliness of a simple wheel? Is this really considered gambling if no money was used to purchase the tokens? Is your subscription considered payment but free toons can play as well?

#3 [en] 

Why would you just not enjoy the silliness of a simple wheel?

Not all of us enjoy the same things. I'm pretty sure I do many things you would find boring, if not outright stupid. I feel that "Personal preference" is all the explanation that is needed.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#4 [en] 

Possibility to sell or exchange generic materials would be nice too. I win a lot in wheel/OOC event but I don't have utility of all, and it can help friend who want improve their craft.

#5 [en] 

Sounds good. Initially. Until you think about the impact on the game at large IMHO:

Trading tokens destroys the economy and makes leveling your twinks crafting easy as pie for all the universal mats you get, or zigs and apartement stuff.

Same goes for trading those universal mats directly. They are totally overpowered already by using NO space and NO weight at all - and can be hoarded into oblivion. Making them thus tradable, half the chars would gain instantenously a few master crafters (as the high-level chars have spare uni mats which they cannot use any longer) and devalue that feat (more) than already with the plenty available universal mats due to plenty available jetons.

Trading eggs: they are a reward for you that you played. Making them tradable is making them a twink-farmable boost for your char. Not good either for balancing. Currently you really had to play your char for quite a bit during special events like Christmas or Easter in order to get a good supply of advantegous eggs to last for the time between events. Making them tradable, I can play the event with 4 chars concurrently, and have 4x as many available for my main char, to go unharmed through all regions and get an extra boost in PvP.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Elke (vor 3 Jahren)


#6 [en] 

Good feedback – what about just trading the tokens in to the civilization merchants? Civilization points do the same thing, you can purchase crystals, potatoes, and picks – if the wheel provides similar then I see no real reason why not – my current civilization points between the 4 civs totals close to 2 million but I rarely use them for anything. My main objective is to just find a practical use for these tokens (other than gambling), otherwise; I will end up having more than the server itself…

#7 [en] 

Good feedback – what about just trading the tokens in to the civilization merchants? Civilization points do the same thing, you can purchase crystals, potatoes, and picks – if the wheel provides similar then I see no real reason why not – my current civilization points between the 4 civs totals close to 2 million but I rarely use them for anything. My main objective is to just find a practical use for these tokens (other than gambling), otherwise; I will end up having more than the server itself…

Yeah, I don't see a big problem in being able to sell these items to NPC merchants (whomever that may be in detail. Could be civilisation merchant, or maybe even other NPCs dedicated to certain special items:
* Tokens to the Gubani for some direct cash (after all he also sells them)
* Eggs to a museum-for-oddities or a some to-be-invented NPC buying strange things (maybe also apparement stuff)


#8 [en] 

I don't see any problem in making an 'easy' craft master because of the potatoes, because it's still grindy as f, and the potatoes being tradable is just an indirect of making masters 'easier', ryzom is an old game it needs to improve something, it's stuck in the gutter when it comes to the leveling experience, grindy and long, when other games have added things for new players to catch up ryzom is still stuck with that old fashioned whacking and crystal blasting way of leveling.

"oohh but ryzom isn't any other game bla bla bla" -yeah, that's why new bloods would be active for a few months and then suddenly vanish, now all that's left are the old players again.

believe me, I don't like how other games went about how the new players would catch up, but I think making potatoes tradeable isn't the worst thing that could happen to ryzom.



#9 [en] 

@Dullahan --- thanks :)

#10 [en] 

Dullahan all that's left are the old players again...

I do not see myself to be an old player. If you want to turn Ryzom into something else, well...
- why should I stay when the game will change things I do like on it?
- why should Ryzom change at all when I obviously look for other game mechanics I can get elsewhere?

#11 [en] 

what other machanics? tradeable potatoes?
you can leave whenever you want no one is trying to convince you, same thing happened with the alt purge, players lost time and money on those characters and they're still here, how bad can a tradeable potato be for you to leave? you're talking like tradeable potatoes is the worst thing that could happen to ryzom.

3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Dullahan (vor 3 Jahren)



#12 [en] 

I do not see myself to be an old player. If you want to turn Ryzom into something else, well...
- why should I stay when the game will change things I do like on it?
- why should Ryzom change at all when I obviously look for other game mechanics I can get elsewhere?

Considering how you have tried to change game mechanics to enforce your self-imposed restrictions on others, you really might want to reconsider. Possibly recant. 

And yes, you are an old player. So am I. No shame in that.

Zuletzt geändert von Gidget (vor 3 Jahren)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#13 [en] 

Good day everyone, and thank you for your feedback. I believe what was lost towards the end of this post-chain is that I just wanted an avenue for exchanging these tokens for something of value – or at the very least, be able to give them to someone who actually gambles. I am not standing on a high moral soapbox with regards to gambling – what toons do with their mental down-time is up to them but if we can trade these in for faction points, crystals, potatoes or picks is all that I am interested in because once the holidays come around or another event – I easily see myself obtaining another obscene amount tokens and over the next 2 years or so of events at my present rate, I will have more tokens than the actual server. My reasons for not gambling are personal and maybe not hard to figure out why, but I believe that if this is going to cause a train wreck, then best to forget and move on – my motto in life is; "Life is simple, unpredictable, and beautiful but always remember that even though something ends, something new begins, so take a deep breath and move on."

#14 [en] 

Considering how you have tried to change game mechanics to enforce your self-imposed restrictions on others, you really might want to reconsider. Possibly recant.

Name something specific. Or you mix my opinions with my real work for Ryzom again?

#15 [en] 

Good day everyone. I believe that we have veered off course and that there is no resolution for this (or more specifically my) dilemma.

Maybe one day we will be able to discuss this topic again, but based upon what I am reading, I have my doubts.

I will no longer follow this post, and I thank everyone for their constructive, invaluable feedback

Zuletzt geändert von Zatarga (vor 3 Jahren)

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