Devrions-nous l'implémenter ?/Should we implement it ?
Atys: Balkhog
Atys: Dale, Djiper, Dorothee, Karistof, Plerikos, Sor
6 (1)
Atys: Jorgensen
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Sich enthalten 1

#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | [English]

I think it would be judicious for a game known to have a good community to implement a feature that forces 2 people to be in the friend list in order to exchange private messages. With the exception of the CSRs and the animation team who can /tell anyone. A feature that would be suitable not only in game but also on Rocket Chat.

Here's how it would work in practice : if a player wants to /tell another player, he has to send an invitation to join his friend list. If the acceptance is made, both players will have each other in their friend list and will be able to exchange private messages. If he refuses or as long as he doesn't accept, the players won't be able to exchange private messages but will still be able to communicate through the chat channels (unless they are both in the ignore list).

So there will be a list that lists the invitations to join the friend list (with the usernames of the players requesting), in which we can imagine another feature to automatically cancel an invitation that is too old. And an invitation spam filter. We can even add a feature that allows us to add a comment to the invitation : "Hello I am Balkhog, a high level player and I would like to add you as a friend to help you" - "Hi I'm Balkhog's alt, add me please !". We can also imagine a feature to temporarily hide or refuse invitations in case of spam.

PS : I have an even better idea ! This feature could be personal, decided to be activated or not by each player ! :P
An option which can be checked : "Only my friends can send me a message"

7 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Balkhog (vor 3 Jahren)

#2 [en] 

most of my /tells are 1 time, if not (meaning regular) i will have added them to friends for easy access.

what you are proposing will create many needless actions:
Removal of contacts to keep the list manageable and/or not burrow my actual friends.
Every tell will have a significant slowdown (add > wait for accept > tell > finally get to the point).

while actual anti-harassment is already only 1-2 actions, you want to create many more actions for the things not involved in that purpose.


#3 [fr] 

Est-ce que tu croisé un vrai harcèlement en jeu ? À ma connaissance, c'est assez rare. Mais si c'est le cas, il y a déjà quelques outils pour ça :

- Utiliser la blocklist, sans aucun remord, c'est fait pour ne pas avoir à subir les gens pénibles (et éviter de s'énerver sur eux, ce qui n'arrangerait rien)
- Utiliser l'une des commandes listées ici : son_statut_en_ligne . Elles te rendront "invisibles" pour de potentiels harceleurs (impossible de savoir si tu es co ou pas, à moins que tu aie la personne en face de toi ou que tu cause sur les canaux publiques).
- Contacter le support, ils ont les moyens de trouver les trublions et de discuter de ce qui se passe, avec potentiellement des sanctions si cela s'avère nécessaire. Une personne qui se comporte mal avec toi peut le faire avec d'autres, donc alerter la modération permet qu'il y aie une action plus efficace pour le plus grand monde.

L'échange de contact comme préalable à toute discussion privée me semble peu adaptée à Ryzom. Il y a des gens avec qui je cause en MP le temps d'un event, je ne vois pas forcément l'intérêt d'en faire des contacts durables dans le temps et encombrer ma liste d'amis (sauf si on se retrouve souvent à jouer ensemble). À l'inverse, papoter en MP sans contrainte me permet de dire "merci" à quelqu'un qui m'a soigné quand j'étais AFK et que je n'ai plus dans la zone, me permet aussi de demander "c'est rp ou hrp notre rencontre ?" (ce que je considèrerais comme stupide en alentours et encore plus dans un canal région/univers...), à demander des précisions à quelqu'un par rapport à un truc dit en Univers, et autres petites phases de socialisation qui ne demandent pas d'entamer une relation durable et n'ont pas besoin de s'exhiber en public.

J'ajouterais que pour moi, mettre quelqu'un dans ma liste d'ami c'est me dire que le jour où je viens passer un coucou *à mes vrais amis*, je peux le faire discrètement (avec  /a showOnline 1) sans avoir à papoter avec des gens que j'ai oublié ; donc pas ce n'est pas une liste où mettre "tout le monde".

#4 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Be aware, as you have noticed, being invisible does not prevent you from receiving /tells in game or on Rocket Chat, it is necessary to specify it. Moreover, it prevents you from getting news from people you might have liked to hear from.

As for the ignore list, it does not prevent receiving messages from unknown alts.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Balkhog (vor 3 Jahren)

#5 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
I have an even better idea ! This feature could be personal, decided to be activated or not by each player ! :P
An option that can be checked : "Only my friends can send me a message"

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Balkhog (vor 3 Jahren)

#6 [en] 

Everyone reading this thread should consider how easy it is for a stalker to actually make your life annoying. Creating a f2p account is .. well, free, and quick.

Getting a stalker banned takes time, involves you gathering proof of the stalking instances etc. And from a technical point of view, the GMs would need to ban the stalker's IP. A lot of people have dynamic IPs, which means to filter out the stalker, an entire range of IP numbers must be banned. It is not something a GM would do lightly. And EVEN THEN, the stalker can use a (cheap) VPN and continue.

So, if you have never been stalked in this game, if you have never been annoyed by a player that repeatedly talks stupid AT you and about you ... kindly please consider the angle.

I am normally not a fan of deploying technical solutions to human interaction issues, but if Balkhog has issues with a stalker, then I understand the need. A stalker is closer to a spam machine than to a human being that you can talk rationally to.

So, if we have a stalking situation that the GMs cannot handle manually, then I suppose we do need such a filter in place.

Zuletzt geändert von Laoviel (vor 3 Jahren)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..

#7 [en] 


Im fine with his last suggestion as a toggle, but the original is making an annoying situation annoying for everyone else is not a solution.

Zuletzt geändert von Magez (vor 3 Jahren)


#8 [en] 

most of my /tells are 1 time, if not (meaning regular) i will have added them to friends for easy access.

what you are proposing will create many needless actions:
Removal of contacts to keep the list manageable and/or not burrow my actual friends.
Every tell will have a significant slowdown (add > wait for accept > tell > finally get to the point).

while actual anti-harassment is already only 1-2 actions, you want to create many more actions for the things not involved in that purpose.
I see the potential. Yet arguably, many interactions (at least for me) are also with people not on the friend list. Like one sees a request for rez in the region channel and then talks to the person directly, asking for invite or so. That goes also especially for new players who might ask for some assistence in universe channel or so; sometimes things are easier explained in private than spamming universe or requiring to actually teleport for more details The requirement to "add me to friend list etc" all in public channel would add more private conversations to the public channels.Is the ignore-list and addint harrassing players a solution to your problem? Also, I'm very much convinced that the CSR will be happy to hear and see any evidence of harrassment and will take actions accordingly.If harrassement really is an issue, and there needs to be the possibility to agree to personal communication from people outside my friendlist, I'd definitely like to have the possibility to turn that off and receive private messages from anyone who cares or dares to contact me.


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