Should the following be implemented:
Storage Chests
Atys: Alassea, Aleeskandaro, Bucshotz, Canillia, Crailus, Divinesoul, Dukenono, Elvanae, Firstdo, Gisli, Jenn, Jorgensen, Lamda, Learrell, Omer, Sienn, Tgwaste, Valerof, Virg, Yaandor
20 (3)
GH access
Atys: Alassea, Aleeskandaro, Bazett, Bucshotz, Canillia, Crailus, Divinesoul, Dukenono, Elvanae, Firstdo, Gisli, Jenn, Jorgensen, Lamda, Learrell, Omer, Sienn, Tgwaste, Valerof, Virg, Xolstios, Yaandor
22 (3)
Packer access
Atys: Bazett, Bucshotz, Divinesoul, Dukenono, Elvanae, Firstdo, Gisli, Jorgensen, Lamda, Learrell, Omer, Sienn, Tgwaste, Virg, Yaandor
15 (3)
DPS Dummy
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bucshotz, Crailus, Divinesoul, Dukenono, Elvanae, Firstdo, Gisli, Jorgensen, Lamda, Learrell, Nathanel, Omer, Sienn, Tgwaste, Virg, Yaandor
17 (3)
Armour/Weapon Racks
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bazett, Bucshotz, Canillia, Divinesoul, Dukenono, Elvanae, Firstdo, Gisli, Lamda, Learrell, Milam, Omer, Sienn, Tgwaste, Valerof, Virg, Yaandor
18 (3)
Atys: Heernis, Jenn, Lamda, Yuboslaughter
воздержаться 1

#1 [en] 

With the change (hopefully) being implemented with limitations to alts, some of the concerns raised have been regarding storage. It has already been said that there will be no increase to GH storage but what would be a really nice change would be storage options on Guild Islands. This would make them actually have some value in the game (and should be implemented regardless of alt restrictions or not).

So I propose the following changes to Guild Islands:

Storage Chests:

The ability to make different types of storage chests i.e weapons, materials, equipment. These would be nameable and placeable within the Guild Island, letting players have different caches such as "Grinding Gear", "PVP weapons" and "q250 dug mats". Access level can be set on a chest-by-chest basis by Guild Rank, allowing for example Officers to access the Grind Gear cache.

In order to make them, I would propose a material & dapper requirement. There could be different requirements based on a few different bulk options (and maybe a cheaper quality-restricted options) and would give guilds tasks of collecting materials from dug mats to plod mats (encoruaging guild plod teams etc). These Storage Chests should take a decent amount of time to gather up the materials for.

GH Access:

Alongside the storage chests would need to have a guild-hall chest where you access the GH inventory, otherwise this makes the storage chests just another location to have to run and get mats. Crafting of this chest can be done in a similar manner to the Storage Chests.


With their being more storage options would be great if you could take your mount & packers into the island helping move materials to and fro. Not sure if you can already do this tbh and it isn't essential as you can still put items in via the GH chest, but would be nice to have still.

DPS Dummy:

Would be really nice to have a DPS checker in the game. One that you could pick a player level to represent (affecting dodge/parry etc) and place equipment on. As you attack it, it starts logging and recording DPS.

Armour/Weapon Racks:

Moving away from the useful and into the asthetic here, would be nice if you could have an armour rack you could place equipment on (similar to the dps dummy) but just for visual purposes.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

good ideas. i like anything that gives more stats and makes things more organised. I don't think guild islands currently work though. they didn't last week anyway

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jorgensen (4 года назад)

#3 [en] 

1.  For thew first 4  ... doesn't mention whether this involve increasing GH storage overall .  Have a hoarding concern here.

2.  As above .. , What happen to GH ?  Island to replace GH ... could make separate Buildimgs for Weapons, Armors, grind mats, special mats ... whatever ya want ... what do we need a GH for then ?

3.  As for Item, 5 looks like it would be useful for soime ... personally have no interest in it .... but, Im of the uncommon mindset that if it doesn't negatively impact me, glad to see others something that is useful to them.

6.  The last item is a form of something I have recommended in the past.   We have lots of fun things from events that are kept for notalgic purposes ... one shouldn't be burdened bu bulk for their event related weapoins and armor such as their punkin helmet, Haloween Scythe or my extensive lingerie collection of wheel rewards .  USing the GH teleportrs, guildies could examine ones collection w/o impacting bulk in any way


#4 [en] 

Thanks Jorge- I can get into ours but a guildy had trouble today getting in so not really sure myself.

1) The devs already responded during the RF meeting that they wouldn't increase GH storage. This is added additional storage within the Islands. GH limit doesn't stop people from hoarding anyway, they just use alt GHs. This is adding a different way of storing additional items in a more RP-context, instead of logging in and out alts.
2) GHs are still quicker to pop into than Guild Islands as the entrances for islands are outside cities. So when wanting to grab something just from GH invent people will still go into the GH.

Last edited by Virg (4 года назад)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [fr] 

Si on pouvait enfin inviter des gens dans les îles ET les GH aussi...

Concernant le lien île-GH je suis pour, bien que je ne vois pas trop comment le justifier sans portail magique, ou alors abandonner la porte en ville pour déplacer le GH sur l'île (et inversement au cas où) moyennant finance, comme un déménagement.

edit : j'ai oublié de dire que même sans mob, les îles ont un énorme potentiel RP. Pour moi ça devrait être une priorité de permettre les invitations.

Last edited by Dukenono (4 года назад)


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#6 [fr] 

Concernant le lien île-GH je suis pour, bien que je ne vois pas trop comment le justifier sans portail magique, ou alors abandonner la porte en ville pour déplacer le GH sur l'île (et inversement au cas où) moyennant finance, comme un déménagement.

Si depuis un OP, on peut acceder à son GH pourquoi pas depuis les îles de guildes?

#7 [fr] 

ca serait cool de le traduire en Francais...

mais il me manque trop de trucs...

que signifie:

  • Grind Gear ?
  • plod mats
  •  plod team
  •  DPS
  •  "Would be really nice to have a DPS checker in the game. One that you could pick a player level to represent (affecting dodge/parry etc) and place equipment on. As you attack it, it starts logging and recording DPS."
  • ?

Last edited by Jenn (4 года назад)

#8 [fr] 

Concernant le lien île-GH je suis pour, bien que je ne vois pas trop comment le justifier sans portail magique, ou alors abandonner la porte en ville pour déplacer le GH sur l'île (et inversement au cas où) moyennant finance, comme un déménagement.

Si depuis un OP, on peut acceder à son GH pourquoi pas depuis les îles de guildes?

Oui, je trouve ça bizarre aussi, non ?

Je sais très bien que c'est pratique pour les guerres d'OP...


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#9 [en] 

Oui, c'est pas tres coherent ... mais si on peut utiliser cette incoherence pour justifier l'acces au GH depuis les iles de guildes, je ne dirais pas non !

#10 [en] 

And now that I'm thinking about it.
Maybe they can also implement mission to recruit PNJ's for guild island. And those PNJs will handle the extra-storage mentioned in the first post. (I'm raising this point because it can be a use for the so called guild points).

#11 [en] 

OK... je vois que chacun lit ce qu'il peux et surtout qui il veux...

Ben je vous laisse vous tapper réciproquement, hein...


Quand vous serez 10 super clickeurs, tous 250, vous aller bien rigoler, entre vous D



#12 [en] 

Grind gear: gear for lvling (in contrast with PvP gears that), example: chest for crap stuff and one for good stuff
Plod mats/plod team: mats won by fighting mobs (such as ploderos)
DPS: damage per second

#13 [en] 

I vote Other.

1) Fix known issues first
2) Complete not finished features
3) Improve scene management

Then we can dream about something else.

About visitors, while there are two entry points you can place it is still planned, AFAIK. About GH access, it basically works but is not used because of bugs, IMHO.

If I remember correctly, there is a big question about rights. GI mixes various guild ranks with external visitors, not talking about special cases like when you are kicked out of / accepted to a guild while being on GI, and it must be solved somehow. But ask developers if they have a final solution.

I would also like us not to stick up with Guild Islands but continue on development of the SE itself. I would like to be able to compose something more complex then just a scene setting.

#14 [de] 

Zuerst sollten diese verdammten alten Fehler gefixt werden:

  • Falsches Tell-Fenster, wenn ein Team-Mitglied im Team ausloggt und man jemand Neues einlädt
  • Unsichtbare Mektoubs
  • Items können manchmal nicht abgegeben werden bei Missionen...
  • und...und...und...

Diese alten Bugs gehen mir mehr auf die Nerven als der Platz in der Gildenhalle oder dieser dämlichen und idiotischen Diskussion über das Multiboxing.

Wenn diese Fehler gefixt sind, kann man sich auf neue Erweiterungen konzentrieren, aber man macht alles parallel, man überfordert sich und nichts läuft wirklich gut. Es sind einfach zu viele unterschiedliche Baustellen und irgendwas bleibt dann immer auf der Strecke.

Ein Spendenaufruf, um noch einen Entwickler auf Zeit einzustellen, der sich explizit um diese scheiß Bugs kümmert, wäre zum Beispiel angebracht.

Und sorry, aber es nervt einfach nur.


Nicht klicken!

#15 [en] 

Thanks for the translating Sin. The idea of using NPC/PNJs to handle such storages is a nice one. What if you could pay to have different NPCs in the Guild Island, including some like skill trainers that can be found in the cities? For the storage crates, you would pay to have the NPC that would then give you the options to make different storage crates using materials/guild points?

Moniq & Heernis, I understand there are different bugs that you would like to see prioritised, but the dev team is made up of different individuals and the person who might make this idea may not be able to fix those bugs- so prioritising bugs doesn't always work. As for improving the scenographic editor, it sounds nice but in reality there is no point improving it until there are reasons to go inside it. Once Guild Islands have a purpose and people visit them, then there can be improvements made to it.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Среда, 8 Мая 02:25:04 UTC

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