Mutual Mac


#1 [en] 

Just wondering if I'm the only one having problems with this. I am using Ryzom on a Mac downloaded from the Apple store. Just recently, I have no time credits appearing on my self heal (life, sap, and stamina) spells. All other spells are fine. I have tried redownloading both my OS and Ryzom program from the Apple store but nothing has changed. When I log on to Ryzom with a borrowed windows computer it works fine.
Has anyone else had this problem?

#2 [en] 

Has anyone else had this problem?
It seems that appstore version has not received apple blessing and so has not been updated (use /version command). Standalone version from ryzom website should be up-to-date.



#3 [en] 

Just wanted to note that downloading Ryzom from the Apple link on the website and deleting the Apple Store version did in fact solve this problem (and some others) for me. Thank you to the players who directed me toward this solution.

#4 [en] 

Problem Soved / Problème Résolu

Última edición por Heli (4 años hace)


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Last visit sábado 27 julio 02:54:07 UTC

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